Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1990, p. 23

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WHrI!Y FMEEPREfiS WEDNESD)AY, FEB1UARY-14i'199OPAGE 93 Peewees 1o94 The Whitby major peewee AA team sponsored by Guitaxzan Gufitars travelled to Belleville recently for the Shrine Club Tounaent. The peewees ad a very succeeful tournamentr all theway to'the fils lose a cloue final gne to Ottawa West, 8-7. The peewees demolished West Hillinl the first game 14-0. Every skater had at least a part in the gaie, wbile Adamn Clay and Stephen St. Amand shiared the shutout. Brian McRoberts had a great gaine scoring four goals% Wayne Primeau scored three for a bt trick, with Paul Dillon contrlbuting two goals. Adamn Pazrs, Craig -Talent, Gavin Tackney, Brad Lee, and Paul Brook, eaeh scored once. As Andre Marois picked up five WIMh. second ge against Ottawa Valley saw temcontmnue their potent attack, coming away with a 8-2 win. Paul Brooks was bot in the M e acorng three turnes, wbile onad bis second straight two goal gaine. Primeau, tackney and Derek Young rounded out the The third gaine against Burlington was a goaltenders duel, with Wbltbys AMain Clay turninlgin a five gaminit -he ýse squeeker, nets. ka i Brooks and PauillMon each scored over as Wib playe to, a 2-2 draw. Wblitby fec anchored by Mke Hogfan, Mike Wye, and Biyan Bryska, bad a strong gaine. The semi-final gane saw Whtyplay a tough-teain from, Canrdge.. Whitby started slowly falling beblnd 1-O in the first period, before they scored four straight goals to, win the gaine 4-2. Brooks and Dillon continued their fine play with Brooks congtwioe and Dillon once beforen Marois scored the final goal, a empty net effort. The final was a match up with Ottawa. West, and- was an exciting Inewl ch Ottawa won 8-7. Andre MaIais bad a great gaine scoring three tiines - one a short-banded goal. Brooks was bot again with two goals, wbile Derek Young and Pruneau scored once each to round out the scoring. The peewees congratulate Brad Lee of Whitby who was selected moat valuable defenoeman for the tournament. In the WhitbylBéeeille playoff series the teains are tied with one win each. The third gaine je at Iroquois on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. Foston fin ishes first At the Pineridge skating finals i Port Perr last week-end Michelle Dempsey of Osbawa placed fnret hi tbe introductMr visonBri Fotenof Whitby placd frethi he relimlnary ivisin dAde Lawn pla- ced third ln the introductoiy division. Al skaters skate tbrough the Osbawa Skating Club&. Micbelle and Brie will go te tbe eastern finals to be played in Orono this Marcb. ERR SINCLAIR of the Gemini Gymnasties Club is one of the 95 girls thât competed in the qualifying meet Iast Sunday in Oshawa. Those who advanoed qualified for the Metro East Gymnastie team. Whltby Fr.. Prou.. Scott Lmurie photo Study gives bioost to sports fishin g If promoted property sporis fishigcan be a financial boon te Durhain Region, says a new study commissiondby the region's -economie development departmnent. Tltled -the "Durham Regon Sport Fisblng Study", the 230- page document was presented te regionial councillors Iast week. It makes 77 speclfic recommenda- tions on bow te, best promote sport fishig in Durhamn. The studTy notes that sprt fishig is aiready à $70 million industry iDurhamn accouiiting directly for 500 jobs and i- dlrectly for another 250. According te Pat Olive, Dur- baxn's commissioner of econoînic development, the study identifies tbe current state of facilities for fishigi thé region and recom- mends improvenients wbere needed;' He said that wbile Durbamn bas about 100 miles of shoreline both wlthi and on its borders, its potential for sport fishig je not being fully utihized. "The overaîl state of present facllities is fair, theére are some good things and some bad th!kg_"sald Olive. ristance, CLOCA (Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority) is doing good tbings i Bowmanvllle - Port Darlington doesn't need any improvenMents. ><"But i other areas ýf the rn some thigs can be impro- Olive sald the $9,0O study, "a bargain at half the Pre», an off-shoot of the region s terism strategy devised mn 1987, was undertaken durig 1988-89. The study teain recelved a "tremendous amount of imput» from local conservation and sport fishing groupe during pre- paration of th e document. Altbough tbe study doee flot inake s pecific requeste for inoney, Olive eaid many of the reomndations do have a cost. Exainples mclude installing or Improvln, boat launicbing facili- ties, making fiebing accessible te tbe dlsabled and production of a detailed fishing map of Durham ]Region. Olive eaid the next step je formation'J of a task force to over- see the recommendations, because ýa study je only as good as wbat it implements." The.task force wlll likely be comprised of representatives from sprt fishlng groups, con- servati4iautborities> the OntarWo ministry of natural resouroes1land the region.1 A formn';l presentation ýwill be made te regional council later HAlLS HANGS ON Karate heavyweight Steve Halls second place finish in Windsor helped to keep the third Dan blackbelt five points ahead of Malcolm Fisher i overal standings. The third stage of the four tournament Grand Prix system helped Fisher, who finished first, te climb within striking distance of Hails. So the stage is set April 22 i Newniarket for the final tournament. ALthough Fisher and Halls are long time friends there won't be much love lost as the two battle for top'lhonours plus bragging rights. With the second place finish, Halls bas captured a spot for the national chaxnpionships te be held i Whnpeg Halls bas set bis goals on adancng te the World Cbampionships. Only seven competitors will advance te the Worid competition held in Mexico. Halls le marking bis third year- running that be bas competed i the nationals and has a od shot of heading te, Mexico ln October. Since moving te, Canada the Wbltby resident has formed the Ishinryu Karaté Association Canada and bas opened numer- ous clubs including a local chap- ter at Soccer City. STEVE ANDERSON, World Heavyeight Karate Champion is lending a hand once again for "Karate Fights Diabetes". On Mfay 27,, atý the Oshawa Holiday Inn Anderson will attempt to break bis world record for continous sparrig of 14 hours and 15 minutes.;tyMe tmpht bi od

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