WIUIIJ3r MFR WESS, WED)NERDJ4Y, PEBRUARY 21, 199,PAGE 41 £~A~CTI~NSI ~ CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN. FR1.-FEB. 2l AT 6 P.M. The praporty 0of Mr.' ART WEADICK of *Rosedale. French provincial chesterfiold and chair, French provincial caftes and end tables, 3-pioco modern bedroom' suite, rot inished pins icebax, flat ta wall cupboard, Filter Queon vacuum, 8-piece modern walnut dining roam sute <6 cane back chairs), table and carner china cabinet, wash stands, walnut end tables, 'child captain's' chairs, antique chests of drawers, et inished 2-pioce fiat ta wall cupboard, quantity of bedding, linons, camnival glass, depression glass and collectible Rtems. DON AND GREG CORNEIL RR # 1 LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 AUICTION SALE, "KAHN COUNTRY AUCW IONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m*. located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of H-wy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellelt selectio n of ant . ques, fine furnitume, glass, 'China, 1collectibles, primi- tives, and the u nusuals. So join uý' every Wed. and participate inone of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs 'or reserves. "Con- signment & estate selling our specialty". Cali us today. PrevieWs from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 You've thought about it and -thought about it. Now do Ri Become a SIG BROTHER today. Phone 579-2551. A&DURHAM REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY t AN AGENT FOR THE MINISTRY 0F HOUSING INVITES SEALED TENDERS FOR:- Lawn & Site Maintenance Linden & Poplar St. Oshawa, Lakeview Ave. Oshawa, 409 Centre St. S. Whitby, 655 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax REFERENCE: DUR T.S. OV90 Tenders wilI b. received for th.e abavo until 1100 a.m. on Thursday Mamch 15, 1990, by the Durham Regianal Housing Authority, 50 Centre Street Sauth, 4th Floor, Rundle Tawem, City-Hall, Oshawa, Ontario, 11H 3Z7, c/o the Housing Manager, from whom details and specifications may be abtained, ar tolephane 434-5011, qluoting Reference. Number as, above. The lawest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RAilTES Please check youradvertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received bef ore deadline) $5 for 20 words; 121C eacb additional word Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 15it each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUII4CEM ENTS 77e~ per agate Une (14 agate uines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaîd, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with barders, pictures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 824 per agate lino minimum size 1lcolumn inch $11.48 (14 agate uines per inch)' DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. ; -f E' s- . .ý . 668-61il-1 b %P 1 ,QL-04 NEFO To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YTIUR NEW aOMMUNITY? 9 foinl-q,) Pne668-6653 Our hostess will b ring gifts and greetings, along with helpful commun ity information.J By Sgt. San4y Ryrie Durham Regiofial Police Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police. are asking for the. publices help in solving a number of break and enters and thefts which have occured at Roy Nichols Motors. in Courtice over the past-fewi months.. On several occasions these premnises on H"y-2 and Courtice' Road have been broken into. On other'occasions, cars and trucks have been stolen and also tires and wvheels-have been taken from parked vehicles. .Break -and enters from premises like these and. thei'heft of vehicles are on ongoing.problem for the police and the community. They cost hundreds of thousands of dollqrs every year. Have you any idea who is responsible? Do you knoW anyone' who bas committed break and enters? Have you been offered property which you think may be stolen? If so,« you can cali Crime Stoppers. Youll neyer be asked for yournamne or have to go to court. There are rewards of up to $1,000 for'information leading to an arrest. The Crime Stoppers.phone number is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). Long distance cail collect. In Durham Region the Crime Stoppers program is supported by ail the local media including 0H00 Radio and CKAR/CKQT Radio. A citizen board administers the Crime Stoppers progranis of which there are now more than 800 in North America. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H MK. Buy now, pay later By Terry Q'Shaughnessy Success 1'u1 business people know when ta cd ttheir losses. And, ta+cng a look at recent polil results whiýh show that more than 70 per cent o the public opposes the 7 per cent Goods and Services Tax, it would seepi that mast Canadians would like the federal government ta do the sage by calling a hait ta the controvers ai GST. Unlike a successfui business, however, i seems the government is determineq ta ignore the obviaus and plough ah ad with the GST. A case in point iý the recentiy announced $14.2-milltin "goods and services working graup" that Finance Minister Michael Wilson hopes will seil the seriously flawed tax. The so-called "working gra.up" wilI be supported by a $7.7-miliion, two-year operating budget, Elind. will spearhead a massive. self-styied "public information campaign" ta "heip" Canadians understand and accept the GST. This campaign wiii have at its disposai an enorrnous $4.5-miiiion advertising budget ta run through' by the end of next month (the fiscal year for the1 govern- ment ends on March 3lst). A further $2-million is slated ta be spent on additional "public information" for the gavernnrrknt's 1990-91 fisçai year. But this initiative is oniy the latest indication from the government that it is removing itself from dialogue with the public. Earlier in the year, ail face-to-face pre-budget consul ta- tions for 1990 were cancelied due ta 'time canstraints' caused by the GST. The government then arinounced that, contrary ta past practice where budget details were available as soon as the budget was brought down, the distribution of budget documents was going té be restrictIed in the regians until the day after budget day (Feb. 20, 1990). And recently in the House of Commons, a visibly rattled and defensive Wilson first slammed John Bulloch, president of the Canadian Federation of Indepenident Business, for his vehemenî apposition ta the. tax and then later admitted that the CFIB is providing valuable informa- tion on smali business concernis with the GST Bullach says that Wilson's public pasturing is just one symptam-of a gavernment under siege. ."It is obviaus that the federal government cannat, and will nat, take any criticism," says Bullach. "They've cancelled the usuai pre- budget consultations with business_ groups. They've restricted distribu- tion of the budget'papers. And they think an advertising campaign will solve the probiemn of the GST. But the» Canadian public already knaws that the GST combined with nine provin- cial retail sales tax regîmes wiil pro- vide the worst sales tax system in the world. An advertising campaign that will insuit aur intelligence as weli ab waste aur money is ciearly 'not acceptable. " The GSI 'public information' campaign is nathing mare than a- siick exercise in public persuasion. And it probably wan't work. The fact of the matter is, Canadians know that if they buy the GSI now, they'li CF/B Feafure Service -a r-., YOUR AD, A4ADE ORDER Get your newspaper ad- veîtising done effective- iy and -inexpensively! 'W'B help you do the en- tire job from theme to cdpy. Cut the cost of your advertising. Cali and talk with one of our representatives today! Whitby Free Press 668-6111~