WHMTY PREEPRESS; WFDNESDAY,-FEBRUAIW 28, 1990, PAGE 31, Sewage, puinping station approved for -nà rthwest ýWhitby Despite a location in an area prone. to flooding, a sewage pumjing station hs been. appro- ved or northwest Whiby Town council Mndajy granted Durham Region permssion to build a pumping station at the northwest corner of Rossland Rd. and Cochrane St. Even though the site is located in the Lynde rek floodplain, council supported the Region's request. Elowever, counciflor Dennis Fox questioned the wisdonx of council's decision. "Is it common practioe to locate a sewage plant in a floodplain in other municipalitiesr" asked Fox. - It doesn't make sense*. Aren't there other areas more suitable?» May or Bob Attersley said the station must be located in that speclficareate allow for linldng9 Three times- lucky The 24th day of the m'onth is a special one for a Bowinanville cou p le. Aa-n Rose, 45, sup ervisor mechanie at Nurse Chev Olds in Whitby, and Joanne Myers, 39, pickeY up $211,410 as second pzewinners in the Feb. 24 Ltte 6-49 draw. On Aug. 24, 1988, Rose and Myers, insurance- broker at Arthur Wright Insurance in Osh- awa, won $120,915 in the Lotte 6/49. On June 24, 1976, the two -won $10 00 in Wintario. TIiey purchase about 10 te 15 tickets for each draw. Bantams. fait behind'Napane with existing water mains.- Hie added that the Central Lake ï,Ontario Conserystion Authority(CLOCA) i& -satis'fied that ail environmental safe- guards were being met. In a'report te council, plannng staff saidf CLQCA had indicated the station is being designed te meet provincial- Ministry of Environment standards and te pfrevent posible contamination of the creek. -<-ouncillor Joe. Druinm -s9aid -CLOCA gave its final approval te, the projeet last week and that both-Region and Town, sta.ff have ap2roasvedit va from al the experts." said Drurnm. "This has been in the inalcing for five years, let's get on with it.»ý Two workshops offered TWo. workshops are 0 being offered by the Family Education Resource Centre at Durham House. "Understanding children's niisbehavior" will be held at Durhamn House on Monday, March 5, '1990 fr-om 7-9pm. The cstis $8. "Anger" is a two session workshop which will explore "how te choose, change anca use emotions to enrich our lives" and how to let anger be your emotional advisor'. It will bc. held at the FACE Centre in Plckering on -Wed. March 7 & 21, 7-9pnx. The cost is $16. To register for eéther workshop, cail the Resource Centre at 686-4353 or 579-2021., Whitby Precision Litho Ic. bantam B hockey team has advaniced te the next round of playoffsafe two convincing vic- torne oer icering., The Bs finished t he'best-of-five series with three wins, one loss and a tie. The series started Feb.- 5 in Pickering where WItby could only muster mals by Trevor Stenning and MarÎk Scholtes in a 5-2108ss. I the second game at home, the Wihitby. squad, faced with multiple injuries and suspen- sions played Pickeringf to a 2-2 ti.4à len Roberts and-Stenning were the goal-getters for Whitby The third game, back in Piek- erngf, started off inuch like the weekbefore with Pickering get- Whitby house leagLie hockey PEEWBE Fol,. 18 Fmnklin'a 0 Chockas var. s Jasoax Cunningham 3 Stophe» [alcade Myles Woodnan Whit.FPirefight. 0 WhIt.Oputinlt 4 Joshua Thompo2 Keith Haws Kein Clarke KlngLljoyd'% 2 Andrew Ashhoo 2 Roy'k Entreprise 1 Kevin limnkllde Dodd & Bouter 2 A"amThampea. Kenneth Matthews Blado'. Custom» 2 Martn Duw» Doug eares ATOEK Fol,. 18 SvRI Contraci. 7 Clinten Sivitilli 3 Nicholai Rue 2 Matthew Wilson Stephen Mace WhiL MKnansen1 Graham McMurtrie Speody Muffllcr Jeree»y Lawso»3 Tyler Derka Psul Fergunon id&"reySmith Shutout . Tas» Lawame Checker'aVar. 3 Brent Lazay 3 National Trust 4 M. Bobertaca3 Tony Chiafo Provincial Signa O T Cannon 4 Duifs Towing Shawn Twigger 2 Brian Nelo» 2 &. Caznenzui Iany Urtiaga Jef SIcan The Brick 3 Darrl McClinton 2 Stephen Matthewa itby Audio James Griere JeflMacileun BANTAU Fcb. 17 Brook. Concret. Marc Vieconti 3 Scott Clyde Fd,. 18 H &B Signa Cam PoLand Jona, Deuka Whit. Mmnme» 8 Roxbie St. Pierre 3 Muke Banks Chris Lindgrs Mke Hoe»e Cng MWmke David Cambe 4 Scotia Bunk 4 John Renedon 2 Chris Powell Toby Fennaey 2 Scofia Bank 1 Sixawn MacDoald Pro Bea6tng 1 Dmre»Partridge ting two goals before the game was even two minutes old. Howe- ver, startinq niidway through the second period,- the Whitby Bs began te, recover from the dol- drums and regai thefr offensive abilities te ede Pickering 6-5, led by four goals from Jift Thorne and sin gles from Scott Jensen and MikeiBrillinger. Brillinger's game-winning gKoal came with only three seconds ieft ini the game. This win tied the series and set the stage for a p air of games on* the weekend of Feb. 17. The Précision Litho Bs blis- tered- Pickering with 17 goals while cruising to 8-2 and 9-4 victeries on Saturday and Sun- day, respectively. Saturday's shootera were Roberts, Thorne MAJOItSQUI~R Fol,. 18 TmWhy Houa 7 Whit. Dodgs Ian Hayward 3 Adam, Balan Gauy Kitamura 2 James Hinkom Jonathan Lantord Backford SEvlc. 3 David IL 3 Pio Basting &. Fanpuarso2 Chais Atkcinao Ewingol 3 Whit.Optimist 3 AdmPeaud 2 Michaël Morrison 2 Bse. chrtac Jamo» Payman IMOR NOVICE Fol,. 17 McTeugus loc. 3 Whit. Kname» 2 Ken Towie 2 Nick Cowan 2 Erik St.ve»am Dom'. Auto 4 Siowca.a Vide 1 Jarod Brown Brian Witruk Matthew Fortier &en »Harrn%tm Andrew Holmea NINoasqIJIr Fol,. 18 NsR5Rly la B. Van Homme» 4 Tommy Ricica 4 Mka KubiMnaki3 Ian Witruk 2 DannyCaird 2 Jeffery Meek Klim Crooch Wylearriam Mattbav fircok Kyle Lirnkile Nicholea Beaalq Kyle Dodoworth Juai» GI!.. Masterfledroogn 3 Andrew Greener 3 6Speedy Auto Adam Velacich Bexrjamin Stanton Mfichael Pugh Square Btoy 3 Roy's Entreprise 6 Ryan Mattewa 2 Matthew Taylor 3 Chria Bison Daime Dainsard Ryan Park MAJOR NOVICE Fol,. 16 Whit. Optimiata 1 Chria Mooy Brocok. Kinamen 6 Michael Mclvor 3 Pauli Gra.ham 2 Shannon Fhm" Boa»e & Rwo Shawn Hnatko 2 Chria RPed Derek Bradbury AI=» Strgnell Ba2net plastics Jef Hayes Luka Pbwer Damrl Chalmers David Stratti MinGuvKNB. Fol,. 18 Jim Davidien 5 Chrisi ovlie 3 Ju]iui Ciereyg J. Fot. Whit. Pros P 7 Chuis Ainuwoth 3 Scott Sarinie» 2 Mark 013 Rod" md& Gua Brown Jamis Brohm 3 Henry Kaeta 2 Xun Capso» 2 Bruan munr Kavin Duncan JefWhit. Steve Wuxg PetoeLsng and Clayton Stillar each with a pair of goals. Brillinger and Dave S ilva each scored once.. Stillar sparkled again on Sun- day, scoring I four times. Thiorne coninued with his scoring teuch adding antherp air of goals. Silva aiso added a couple of niarkers and Todd Huether roun- ded out the scoring with bis first goal of the season. Starting their next round cf playoffs this. last weekend agaist Napanee, the bantamis faced a better prepared and well- disciplined team in losing a pair cf gaines by the identical score cf 6-2. I Saturday's loss in Napanee, Scholtes and Thorne scored the Whitby goals. Sunday saw Silva and Brul- linger score the lone Whitby go ais. Goalies Jamie Organ and Brian MacGregor each faced in exoess cf 40 shots ini ea.ch df their games. The third gane im this series is in Napanee on March 3. -Seleets reach tourney final The Harvey Mintz major atem selects participated ini t he Agin- court Canadians annual Valen- tine tournament Feb. 10, il and 17, 18, the teain coming up just short in the chanipionship game. The fnrat gaine was a convinc- ig10-0 victory over the Scar- borough City Cougars. The next two games were aainst Union- ville Selects and West Hill, and the scores were 3-2 and 4-3, respetively. Techampionship game was against Scarborough Malvern and the final score was 3-2. The Whitby teani reached the championship finals- in three teurnaments this season with orie win. The next tournament for Wiitby will be the Scarborough City 9%t Cougars sixth annual Civitan Invitational, March 2, 3 and 4. - 3 bedroom house located in Whitby: quiet court location 5 appliances -window coverings NO REAL ESTATE FEES $1799900 Cali 432-3877 or 430-8770 LAKE ONTARIO JI5CUTEEL COMPANY. _____________HOPKINS ST. S.*, WHITBY Whitlb ASC TON MINOR LACROSSE Day Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday R EGISTRATION Date Time Location Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 6:0Op.m. ta 7:0Op.m. 9:30a.m. ta 2:OOp.m. 6:00P. m. to 9:00P. m. 9:30a.m. to 2:0Op.m. 6:OOp.m. to 9:OOp.m. 9:30a.m. ta 2:0Op.m. 6:0Op.m. ta 9:OOp.m. 9:30a.m. ta 2:0Op.m. traquais Park traquais Park Chitdren's Arena Children's Arena Broaklin Arena Braaklin Arena traquais Park Iroquois Park NO MAIL-IN REGISTRATIONS WILL BE DONE THIS YEAR JUST A REMINDER THAT AGE DIVISIONS IN LACROSSE ARE AS FOLLOWS -FOR BIRTHDAYS IN 1990: Paperweight Tyke Novice Pee Wee Bantam Mi dget Juvenile! Intermediate 4-6' 7&8 9&10O 11&12 13&14 15&16 Years Old Years Old Years OId Years OId Years OId Years.OId 17 Years And Over REGISTRATION FEES FOR 1990 SET AS FOLLOWS: HAVE BEEN PAPERWEIGHTS -'$20.00 OTHER PLAYERS - $60.00 FAMILY RATE - $1 50.00 LATE REGISTRATION, FEE - $1 0.00 ~PLAY LACROSSE- YOU'VE GAUGHT THE FUN, PASS'ITON