Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1990, p. 1

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- ~ New, plan ifor non~ housinI fvore( By Rob Gerlsbeck A last minute, Propsai made just before the Town council mýeeting on Monday inight bas gen new life ta an application te buîld a non-profit apartment builig after planning commit- terejected the originalpooa in December. le The Durham Region Non-Pro- it ouingCoporation now pro- p ost build an apartment building, with "six floors plus a lobby," PLfehCo haolY'nra Tho building would bave a totl of 84 units, made un' of 72 one-bedroom units and Î2 two- b.droom.unit.. Michael said tiie *whole project would b. huit te accommodate the disabled, and tbat 18 te20 unit. would bo for the elderly. There' will b. 55 parking spaces, wbich Michael beh.evedl would ho adequate -for the 84 unit.. A total of112 units in ataller building had been. proposed in Deoemhor. The original plan, calling for a structure of «eight stan,.s plus a lobby," for the. west side of-Perry St., north of Mary St. E., was rejected because it did not com- ply witi tiie Town zoning bylaw Ïstipulating a maxtimun of six 'steries. Objections were aiso km -profit mAdety nearby residents. Atti. eeting of the- planning committe. in December, Michael had stated that any building of a heighit les. than eight foors wouldn't ho possible financially. But on Monday Michael said, «W. are now of t h e opiinta we can build six foors plus a lobby." H. asked council ta «Lend us the support w. are accustamed te getting,» referring te tthe Town's past record of support for non-profit housing projects. Michael aiea asked for speedy approval of the newest applica- tion, or at the least, counicil direction toward afproval of the project, since the closing date for p urchas of tii. property was Feb. 15. Despite complaints by council- lors that the. newest application wspresented only minutes hoei.meetig, Mayor Bob Attersleysaid "W. wili proceed with haste on tiie application,» within the. regulations of tii. Planning Act. Michael said h. would nego- tiate with the. property owner for a later closing date. Barry Martin, a nearby resi- dent *ho had presented objec- tions toe i.fnr.t application in Deoemhor, flrst spoke- on the. application (original) at Mon- day'. meeting. Unaware, of the new plan, hé repeated b is con- cerna about tiie size of tii. ori- ginal building plan, and tii. traf- ice congestion it would cause. "I dron't tbink a high ris. shouid ho built in a quiet resi- dential area,' aaid Martin. «It'. not destroying tii. neii;hbour- haod, but- its not going te enhance it oither. But Martin, a John St. E. residont, indicated that the building- hit oigfinally pro- posedléd to most of the. objec- tions he was prosenting on behaif of area residents. He teld counicillor Jo. Bugolli h. had no objecion te a six-ste structure. Next te speak, in7avor of 'the project, was Martin Ginsiieran, co-ordinater of tiie Durham Re9gional Acc.ss te Permanent Housing Committee. Ho stressed tiie need for more affordable- housing inWhitby. Ginsiierman warned that Whitby was facing an unbalan- c.d housing market. "Without a range of housing options there is a danger that Whitby Iud become an upper class ghett.» SER PAGE 29w. THE SLEIGH IDE Express wifl thus far for the winter attraction continue at Heber Down Conserva- organized- by, the- Central Lake tion Area on Saturdays, Jan. 20 and Ontario Conservation Authority. 27, 1 to 4 ï.m., with Kood attendance Cost is $1.75 for. aride., po< More travel time to, ýfromù work for former. VIA riders By Trudie Zavadovics TMme in fast becoming one of the. most precious coM~modities of the. nineties. For the. 70 passenges~ on tho now deceased Toronto/Havelock lino, working at tieýr *xitmg oswill now mean ptting up at least a half.hour "rlier and arriving home allera long day, at least a haF-if-or later. For many commutera tuis means that what was once a tolerable four hours' travelling time each dayiîs now an inteler- abi. five hours. This reporter rode the. rails with the. commuters on the, last monng mn of the Toronto/ HaoIliUno and got up at 5 a.m. ini ordor to catch the 7:30 arn. train at Myrtie Station. Bon Peter lives in'1>ort Porry and works -in downtown Toronto. Ho has travelied Via Rail te bis job in Toronto for the. past 20 years . He will now catch the GO lain at the Whitby or Stouif- ville stations., qIt' ridiculous when youthink what other countries are doinig. Othor countries are enhancing thoir railway systems and we are disrnantlingours.» Peter chooses to tûoe GO Tran- sit over takingbhis car te work. Kinsmen donate $12.5,OOO to hospital campaign «Driving is not an alternative for me. It doesn't give a lot of flexiliUty. Trafic in 1982 was a lot different than traffic in 1990.» Bruno Kastropil works in Toronto and lives rightbhn Berkdon Station. Ho planned it that way. Ho bought lus two-acre lot and built biesdre home jut montho prior to the -notice of the Via cuts. He will nowbe driving te Whitby or Oshawa te, catch the GO train wbich, for Kastro- pi14 meansa total of five hoursd tavelling time compared te, the three hours ho b e for. For Kastropiln,ianportation was the key factor in buvinghis land and* buildg bis tornea home ho felt w=ud be his last. Now ho and bis family are con- templating another move. Tony- Harriott, has lived in Caesarea fortbe past two years and travelo te his job im down- town Toronte five days a week. "I moved ber. so I could live in the country. and not ho too, far- from the train. I now travel four The Kinsmen Club of Whitby vital deparliments as emergeilcy hours daily. and, came Monday, it bas made a $125,000 contribution and outpatient sdrvices, and, will take me five. I will die t te Whitby Qeneral Hospitails pending Ministry of Heaith port pe, tk h ocit First Glass Fund Carnpaign. approval, development of a Whitby (GO. Station) and thon Their gift i. piedged over five birtbing unit. tace the. train in Whitby ta years and will b. raised tbrough In addition te $5.5-million to, ho Union station. a variety of club-sponsored raised from the conxmunit;, the Harriott has mado Up bis mmnd. events. Mi1nistryfHealth Ëlas conuýitted te move h. and bis famnily ot' $51nilionx toward the the province and ýplans te do so The insmen Club gift brings construction of a nèw longrterm withmn montbs, if not weeks. the total raised te date to, over car. wing to the. west of the "I wouldn't ho considerin% tis' $3.09-million. The total required facility.- if it weren't for the Via cut. fo h ampaign is *5.5-million. A further $2-mmion tor the MargrtNangmvde 0f the *5.5-million, $4.1- wing will ho financed by Peterborough aine monthaq ago. million will go ta the replacemnent Extendicars Health Services, Ine., She works for the. Globe and and upgrading of equipinent. ýTii.a' professional long-term care Mmil7à Taronto Domino Maga- remaining *1.4-million will' go provider, bringing the total towardthei edçv.lOprqmetof sucI vprojecp co4 Ito $12.6.rnlPAGE 29 Soetens, Stevenson defend GST SSe page 13 Allegations of impropriety by trustee SSe page 14

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