PAGE 12, WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WE DNESDAY, JANÙARY 17, 1990 453 -pints gîven at clime By Scott Laurie The blood donor clinieý held ini Whitby on Tuesday last week had the largest turnout ever. Organizer Doris Holley said, "There's been a very god res- ponse which is partlyc due to the media. Most of the clinici in this area (Durham), were riiht over the top." The goal for this.- the f-irst clinic of the year, was 325 pints. Normally, it is set at 350 pinta Living Well' registration Beat the winter blues! Join others for five friendly and-.. informative afternoons as the Livinvr Well program will be stalting another five-week wnikshop onWednesdays, 1:45 to 3:45 p.m., at the, Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., starting Wedncsday, Jan. 24. l' or a $5 registration fee, each participant will receive à Living 'Vrpl binder f:ull of stim!tl-!.ting and current information. - To register cali the Living WeIl office at 430-7729. This workshop is an excellent way to atart off the new year on the right foot. Gain LI.i.ght into your nutritional diet, ex.,rcise and stress. but w«ith a, poor shcwing last 0tobwe, the goal was downgra- ded tq 325. SHo ever, t}4is time, ain appeal te the pu-blic brough in 453 pinta Ilthe much-needd blood. Thia oyer-,helming respon'se caused HÃ"lle3k to asic, «If we can do it now, why can't w. always do itr" The boapital'a supply is now replenished but the demand for more continues, ah. said. Blood donor clinica are held four times a year and the next clinic is scheduled foe April 10.. During the month of January the Miracle Food Mart chirdn of stores wýlI be supporting Crime Stoppers w'ith large posters in their store windows. This is the second year that Miracle Food Mart has supported the program in over 70 stores acrps OntarloD. They will aiso b. distributing in excess of twvo miIlion grocer bags with a generic Crime Stoppers message on themn. The driving force behind this food chain supporting the program has been Paul Brewer, who is the manager of the Bowmanville Miracle Food Mart store. This type of support is very important to the. program and it is hoped that other businesses will consider lending a hand. For further information you can calI Sergeant Sandy Ryýrie at Crime Stoppers or through the local police lime and ask for extension 325. BIELUIJY WUUDMAN, attended by nurse Patricia Leen, was one of a record number of donors at Jast week's Whitby blood donor clime. Pet«rTombIInFyoe Pphoto WLLPAPERI SAE 30O FRON «$& 00 1 I~ SUGGESTED Jan. 22 OWU~~.OO BOOK 19 vO les FIS PRICES *CI-OOSE THE PATTERN THAT REFLEOTS VOUR LIFESTYLE *DONT BE SATISFIED WITH DULL IN-STOCK SELECTIONS ALWAYS A CUSTOM PAINT COLOUR To MATCH VOUR WALLPAPER. WE WILL HEU' YOU CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS 0F HIGH STYLE PATTERN BOOKS GREAT PERSONAL SERVICE *OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE # OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 20% Discount Avalable Now ~~ Learn in a hurry cd Arthur Murray CaII 430mO0014 409 Brock St. S., Whltby Tass Jewellers eJANUARY INVENTORY SALE Itemns lot on sale are: Wedding Bands, Diamond Engagement Rings & Sets & Watch Attachments- M153BokSt.NWhitb43 9500 113 off " Ladies', Gents' & Children's Rings* Pearis *Large Gold Necklaces e Peari Strands Crystal e, China 25%off Gold E arrings 20%off " Gold Chis Charms, Pendants & Lockets *Ladies'& Gents' Bracelets e Watches Silver*Ai In Stock: Cross Pens m ,