Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1990, p. 15

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- - - *~Hrmy iREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1990J PAGE 15) Ontarjo ) Junior Citizerà of the Yeâ r Awards for 1989 OAKYJLLE - Ontarios Junior Citizens for 1989 have been se- lected. Ontario Community Newspap- ers Association (OCNýA) presi- dent Don Smith announced the 12 award recipients December 8,. after they were chosen from amnongf 119 nominations submit- ted through the member new- spapers across the province. The Oakville based OCNA which represents over 260 com- munitv newspapers in Ontario and Lhe Northwest Territories, has honorcd Ontario's Junior Cit- izcns wih an awards' prograrn sinc,, 1981 with co-sponsor, Ca- nadian Airlines International. Younsters from ages 6 to 18 are recognized for their courage, in- genuity, resourcefulness, initia- tive, Ieadcrship, fortitude and community service. The award recipients and their families will be guests of Canadi- an Airlines and the OCNA at an awards cercmony at the Hilton International Hotel in Toronto on Fridav, March 9, 1990. The awards will be presented by On- tarios Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Lincoln Alexander and each recipient will receive a $200 cheque, a commemorative plaque, a gold lapel pin and a family portrait with the Lieute- nant Governor. Mr. Smith praised both the awards recipients and ail other nominees. "They can ail be proud of. their accomplishments," he said. "They have proven tbey are wil1ingy to go that extra mile, if fôr ýà ho à ffer reason than for their own personal growth and pride, and it's a lesson that shouldn't be lost on the.rest of us." Ontario's 1l989 Junior Citizens include: * Kurtis Arnold, 11i of Essex for his brave action ini saving the life of his friend Melissa Erickson who had slipped through broken ice into the frigiti waters of a creek. He spread-eagled himsef Information on breathing problems Does someone in your family have a breathing problem? If the answer is "yes," thien the Lung Association - Durham Region may be able to help. Beginning on the Thursday, Feb. 15, the local Christmas Seal organization will run a four-session information series childrens?' hands-on" classes. For more details on this Christmas Seal Service, caIl the Durham Region Lung Association at 436-1046. oniia cracki ig, waveling ice sheet and slowlyj puiled . s friend to safety. Hè wrapped his coat around her'then man with her for help. He lad controlleti his, in- stinct to p:inic and instead took immediate and courageous:ac- dlon. * Trevor Beattie, 18, of Kempt- ville for 'his courageous and brave ac tions following a tragic motor veijicle accident which cka'imed the! lives of three people. He was thé, first on the scene im- mediately ýolowing the collision between a small car carrying eight young people and an on- coming truck. He took control of the situation, instructing other drivers to cail ambulances, ac- counting for victims, performing CPR on a young man, and conti- nuing to assist the injured until help arrived. * Lance* Benns, 19 of Huntsville who, despite his blindness,' has accomplished high levels of achievements in his community. He is actively involved in provid- ing first aid at public functions as a corporal in the St. John Ambu- lance Brigade. As an Air Cadet he has reacheti the rank of sar- geant and he is a peer counsellor for Grade 9 students. He bas been a leader in school and is consid- ered an ambassador for the blind, educating sighted persons about bllndness. * Georgina Blanas, 19, of Tot- tenbamn for her leadership and commitment of rime and energy in helping to improve her com- munity. As a member of the Community Offering Police Sup- port (COPS) committee she has been involved in crime preven- tion and was a moving force be- hind the setting up of a much needeti Teen Centre. She organ- ized fund raising events, work parties and encouraged other teens to get involved. She bas vo- lunteered many hours as a super- visor at the. Centre. * Chad Hamelin. 12 of Barrie for bis commitment to his Ojib- way heritage and the idea for a permanent meeting place - a Na- tive Centre in Barrie. With a fun- draising,çampaign and physical training, 4ie organ ized and ran 65 miles fromn Toronto to Barrie. His bard work paid off and set the example for the rest of his" people. * Romna-Lynn Kennedy, 17 of Rockwood for ber determination in overcoining ber physical disa- bilities and contributing and be- coming a, vital part of life at her higb sehool. Foilowing a car ac- cident, sbe was in a coma for 3 montbs and was given only a small chance of survival. A year later Roma bas beaten aIl odds and despite a number of physical limitations is now back in school full time. She is currentiy practis- ing for ber driving license. * Eric Larocque, 12 of L'Orignal for bis quick tbinking in saving, the lives of bis three young brothers and bis parents wben the family borne was on tire. During the night, the fire broke out and the exterior of the bouse was in tiames when Eric woke up. He roused bis brothers and escorted tbemn safely outside after breaking a window. Eric's courageous'act saved a family ca- tastrophe. * Crystal Laàvigne, 17 of Val Caron for ber outstanding corn- munity service. As chairman of the Youii Awareness Committee of Action Sudbury, she helps promote awareness of needless injury and death resulting from drun-ken drivers. She is devoted to the cause and motivates adults and ber peers in the community to campaign against drinkir'g and driving. * Jessica MacDougai, of Arn- herstburg for ber strength in fighting the battle against cancer. As a member of a local youth centre sbe actively encourages otber teens to join and learn about tbemselves. She is a Coun- sellor ih Trainipig belping other cancer patients to accept their lives ýnvolving hospitalization and cliemotberapy. She conti- nues to: attend scbool as often as ber bealth allows and keeps up ber studies. * Andrea Ou-' Hingwan, 16 of Don Milîs for ber strengtb in overcoming a very serious iîl- ness. Andrea bas Lupus. Her iîl- ness bas given ber a new insigbt and perspective and ber focus now is to help as many lupus vic- tims as she can and educate people, about th is disease. S he ex- emplifies tbe qualities of cou- rage, dotermination, compassion bumility and enthusiasm. * Kerre Ann Slesser, 7 of Tiv- erton for ber courageous attitude to life despite ber seyere handi- cap. Slhe bas a very rare disease and in fact is tbe only Canadian with Progeria. She bandies this diseasewith courage, determina- tion and a keen sense of humour. As a fulI-time student, she open- ly discusses bier -handicap with others and puts great effort into ail her work. She has. adapted herself to ail situations and does not succumb to self-pity. * Debra Surman, 18 of Nestlet- on for ber quick thinking in sav- ing the life of her young nephew in a near fatal car accident. Rea- Iising that* the car would crash, she undid ber seat beit and wrapped herself around the baby. In doing so, she was severely in- jured herself. After she missed 3 months of scbool, she returned to complete her year despite ber physical disabilities. Her amna- zingly positive att itude, has al- ways been there and she is ad- mired by ail iftber. community for ber brave action and ber de- termination to overcome ber inju- ries. For more information, contact Lynda Davidson, Junior Citiz- en Co-ordinator, OCNA, P.O. Box 451, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8. (416) 844-0184. Program for Young asthamatics The Lun Assocation - -four sessions are sflown 110w to Durham IRgion will bring its take control during an asthmatic Family Asthma Programn (Air espisode. Parents and children Force) to Oshawa this wnter. also learn how to identif:y an The eight-week, eight-session impending attack more quickly, coursq will be in the evening at thus reducing its severity. the Kinsnien Community Centre, in Oshawa, Feb. 15, for a $20 For more information, cali the registration fee. Places are Durham Region Lung Association strictly limited and early at 436-1046. registration is advised. Based on the highly successful ____________ Airforce program developed by the Ontario Lung Association, the course teaches simple seif-care techniques which helps 3- to 12-year-olds keep their asthma in check. Techniques include breathing and body relaxation methods and the correct administration of prescrihed medication. Speakers include à% pediatrie chest specialist, a pharmacist, a Public health nurse and a physiotherapist. Through fun activities, the children in the last for months and months. Meanwhile you enjoy the best of home comfort with Carrier High Efficiency Furnaces, Cent ral Air Conditionling, Heat Pumps, Electronic Air Cleaners and Hum idifiers. Don't pay a cent until Labour Day 1990. Get your Carrier today and savel IDeferrai fina ncing plan applies It installation o f a complete WCrirHome Comfort SysEr 'r individual units consisting of SAVING(S COUPON vialtoq lfedhm C rnaie, Chetral îr C)PIAYETS buyers only. Cannot be Coniioin, entalPmpAir, combined with any other lezlectronic Air Cleaners and ~Bilwo rmto 1Humidifiers. 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