PAGE 8, WH[TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31,11990 whiam b -si-nes Eas t Side Mario's in east. Whbitby By SotLaurie Tegrand opening of East Side arosestaurant was held asat Thursday at the former loca- tion' of Pat and Mario's in Wbitby. The opening.of the location, at 1111 Dundas St. E>, brings the total number of East Side Mario's to six in Ontario. The original idea for thé restaurant was inspired by New York's east side 'IAttle Italy' and was first launched in the Florida mnarket in 1986. The menu features many Ita- liHa seialties as well as a few mern favorites. Changes te the menu are done once a year according te, new trends Mi fod as well as customner s»urveys. The decor is very authentic with barrels of potatees and vegetables creating a street soene within the restaurant. WVhitbY's East Mario's is owned and operated by local Whitby residents Pierre and Uisa Bou- chard. The Bouchards have been SEE PAGE 21 Newl location FA-ST SIDE MAR[O'S was opened in style- recently in the building that was formerly Pat & Marios on Dundas St. E. Joini»ng owners Pierre and Lisa Bou- chard (right) were Robin Postili of the Whitby General Hospital First Class Fund Campai"gn and east ward counceillor Dennis Fox. - for' By Scott 1 h e nguin CIeneshas ad loêaâtion iiWib side of Tiko south of Dundas Si According -te T vice president of Sketç'leythe bus very successful Region, and he more locations. ¶ two locations in other iii the Kendo "The growth of « directly related ta population in thi new franchises hi the last 18. moi Pickering and C Hommes. - Sketchley Clean a famiily businegsi ago -i a .little called 'Hinkley. came to Canada i Sketchliey Laurie now * UO-per cent Canadian owned with the name being the of, Sketchley onlytie'to.the"UK company [dledto a ew Crrently, they operat solely y, on -the <west in i Ontario with 175 locations 1Rd. S, just from Ottawa. to Liond on. Ulti- t. E. mately, 'the company', Plans to )revor Holmes, move out. to ýc over thffe, other operations for provinces. 0f the total number of miess has been stores, '40 are franchised, with in Durham' the remainder operating as cern- plns to open panywnd outlets. here are now «Te franchise program star- Whitb, the ted as an. experinient two years alwood PIza. ago, but we quickly learned that our business is the franchisee was mnore adept at Dthe influx of providing the, best level of custo- s area. Eight- mer satisfaction. The key is ave opened in selecting the right applicant,» nths, between s Hova mes. )shawa,» says Siketchley* is always seeking new franchisees for their eisting ers started as. stores. Anyone i nterested in su ch over. 100 years a venture canî receive informa- English town tion ,by calling, (416) 440-8180, The' comp any and' ask forth director 'of In 1984. and ig. franchises., Small business and employment regltons Every mountain business. surmnount entrepreneur faces a' of paper in- operating a It's a struggle te the mass, Of governinent regulations 'that must be understood and followed. "Indeed, a major complaint from small business owners is the amount of paperwork that has to, be completed, especially in the heavily, -regulated, employment legislation area," says. Mitchell J. Toker, a consultant with the Ontario Ministry of1 Trade and Technology. ,It's estimiated -thal businesses spend betweei 10 hours per month fil government formns.' In entreprise, the paper bi especially, time-consunn order te hang out your I O1SJ I aS1INEI c For your Free Survey, cal Richard S.. Price 'TE RRSP CENTRE" Fortune Financial Group Tel: 433-1508 683775 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1990 UNTERIM TAX NOTICE The f irst instalment of taxes for 1990 is due and payable February 15, 1990. If payment is not received by the due date, penalty wiIl be added on the first day of default and the f irst day of each calendar month, so long as non-payment continues,. at the rate of I1 /4% per month or part thereot. If you have not received responsible for payment, Department at 668-5803 information. a tax bil and you are please contact the Tax to obtain the necessary Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank wthout bank collection charges, or at the Municipal Office, 575 Roswland Road East, Whitlby, Ontario. R. A. Claningboki Treasurer, TOWN 0F WHITBY I think they must be going over some gomerment regulationsl" [ndustry, you must, comply * with the regulations that. affect your tsmall business-and your emiployees.'Do i 7.5 and yourself a -fa1ror start Iling out researching the wtious pieces of a smnall legislation before you '.set up shop. ýurden is The Eniployment Standards g.i But in Act clearly defines the rules that shingle, apply te most. employers and employees in 0ntarioý- A detailed 'pamphlet, "Guide to the <Employmeént Standards Act," is available fi'bm the Ontario Mfimstry, of Lbr ulnn critical réelations, such, as Ihours of work,, minimum wage', pùblic holidays, overtime pay, severence pay and pregnancy leave. On pay day, an owner-manager *, is responsible. for staff payroll deductions ý- income tax, Canada pension fund -and'unemployment insurance. For- most. small owners, monthly remittances -are (i under '$15,000 and are due to Revenue Canada by the l5th, of the -month .following .the dçdiuctions. ,When' *remiuttances exceed $15j000, payMents must be made once of twice a month, depending on the payroll date. Most ' employers must /1 contribute to the accident fund of the, Workers' Compensation Board, set up to cover medical and rehabilitation costs for injured workers. The aniount paid te, the government-run insurance plan depends on your company's product or service. By law, you must contact the board within 30 days of hiring help. A far-reaching pièce of legisiation. dealing with, pay equity was introduced last year in Ontario. Aimed at narrowing the average 36 per cent wage gap between rates paid te, men and women, -the Pay Equity Act contains major implications for business, In fact, ail private sector employers with 10 or more employees are affected. ,The new provision basically mneans, an employer must pay men and women the same scale for jobs that are ýdifferent but of a similar value. As cf Jan. 1, 1990, ail employers in'the public sector as welI as private firms with 500 or more employees must develop pay equity plans and start taking the necessary steps:to eliminate wage" discrepancies. Fims with 10 te 99- employees, are' not required te develop and pest pay equity, plans. Nevertheless, they mnust achieve pay equity.' 1For more information, cail the Pay '. Equity' Commission a 1-800-387-8887 or 1-800.387-8813 (Ontanio-,Wide toll;.free); . (416) 481-314,or(416) 481-3315 * (orontoreX