Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1990, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WIMTBYFEPREP«8 WEDNÉ8DAY, FEBUAJ« 14, 19MQ ATUCONRAD Arthur Richard Bridon Conrad of WVhitby died Saturday Januar 27 at Fairview Lodge. H e was 84. Ho was bôrn on Jani. 15, 1906 in LaHave, Lunenburg Co, Nova Scotia, son of Captain 'Henr Arthur Conrad and Abigail Rut h Richards. Mr. Conrad was retired as manager for the Canadian Irn- penial Bank of Commerce. Ho was a member of St. George'. Memorial Church in Oshawa, a long-time treasurer of' Ail Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, honor- ary member and patpresident of the Whitby Rofa u b. Ho was a charter member and honorary life member of the Whitby Curling Club and Whitby Senior Ourlers, Life niember of the Board,- Whitby General Hos- pital. For ma ny years ho was the treasurer of! the Whitby Concert Association, a member and offi- cor of the Whitby Chgimber of Commerce, a member and officer of the Whitby Curling Club Diu1ilicate Bridge Club. Hjsurvived by hie daughter Ruth Latulipe and hi. grandchil- dren Thomas and Celine Latu- lip. of Oshawa, son Richard Con- rad and grandchildren Vanessa and Geoffrey Conrad of West- mount P.Q., sister Mrs Lloyd A. (Daisy) Corkum of LaHaveN.S. The Memonial service was held at Ail Saints Anglican Church in Whitby on TuesdayJanuary 30 1990. Bey. Rod Barlow anâ i7DD DURHAM Obilltuaries ý Capon Davild Peasùood conduc- ted the service. Intéornent et St. Peter'. Cemoetary, Cobourg. ROOERTYOUNG Robert Young of Whitb j- died at the Villàgo Retiremont (Jntre in A4a Pebruary 8, 199Q. Ho Ho was boni in Toronto on August 26, 1931, son of Williamn Young and Martha Bolla Siriiple. Ho mannied Au4:roy Alhson June 3, 1936. He wàs a snitar enOineer anid livod in Whit4y 7e 3TIe is sunrvived by daug ters Joanne Bazon, Darlene Gna elle, Judy Banett, Bevonly G Illy, Janico newDobbio D oks; and son;s, mrie, Cynil, W yne Rick, Rand j, Ronnie, Rodney- and Derock YouÀng; 40 grandchildron and n. groat -grandchildron. .He is pnedeceased by hi. wife Audrey Allison, sister Florence Missett, brother. Tommy, Jack, and Gond. The. service was Saturday February 10, 1990 at Town Funenal Chapel conducted by Captain Rick Sheasby. FICDERICK GIBBS FreMde 'tk Donaldson Gibbs of WAi tbydied Fobruany 6, 1990 at N7. /Pckering Hospital. Ho was He wga born on April 17, 1912 in Vancpivor Britisli Columbia. Son, of John àtephen Gibbs and Mary Wilson Gi6b. He ivod in Whitby for 20 year. He was a retinod flying offcer with 30 years with the RgCAP. Ho was'a momber of West- minister, United Chunch, the legion, the Southeru Ontario Radio Club. Ho i.' survivod by hi. son ]Robent James of Nia gara Falis, daughters Shirley Ho on Wit and Fredenica Dan on. Gibbs, both of Whitby. Ho i. sadly missed by three children, seven grandchildren, and seven groat- grandchildren.0 Ho i's predecoased by bis wife Violet May Hantrick who died Novomber 3, 1982. The Fu eral was at W.C. Town FunonalC apel February 8, 1990 with Padre Mansfield conduet- in.Intorment at Groveside Cetary. PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICUPALITY 0F DURHAM IN THE MATTER 0F: The Municipal Act, Section%* 298 and 301 (R.S.0U 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-Ia ws authorizing construction of the following projeots: BQoadNo. 28/43 BQadName Tauniton Rd. Thiokson Rd. Rossland Rd] Cochrane St. Westney Rd. Harmony Rd. Harwood Ave. Townline Rd. Municipalut Pickering Whitby Whitby Ajax Ajax Oshawa/ Newcastle scugog Lôion Taunton/Steeles Connection from west Region Boundary to the west Duffin Creek Bridge and portions west of Reg. Rd. 1 (Brook Rd.) Intersection improvements at Nichol Ave. Rossland Rd. fromn Hwy. 12 (Brook St.) to Cochrane St. and Cochrane St. from Rossland Rd. to Bonacord Ave. From Concession 111 Rd. to Reg. Rd. 4 (Taunton Rd.) Intersection improvements at Hwy. 2 (King St.) Intersection improvements et Reg. Rd. 22 (Bayly St.) From Reg. Rd. 59 (Olive Ave.) to H-w>'. 2 (King St.) Upgrading from Lot 1B/19 easterly Plans showing details of the projeots and the lands affected ma>' be seen at the office of the Chief Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumners Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land wiII be prejudîciaily affected by the by-Iaws and who applies on orbefore March 7, 1990, to the undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on March 13, 1990. DATED at Whitby this 7th day of February, 1990. M I J. AKER ýWORKSýCOMMITTEE CHAIRMAN W. A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSIONFR 0F WODVQ M JOAN IANEY Joan, Robera Delanoy of Whitby died in Whitby February 10190 bho was born in. Toronto, Ontario January 8, 1932, daughter of John and* Elsie Adam. 8h. was manriedto Denis E. Delanoy and lived in Whitby for 27 years. 8h. was a member of St. John tho Evangelist Church and The Royal Canadian Legilon. 8h. ie survivod by honrhus- band Denis E. Delaneylber daughter Michele Robertaier brother John R. Peacock and hi. wlfo K(ay. She i. also survived by many brothers-in-law, sisters-in-. Iaw-, nieces and nepbews. The Funeral was at St. John the Evangelist Church on Feb. 14 with Rev. Father B. Wilson conducting. Interrnent at Resun- rection Cemnetery. IKSTELLA GIBSON Estella Gibson of Whitby died February 6, 1990 at Whýitby General Hospital. She was 65. She was born on March 23, 1924 in Wh îtby Township. Daughjer of Mn. Aiexander Blair and Clara Woodward. Sho manried Robert Gibson Juh3 was a member of the United. Church, Senior'. Activity Centre and a volunteer at Fai- view Lodge. She was a Whitby residont for 45 years. 8h. i.s survivod by bier bus- band Robent Gibson, dauighten Linda Iand lhon busband Larry, son Donald and bis wife Beate, son Blair and hi. wife Henny, four grandchildren Justin, Lýe., Alexander, and Larissa. LUNG ASSOCIATION DURHlAM iREGION We gratefully acknowledge memorial donations received Tili Ato ein REMEMUBRANCE of a Tm il Ase Mis. A. Lewis MiMildred Asew Ms. Annie Lewis Mobrtdred blNorm Maddock Roe tArendiHoward Maigie George Aoa rd Mr'. McAnerin BlanchBair Peter McCormxck BlwaneBardlayMr.Bill MGuire Rowea BaelayGordon R. Meflwain Snr. M. Fred, BarraheieMew Mr. Orvel Bennett Cath lereMKow Mr. Mary Bernier HaugMllr Mms Margaret Bishop Mmn. Muriel Morris Ruth Breen Robert Newell Mis. Renne Burton Mr.John Noble Don Christie Mrs.Joyc e ilfly Hazel Cochrane Mr'. Lorne Page Jack ColbaryMrPak Hilda Constable Mr'. Sanlyks ter Roma Cook Tirnothy Potter Fred Coulter Dave Powell Raymond Cowle Lester Ratbbun James Cu lifgMehinda Roes Mm IoLla Davidson Camillia Samnels Mr. Jack D <un Donald Sehmidl Mm .Dyke m hte Jack Elliott MJunryStoer Erik Erikson Herbe>rt Shuerman Mr'. Frank Ferguson Edgar Siniotte Reeve Flarity Ms et mt M m A ma F rbesGladys Sm ith Jamest Jim. Somerville Mr'. Glendinning M. Edward Spreglewski Frank Gray Magrt qie Elsie Greentree Mr.John Szczypciak Dorethy Gregor M. Bey Taylor Jack Gutowski G enn Mr'. Kennethjlartwell MiG . Ton Mr'. Win. Hazelton Pét Tomlinson Evelyn Heron Patsy Tuck< Tony Hickey ifaWd Claude Hoffnian WMayWae Mr. John Kelly Aubrey Weeks Mr."George Kirtley James Weldon Wilma Kruithof -Mr .Jim, White Mr. Bill Landry K. hyte Mis. Noreen Larocque Jack Wiftaock Gerald Law These thoughtiu contributions helped fund programs to assist local residentesuuffermg from asthma, lung caner, and emphyslma. "If mee e »hme br' hed eoeier becogaeyoea hoe live4 yoe RlphIWaldo Emormnn i lý i -- _-- - - -4-90 mmm»ý L»Mý 8h. is predeceased by, hor p arents Mr. and Mns. Alexander Blair and hon sister Mrs. Blanche Lyons.' The funeral wasniffday Febru- ary 9, 1990- at the W.C. Town Punerai Home. BDWFARD COATH Edward Paul Coath of Whitby diod ini Toronto on February6 1990. He was 58.' He. was born on, Auguet 26 1931 ini Toronto, son of-Edwarâ Charles Coath and Bessie Faith Hn arried Margaret Eliza- beth Greig on July 12, 1958. Hist second marriago was to Mary Pauline Palmer on 'March 14. 1981. Ho lived iiiWhuitby for 3Ï~ yoars. Ho Wàs a lawyer and-belonged to the United Chrh Lo' Club, Masonic Lodge, and the Shrinen's Club. Hie is survived b biswe Pauline, daughter Sharon, son David, and sister Shirley Coath. >Ho i. predeceased by his firt wife Betty Greig anid hie parents. The Funeral was February 8 1990 at, St. Mark'. Umted Church in Whitby conducted by ]Rev. Gee and %ev. Lan e. Inter- ornent at Groveside Cemetary. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments* *Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Horne appointm.ents gladly arranged 44/22 m Oshawa

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