Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1990, p. 29

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KIN-SMEN Whitby- Kinsmen meet on alternate Tuesdays at the Dur- hami Squash Club and 'Invite men aged 21 to 45 to loin and provide a few hours o1- service each month to the- community. For more information about membership cail president Mike Barsam at 668-7853 or member- ship chairman, Bryan, Childer- house at 668-5206. LJaies AwudliarY te, begin Branch '112 Whitby will hold thefr monthly euchre, upstairs hall, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby, Thursday, Feb. 15, 8 p.. Admission is $2. Cash prizes, lunch' served, handicapped lf available. DANCE The. annual Bro)okliniWhitby Minor Hockey Auxiliary "50s-and '60s dance dance will b. held on Feb. 17., 8 p.M. te 1 a.n. at Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets are $25 per couple. Cash bar, disc jockey buffet; prizes for best costume. t¶iiktsare available. from auxi*liarY members and from Peacock Sports. ELP FOR vETEAN A Veterans-Affairs Canada will be at the Whitby Legion on Feb. 15 te, answrer questions from veterans and their familles. Vterans or members of thefr families can get- information about pensions, allowances or medical assistance, at the Whitby Legion on Thursday, Feb. 1 15, btween 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Caîl Denis (Miles) Delaney at 668-2730 te, make an appoint- ment. COMPUTER GROUP MEILI Th. next meeting of the Dur- hamnRégion Apple User Group (DRAUG) for owners of Apple il and compatible computers will be held Thurday, Feb. 15, 7 p.m., at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby. A presentation on Apple- works, a word processing, spreadsheet and data base pro- gramn, will b. given. New mem- bers are welcome. For further information caîl 427-8204 or 668- 5022. MEDITATION Classes for meditation will begin ThursdaLy, Feb. 15, 8 te, 10 p.m. Cost is $8 per person. For more information caîl 430-1642. CLUB CENTRAL Club Central will hold a first annversary open house at 110 Ash St. on riday, Feb. 16, 2 te 8 p.m. For more information calI 430-7484. The Kinette Club of Whitby will'hold a craft sale onSunday, Feb. 25, 10 a.m. tà 4:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion. Mon. raised is service revenue which the. club donates te various chari- ties mncluding the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Durham Rap. Crisis Centre, Denise House Shelter, YMCA, Convenant House Cun- Cil on Mind Abuse, 'Qhiby General Hospital Literary Coun- cil and Durham Ï1ouse. LEGAL AiD The Whitby Commumity Xnformation Centre, 405 Dundas St. W., offers a legal aid cinic 7 to 9 p.m. on the second of the month from September to June. There is no charge for the service, available to anyone. Cal 6û8-0552 for more information. Diane Hainre, chairman of Durham ýRegion's health and socal services coMuttee, will be the special guest speaker at the annual general meeting of the, Alzheimer Society of Durham Region on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at Adelaide House YWCA in Oshawa. WII1TY PMI PRESS,ý WEDNESDAY, FEBUARY 14, 1MO, PAGE 29 Coming eventsJ mhe Canadian Club of Durham Region will b. meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, commencing with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Frank Finley, a representative from Atomic Energy of Canada. His address will cover natural radiation, nuclear power and its medical- and industrial WIHTBYAL-ANOrç Does someone in your family drinfk too mnuch? Whitby Friendly .Al-Anon, for family and friends of alcoholics, meetb every Tues- day ' t 8 p.m. at St. Mark's Church House (Byron and Col- borne), Whitby. Alateen, for chul- dren of alcoholics, meets at the same location at 8:15 p.m. VALENTINE DANCE Ladies Auiliary te Whitby Br. 112 will hold their Valentine's sports dance at the legion hall, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby on Saturday, Feb. 17, 9 p.m. te 1 a.m. Music by Ron Moore. Door prizes, spot dances, lunch, refreshinents available. Cost is' $10 per coi4ple. For tickets calI Shirley Hlickà at 668-3215. Art Raffle Big Sisters is holding an art raffle oh Feb. 21 at Robert McLaghln At (allery as a fundrising event. Various art- ists have donated art with a total Of' 15 pieces baing raftled. First prize is a limited edition print titled 'Lce Castles' by Trcia Romance. Tickets are available throughByg Sisters by calling 436-951 Bigisters will b. at Midtwn ailFeb. 14 and- at Oshawa Centre Feb. 17. ickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. I. draw wi11 takep lace Feb. 21 b.tween 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. BREAKFAST CLUBJJ- anniversary session on 1hurs- day, Feb. 15, 7:30 a.nt., at the Old Munich Rtestauranit and Bis- tro, 255 King St. E., Oshawa. For more information caîl 723-1143. COFFEE HOUSE Christian Singles Coffe. House will b. held at Pickering Pente- costal Church, 755 Olahoma Dr., Pickering on Saturday, Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m. Iîor more iniforma- tion call Verna at 728-9720. LA LECITE LEAGUE La Leche. League is ai international breast feeding and taupport group providing women with help and. information on' breast .feeding. There is a local group. which meets* every first Wednesday of each month. For help or more information, cal 723-0542. St. Patrick's Day Dance The Knights of Columbus are holding a St. Patrick's Day Dance at the Knights of Col- umbus« Hall Sat. Mar. 17 at ý8 p.m. ýThbose attending can look forward te good Irish music and good Irish1 stew. , Tickets are $7.50 per person. Caîl Martin Turpin at 430ý-2924 between -9 a.m. and 5 p.m. KofC.Breakfast The Knights of Columbus are holding- a full. hot breakfast at the Kùights of Columbus Hall Sunday Feb. 25,at 10 a.m. Guest speaker is Rev. Ken Campbell from the Way Inn in Toronto. He will b. speaking on pro-if. Tik- ets are $2.50 per person. Cal Martin Turpin at 430-2924 bet- ween9 a.m. and 5 p.1m. JOHANSON LECTURE 'Human, Sexuality Awareness Week' will b. observed by the University Women's Club of Oshawa & District with a lecture by noted sexoloist Sue Johanson on Feb. 14. Her topic is'9 Sexuality through the Lifespan.' Johanson, is a well-known TV and, radio commnentator. Her background is that of professional nursing. In the 70s 'she began te teach sex and sexuaityin the schools and. established a birth control clinic in Don Milîs. She now teaches 3on 5,000 students a year. Johanson will speak at 8:30 p.m. ini the McLaughlin Public iÀbrary LEMGAL AID Information Whitby at 405 Dundas St. offers a legal aid dllnic'from 7 te 9 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month, Septem- ber te Jdune. Tii. service is avail- able te anyone and there is no charge. me dlinic is not intended for mn-depth legal counselling but brief information is provided about legal problems and where te, obtain further, assistance. Cal the centre at 668-0552 or drop by in person te make an appoint- ment. Ii. centre'?s hours are Monday te Friday from 9:30 am. te,ý9 pm. and Saturday fromi-9 a.m. te p.m. Clients receive 9 private and confidential 20- minute appointment with a lawyer provided by the Ontario Cat Showin Pickerxng app1icàtions, nuclear waste and reactod safeéty. All subjects of interest and concern te us in the Durbain. Region. Please come and join us for this moSt interesting program. You are most welcome. For reservations and any further information, please cal Ruth Brooing at 655-4530 or Nancy McNight at 668-4522. The. topic will b. "Eldercare in Durhanm Region in the 1990s" and will focus on the chang nds in the lifestyles of 'the Reionds growing population of senior citizens. As the poplation. ages, greater demands w*llba'placed on community support services and institutional care facilities. The i.anadian [National Cat Club is hosting a Cat Show on Feb. 25 at the Pickering recreation complex,ý 1867 Valley Farm Rd. A special feature is the « Spectatoi9s Choice' where the general public are encouraged te vote for their choice of " Best Cat in Shuw' from the 200 cats that will b. presented. These will feature moet of 'the breeds as well as household pets that wil be. competing in a separate* clam for the. coveted ing and queen crown and cape. The specil coronation ceremony is a highlight of this This show wiil b. open te the public froin 9 a.m. te 5 p.mi. and the cost is $3 for adults, $2 for children and seniors, and a special faniily rate of $8 (2 adults and 2 children). COMPLETE HOME SERVICE by Uimb1C> N E E Docks- FencesSliding Glass Doors-Recreation Rooms-Bars Grant Kevin (416) 649-2454 (418) 666-0655 I9TZGERALD CARPENTRY Gene,3f LTD. i GeeraiCarpentry Additions S I-bme Improvements i Ceramic Tiing Roc Roomsj Dy watt and Painting I16 YEARS IN DURHAM REGION Cali: 8.2554 68-4686. IFOR FREE QUOTATION * CALL IHERB TRAN I 725-6564 SERAN G U H M R G O R OERS 20 YES DAN OLEY- 66- 82 PAINTING & DECORATING Fur.. tiaes o Guraeed Workte CA IL BILL S668-9605 AL'S DRYWALL e Ornamental design ~z/ ceilings e Plaster work a Painting & decorating e General contracting 668-8958 666-1657 S ecotty -AI MI 1 RENOVATIONS/lIMPROVEMENTS E3 A ýS F-E KA EE r4 -117,«-S- E3A -7- H F=IC> CD KA ýS- ID Fi"ýrVV.4% L- L- CEt C-GM CARPENTRY REC RCOMS ADDITIONS HOME IMPROVEMENTS FRAMING OF NEW HOMES 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CALL GORD KING 655-3114 OR 655-8529 ASHBURN 683-6074 4S CANADLAN VLUB Tak on Nuclear Energy AZBE&RSOCy Harneon cagigseniors' lifestyles BRIA N DEEGA N DENT URE -THERA PIST 134 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX Il?, Al show. 1 . ý blil 1

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