- -~.77,7. Mayýor to« open YMaSnw ofieso«ebury&t On flesday, Feb.ý 27, the YMCA- Durham Region will officially open its new office faciities at 814 Brock St. N. Henry Labatte, president of the YMCA of Metroplitan Toronto, and Mayor Bob Attersley of Whitby will officiate.' Presentations will be made to local groupe who have contributed signiflcantly to the YMCA in the past year. Th. YMCA bas purchased and renovated a late Victorian WH[TBYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1M9, PAGE 15 two-stozy house on Brock St. N. to;serve as offices until sucfiS tme as a ful YMCA facility can be bufit in Durhamr Region. lun the course of the renovations, care was taken to preserve as many features of the building as paossible. The YMCA formerly has had its offices in* the Centennial Building on Centre St. since its inception as the Whitby YMCA in 1966. 'Programns. will. continue to operate from the Centre St. location until August. SENIORS TAKE NOTE! Now is the time ta renew your Guaranteed Incarnie Supp ement (GIS*) Renewal application kits have been mailed to everyone who receives the Guaranteed Income Supplement. If you have *already returned your completed application, it is now being processed. If approved, your payments will continue in April. If you have flot returned your application, you should do so today in order to avoid an interruption in your payments. When applying, please remember to: " fill out your renewal application completely; " include A the necessary Sincome information; Health and Welfare Santé et Bien-être 13ocial Canada Canada a retumn your rene 1wal application in the self- addressed envelope by March 31, 1990. If you did not receive your renewal kit, or if you want mnore information, contact your nearest Income Security Programs office. The telephone number and address are in the govemment listings of the telephone book under "Health and Welfare Canada, Income Security Programs."9 *The Guaranteed Income Suppement (GIS) is an income-tested, monthly benefit for OId Age Security'pensioners with limited income apart fromn the OId Age Secu.rity pension. Canade<