for Strongt Liori ýStrong showved'why she'is Canaa'sbstand 'one'«ftheitp gynate'i te worid asse captre our gold'and two'sve mdale at ftheCommonwealth GamesinNewZeoalan<L, Shefni1d as the. top' Cana- dian, women's moedal hoider, .and. may have a. sEho t. as the Gaines' overali ' women's medal ý holder. Strong receeived, gold 'medals in the individual, a rounçùd, the, overalteainfnihand indivi-, du" event ,finals <lu balance beara- and vut.ler. silvere. medals came - M the individual events in floor exercises and'un- even bars. On Jan. 25, the flrst day of the gymnastics competition, Cana(da took the 'goid .m,.overali team performance. Larissa J.owing of Pickerin, formerly ofWitby was the lead- ing point scorer tArioughout -the day, followed by Strong 1 riday, the secondda of coin.- petit ion, saw competition in the individual ail-rounid.' Competi- tiors'ý scores on al ýevents (beam. floor vault.anid bars) were total-' led for'the best ail-round gYM- nast. Strong's first evenit on thisdaýy was the. balance beai. Whule: E erformning hier routine on* the :aStrong, made a slight slip but hier determination and strength enabled hier.. te recover bgoing right inte another move. .he slip went almost unnoticed, the. judges gave her a-9.3 out of a possible 10. Despite Strong's effort toget the best she could from thie beara, she was in'» sixth" plac ing inte tthe the. floor'exercise. Érnthe floori, Strong displayed speed, strength asud grace, mov- ing her, ranking up te third -at the, close of the evenit.- After the luastto events, vault and bars Strong wrpeup*the goid meâai, .gng-out, withtwo. outstandin ips o ff -the vauit. Urifortunat-ely, Lowing was 'in- jured, on her flrt-run at :the vault, -la ndig*ng ailnfully ýand slightiy inuuriner knees. Des- pite the. pain and bas of concent- ration Lowing copited her s8econd vauitsuccessfui. T he third day was dsgae for. indivýiduai finals, wc saw the. top six comptitors in each event. Strong was eiil for ail four e vents,' and had one-of her best performances te -take- gold in, the floor and uneenbas and silver on the vauit and floor. Strong: and the rest of the rynatics team finished 'at the CommIýonwealth Games on 'Sun- day, and since then they've been reaigtatcing in the si* hts ad doing alittie shopping. ey are, due, te arrive home at ý4 p.m., Sunaýy, Feb.. 4. Fifth-mplace Loni elien L.ori Melien of Whiby had a fifthrelace finish in swimming at the 'Commonwealth Games in Auckland,' New Zealand. thélie8, a bronze medalist at, th ,18 Olympics, was fifth in' the 100m backstroke. She fin- ished in 1:04.48,. the tep tira. belonging te. an Australian swiin- mer atl1;02.46. Heather Van' Patter -ofWIfftby shared a doubles chamnpionshi> and was run ner-u in-'à mg-es a3 'the Ontario- junor -badmninton' chan'pionship*sat--Humber Col-ý Jane:MuilinofHmitn et out Van Patter in"th. finalsin three games. Van Patter wonth v irskae but lost theésecond by on. pon and-'Was unable t To.,ad#ahce:to the flinals, Van Patter, *on three, .division mah-: ups gandà a semi-firial contest. "Iwas pleased <With My perfor- 1manice, .>buït' '-1*'hould 'have. won' the",:sinmgies g'ýfinals, VanPatter Beth Richardson of Brantford teamed with Van Patter- in junior' (under-19) doubles'as' they beat Kathiean, Hunt,- and, AllXÊBiso Vuchinic h kin ý- gmes te b. crowned as the wme'doule champions. Van ,,Patter, ceurrently spon- ored»by Jeliniex sporti~ od trai~ a PiKinghind ahoolý under Wayne Ki an at um - ber College i Torîioteunder Jimi atoms HATHERVAN PATER Free Pr. fil. phoi Atomssecond in sll*ver-stick Whitby M&M Meat. Stores' held Newmarket te' 15 shots -on rainor atoras skated ail the wav goalie Josh Evans. - te the international silver stick Gray aud Lewis each had four hockey serai-finals before being ponts while Haynesev eliminated by St. Thomas i a Death and Kerr also dominated tens., close contest. as Whitby shut out Orillia 8-0 in Piaying 'their sixth gara. 18 the second gara.. Whitby had 40 four day s,'a tired Whitby club shots on goal, allowing Orillia fell 2-1 to St. Thomas. It was the only.nine on-goalie BrianHRai- flrst loss for WVhitby i their past soinb 21 gaines. Wib reached the seui-.finals Whitby took four penalties in with 'a 4-2 'win over Stratford. teopenmg period of the serai- Stratford carried the gameearly' fià al 'gaie, PIvmg St. Thomas on, but Evans 'Made severêal fiue tedppotuuît te oen a2-0 saves te bld off Stratford while ed.Whi< cotnudte ply Jason -Hotchkiss' Crouch, short-han= for much of thle Ha es, Lewis, Deal ansd Gray. remainder of the gaine, but took iover on offenS im thè well- scored in the second period and piayed conteat. put the puck inte the Stratford net at the final buzzeé but the goal ws diailowed.V Dony Capelan a:yPee wees v sively for Whitby'- against the fleet- St. -Thomas 'squad, while Wl'ity mnrpewe, pn Mark HaLynes and B!ynCoc sored by -EastwayPimuh won carried thefWhtbyoffenoe. theirt third major hoceytourna- Whitby had opened'the silver menit of theéseasn Bufailo stick finals with a el1wi overreety Newmarket . -Maynes,, Crouch,, In i.championship gaine, the Paul Gray, Dariyl Lewis suad Whitby AA tin défeated archri- Brian Criliy were strong -on val Krkam 4-2.* Ian MacNeil, OfýnwhieCampel.Ricica, pria4 .cot SteveBiais, sud a' ekhi a I IILAYOFFS Just before silve~ stick action, Whitby W,?n league playoff ~arns aaint Mrkham n sd .Wbitby outshot rival Markham 27-4 on their way tea5&2 win on Jan. 17. The first perodwas scoreless before. Gray,' Haynes Crouch, Death, Hotchkiss and Daniehorne teok ov er- the scôr-ý i uthe. second sud third Kerr, CArapbell aud Ricica. were sohid ýn defenoe. -Whitby 'ýas, even more'over- powering against Ajax on Jan. 189, as thgey carved jout a '13-0 'victà ,y. Thème scored three goals and added, two assists, Crouch had four poi'nts, sund Lewis ar3s Cia, Haynes and Graà y aiso-had muitiple-pobint, .gamnes.. Aaroln Bryant and Denyes were. strong as the defence allowed oniy ive shots on goalie Harrison. Whitby .was .te 9ontinue' tIi lIa voffe wMith games .against Pickering and- Newmarket. Whitby wiil take part in the Buffalo Homnets tournamnent Feb. Coach Jack Middieten, stress- ing tem lay swhis club win 18games 1(n. by shutu) i SEE PAGE 27 vin thr ournamn Whitby. Barry Crawford came up with some',sensational saves te préserve the wiu. Iu prelimiary gates," Whity on goals from Scott sud Maceil, wrestled4-Burlington to a 2-2 ti.. The next gara.ý sawf thein pin dowu a -team from' Georetw 3-1 on goajsfromûMaINeiland a pair froJ1tach." Whitby! soundiy shut out West Seneca, M., by*a, 6-0 ý score.. Scoring were -9cott, , Holbiski, Bia Lg, Dyl Whitlock, Malcoim "ad Brid Oliver. Rob Foder got thii.shtut.',, ,ýCoaches Stevel Cardweli suad Stv 'S.Amand were peased wýith' thi.effort put forth byac m.mber of th. e i. corne Oup shot The Passo" Wityminor atem A'hqcey= er aeu sh rt th s pc; ee e d at the UnionvýîIle as toïîi tourname nt. Whlitby fellte, the hands'of the Lorue: Park ýAA squad by a 9-2 count 'on Friday afternioon.T score was indicative of Whitby's play' but flot. of -their capabilities. as Whlitbyes n»ormnalteama P1aY was flQWhere. te be' seêen'. 'Grant, Souter and Matt Caps'on ,'had" single tallies each, and Capson was awarded, witht he ganie's ?VWP. Passport's pla:y on. Saturday was 'much improved, as' theY fought; a teugh batile against Burlington's double A"teama. Despite*,Iosing 1-0,the Whitby teara displayed great heart, and.' the gaine really could..have gofie either' way. Brent Johusn îýnwas outstandinig. in net 'and-" Bian, Vinent -was awarded the game. MVP for his play. 1The' final gaine of, the. tournanient- pitting Whitby against, Brampton, ariother' double A, teara. Despite questionable refereeing,- 1thé Passportboys,,maintained hei composure and fought te a 5-5 tie. Iný fact, Whitby. iead, the. contest untilthe' score reached- 4-4 .and Braxnpt on went ahead.- At tuis point coach pulled is goalie .,in favor of an extra attà cke:r .sd'* Sctt YounL* cashed in, a:Vinent, pass temake it' even. Young and Ryan 0O,'Leary Ied. the parade with- two, go~is eaicn while- Capson . ad a single. Vinent had, three 'asss with, single helpers, from, Mike <Catwight,, -Grant -Soutereund: Derek Van Egmond. For Sis goaltendinîg - heroics, .Breut, Johnson was named the,,,ames 's em