Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1990, p. 13

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WH]TBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANuARY, 17, 1990, PAGE 13 SotesSevenson defend* GST ýbefore cham-ber members .By Trudi, Zavadovies Like it or not, tho GST is on its %als -Lemessage Ontario i-ÎdIJgMP R oeotens had for thel3O le gathered at the Oshawa' Club for a break- fast meeting hosted by the Osh- awa Chamber of Commerce Iast Tiiusdy. o'smton and *Durham riding MP Boss Stovenson informed the crowd of -the benefits of the un- PoPulu goods and services-tax set tak effect next year and. étood frm that the government muet make some mnpopular deci- sion for th. good -of Caniada. 67foRovernment knew that its pros10 would b. controver- si, »said Boetens. "No one Iliko taxs. ife could have been oasier for allof us if we had been icontent to lot the. subject- of tax reform drift as past governments have done. "But for a government that takes' its respôoslbilitles soni- ously, that kinid of cop-out was in to have t fairest anmt efficient tai sytom that anb.- desiged."7 Hô told the skeptical group that it was time for Canada to keep Up with the times and to changîe santiquatod tai systom which poses s rbee "Itcose Cnada oom grwhanid jobs. It ina barrier to hîho incomes and greater economic" opportunities. The. existi system taxes domestic products more heavily than im- portod productes on average, about onîe-third more. It fa thé only consumption tax. in the world that favors imported pro- ducta. «Exporte are alo adversely affectôd because of a ftndamen- tai problem with the tax. While the existing tax le applied to sales of manufactured gèàd, it is buried in the cost of ail goode and servces ued ini the produc- tion of ail other.gooda and ser- vices in Canada. About one-haif of federal sales tax revenues cornes from the taxation of in- pusinto the production procms. Tis raise cosda for our.Cana- dian- producers, discouraging i- vestment and more efficient pro- duction techniques Because these taxes on business inputs do not atppl toreign producers, the abîbty of Canadian exotr tao compote in global markets in Oerlthe existing sales tai la estimatd ta cout te Canadian economy as much as 1.4 per cent of gross domestie product every year, or some $9- billion of lot output annually.» Ho siaid that Canada- stood alone as the only industrialized country not ta have the GST, and that many of the 48 countries who now h ave it have prospered from having it. Stevenson reminded the group that if the government stays on target by the end of 1993/94 Canada wilI have a balanced budget. Ho said there have been major cuts i government spend- ing ad a broa-dening of the tai base mn otsaed yGovernmelint com 1s84areon by o $off-iceiond rom 1984 wue out took00officenwehave cut. Aoth 67,600 jobs i thave. also been eut in crown cor- porations either through effi- ciency or by privatization," said Stevenson. 1One businessman asked Soe- tens what wilI happen with the tax after the deficit is paid off, noting 'that the three per cent sales tax was a temporary mea- sure of government some 22 yearb ago. "If we don't demand a lot of government there is no reason to increase taxes," said Soetens. "When it's tough to increase revenue, it's tough to increase expenses.» Wane Jeffery, a homebuilder, aske about the taxes on new homes and on land with new homes. "It wil bit the new home SEE PAGE 28 *0 THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN j CATHOUIC SEPARATÉ SCHOOL BOARD LE CONSEIL DES ECOLES-SEPARES * CATHOUIQUE DE LA JIEGION DE DURHAM Iinvites ALL INTERESTED PARENTS AND RATEPAYERS tom PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING REGARDING THE PILOT FRENCH IMMERSION 1PROGRAM GRADE 4: Mclo TotW mmeru5on wo W.hel DATE: Thursdy. Jýi. 25, 1990 LOCATION: School of dhQ HoIy Cross 357 Smoe St.S OWivAtOn" TIME: 7:30 pin. AND DATE: Tussday, Jani. 30.,1M9 LOCATION: Schbof a the Holy RkKeeme 747 Livopol Road Plcering. Oit"ei TIME: 720 pin. Parents may attend either presentatipn. The presentations wviIi include a description of, the Board's Fronch Immersion Program, the establshed procodLl'es for application, recommendation and registration ofi pupils and offer an oppourtunity for questions and answers. lnforiatlon bookiets and application forms wilI be available at elther meeting or the above French Immersion Schools. Application forms wviIl aise be available at ail home sohools from Jani. 16th te Feb. Klth, 1990. Tf&I Unie-rSitY at Durlllm oi1ege Spring: 29, January toi- May FulI-credit introductory courses are offered two eveningsper week during the 12-week termn (Reading Week: 12 March): Monday & Wednesday Tuesà~ay & Thursday ' Psychology 101: Introduction to psychoiogy *English 105: The modemn pcriod and its roots *Economies 100: Introductory cconomic analysis *Sociology 1 00: Introduction to social analysis Brochures are available ait libraries throughout the region. For a brochure. counselling or informiation ofl admission to Spring. Summiler or Faîl sessions please visit our Durhamn College office (3:30 to 6:30 p.mi.) or caîl (416) 723-9747. BENE SOETENS, MP for Ontario riding, discussed the proposed GST last Thursday at the Oshawa Golf and Country Club. Chri. Bov1..Fir.. Pr.u. photo 10 Tanning Sessions $45.00 tanîng pecial expires Jm. 20) Nail lips $2500'e Facial & Manlcure $44.95 Waxing 10 %off!1 WINTER SIDEWALK SALE WHITBY IN

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