Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Feb 1990, p. 34

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* - ~ -. - . 1-~* YFRZRIISE9,WEDNFe8DAy, FB U2,19 GIRL GUIDES, (from left) Amianda Murcott, Alison"11 Deane and Laura McGinty were preseinted with ail round carde last week. Presenting the award le I Whitby District Commisioner Shari Steffler.I ..preos. flPhoto roter Tom THE WHITBY Cube, including FIail'viewl.o(1ge. Fm.. m Pot scouts and beavere entertained at Scouts and. guides celebrate By Lina Archer It started over eighty years ago in England and bas encoznpassed the globe. DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUICIPALITY 0F DURHAM IN THE MATTER 0F: The Mun nicipal Act, Sections 298 and 30-1 (R.S.. 1980) TAI4E NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-Iaws authonizing construction of the following projects: Road No. 28/43 Road Name Taunton Rd. Thickson Rd. Rossland Rdi Cochrane St. Westney Rd. Harmnony Rd. Harwood Ave. Townline Rd. Municipalty Pickerinig Whitby Whitby Ajax Oshawa Ajax Oshawa/ Newcastle Scugog Location Taunton/Steeles Connection from west Region Boundary to the west Duffin Creek Bridge and portions west of Reg. Rd. i (B3rock Rd.) Intersection improvements at Nichol Ave. Rosslanid Rd. from Hwy. 12 (Brock St.) to Cochrane St. and Cochrane St. from Rossland Rd. to Bonacord Ave. From Concession 111 Rd. to Reg. Rd. 4 (Tauniton Rd.) Intersection improvements at Hwy. 2 (King St. Intersection improvements at Reg. Rd. 22 -(Bayly St.) From Reg. Rd. 59 (Olive Ave.) to Hwy. 2 (King St.) Upgrading from Lot 1B/19 easterly Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the office of the Chief Design Engineer of the Durharri Works IDepariment, 105 Consumers 'Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his 'or lier land will be prejudicially affected by the b -laws and whol applies on or before Mardli 7, 1990, to the undersigned to be heard at a eeeting of the W, orks Committee on March 13, 1990. DATED at Whitby this 7th day of February,, 1990. I J. AKER WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, W. A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. C0O4MISSIONER 0F WORKS The scouting and' guiding movements, founded respectively by Lord and Lady Baden-Poweil, are alive today and their eistence will b. oelebrated this week and particularly on Feb. 22, the anniversary of both Lord and Lady Baden-Poweil's births. Locally, there will be a parent-son banquet at St. Marks United Church on Thursday, Fe. 22 for the 4th Whitby group and a church parade on Sunday, Feb. 25, also at St. Marks. 3rd Whitby will be holding a church parade and banquet luncheon at Al Saints Anglican Church also on Feb. 25. The. Beavers, Cube, Scouts and Venturers wiil b. joining the. Sparks,* Brownies, Guides. and Pathfinders i a parsonal celebration by wearing their uniforms on Thursday, Foumder's Day. From its- inception, scouting and guiding eisted on ,the. principles of- promise and law. Through these universal concepts, tiie Baden-Poweils sought toi instiil loyalty and responsible development in youth on both a parsonal and society-wide level. The mandate b as not changed over the. years although.. the. program bas been taïloed 'ta reflect the differences *in *toda~' youtii from their great grandparents. REPORF FROWM OITAWA By nom Stevensa mil ici-riding PM Response to my recent il of Duirham residents indicates a niajorit3r believes abortions Xrould be permitted within certain limitations. 0f those constituents who coznpleted the'.qusanafs, per cent felt abortion should be a decision for a Womïan té také in consultation with ber doctor, while 57.3 per cent faLvor having abortions performed at- publicly-funded hospitals. And 58.3 per cent would 11ke to have abortions uniformly available in al partsof Canada. Whle 17.4 per cent are ?ppoeed to, abortions under any circumnstances, 29 per cent beheve they should b. perniitted within legal restrictions, whle an almost equal-proportiîon want no restrictions whatsoever. The abortion r$estionnaire was included in my neéwsletter «'Keeping in Touch, which was distributed last Octâber ta each of the 39,450 households in the federal coeisituency of Durham'. There were 2,130 completed questionnaires returned ta' my Ottawa office. That's a response of 5.4 per cent, somewhat- larger thanmight be expectedfrom a poil conducted tis way. The questionnaire addressed what Il consider Borne of the principal public concerns about abortion., Many residents included. letters erplaixung their views and beliefs in greater detail. Al tlns should be most helpful.,ta me, and I want ta thank everyone who took the tirne ta participate. The' complet. results are given. below. Please note that, because the numbers have been rounded off, in ail cases the percentages may not add up ta 100. QuSmonI luO M 1. Ini your opinion, abortiona uhoUldb. permitted (check one or more) 39.8% 31.4% 17.4% .29.1% 29.2 28.9 W-9 2&.2 to.6 17.0 46.2 13.0 41.8 439 42Z4 40.8 su. lai 3. 57.3 4U. 19.8 2&.0 31.6 314. UB 47.7 LU. 41.8% PUBLIC NOTICE 44/22 " under no circumstance. " wiUi no legal restrictions " only up te, the 22nd week dipregTunn " only when the mother's le. or heath " ln caum et rape or incest 2 Should the federal government enact a law making abortiona uniforl available in ail parts. of Canada? 3. Abortions shud be available "at publicly-fulnded hositala "*n aiwr>tandingclinicu kmro any licenced medcal praetitUoner 4. Abortion ahould be a decimioe *made .olely b7 a wnman * lr airomin t. maian ceaaultticn withber doctS, 5.WSud yoo spmee, t..rict«elimitation oIabortioaa if pregnant vome wen auisted in carfing their chlld t. Miat umirougunélit.& financlal aid, and advice about the avallaility cf adeption? Wrttea Commen.e on .mf 9 ý Mae »Alk

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