PAGE 10, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV'. JANrJARY 17, 1990 Winter ftmdraising underway by March.of imes The Ontario March of Dimes is marching into 1990 '*ith its annual winter fundraising campaign, Jan. 2 te Feb. 15, 1990. Over 300 commhunities across Ontatio wil ho raising money to support aduits with physical disabilities. The March of Dimes' York'I1urham region, which inclIdýs the Cqunties of' ýYrk and Durhatn, willj undert4ke, coin- muni,~ campaýgns to, raIse a goal of $42,300. Mor ey raised in lihe 1990 campa gn willI support t he March of Di mes' major services whichicue independent living assistance; assiýjcive devices; and employmnent ,services., Other programs range from a post polio iietwork to camping and recréation. ilThere are two sides te every story, two sides te every dîme," says Veronica Tennant, former Prima ballerina of the National Ballet and'honorar chairman of the Marc1l of Di nes. "At. the March of'imes we.concentrate on ability r ither thiýn disability." In 195!. whe-n the Ontario March of ')mes was founded to battie the plio epidemic, the Marching Mothers raised $14,000 in their 1951 campaign. Today, the 1990 fundraising campaign 'ýhich provides support te all disabled adulte in Ontario, has set the -highest goal of the campaign te date. With the assistance of dedicated volunteers across Ontario, they will work tewards a provincial goal of $547,000. ,'Aibertine in. Five Times' Shoestringgroup biegins rehearsal or an actors Play productioni WILSON directs the Durham Shoestringers' oif 'Aibertine in Five Times.'. PerTomin.- Whitblr Premphoto AMDEUSe- 1756 EAFOOD and STEAKHOUSE 1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 436-9333 * 436-9065 - *Roast Prime Beef (Canada Grade A) New York Steak and Shrimps - *Broiled Seafood Plate -~Open 7_as week * Banquet Facilities Available5- BANQUET HALL LIMITED DATES AVAILABLE FOR(1 SUMMER 0F 1990 - BO0K NOW!BlI Receptions, large or smail, sit down or buffet, let ALL OCCASIONS arrange your speciai day and give it ail the attention it deserves. ALL OCCASIONS Banquet Hall r Conta Craig Sharp DURHAM SQUASH & FITNESS CLUB 1450 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY By Trudie Zavadovicis Durham Shoestring perfor- mers have begun rehearsals for their "Seod play of the season, 'Aibertie in Five Times.! Director Caralyn Wilson first saw the p1la, wrtten by Quebec playwight M je e Temblay, in 9.he feels it offers the cmany and the audience a chienge and is well suited te, the community theatre environ- ment. 'bt will work very weIl ini a theatre such as ours," says Wil- son. "Its really an actor's play Five actors play the saine woman at différent times in life. It is written in the present tense for each of the five characters. This will present a challenge for the audience." Ini keeping with the Ph ilosophy Of the Durham Shoestring sele- tions, 'Albertine in Five Times' is not solely for the audience te cornein, sit back and b. enter- tained. Tlhe play offers room for involvement and reflection. «Thsis 1 not a memory play," says Wilson. "It is a strange combination of the first person narrative on five decades. Our task is te try very hard te make each scene live in the present. Wilson says the play ls good for commumity theatre because it offers raies from age 30 te 70. "It provides opportunity for actors of different ages. It's a. wonderful cast. Wilson says that; Tremblay has the, ability to get to the essepce of people's lives. This play isi no exeption. «it's a very real stery toid in a very theatrical manor. The stery is of her (Albertines) 1f. tied up with the woxnen's issues of her decades. «It covers the early 1940s te, the early 1970s. "The laýngzage is really quite beautiful. Te play 18 not plot -driven, it is character-driven. Our major challenge is te bring physical reality te, these words yet not impose too much busi- ness." Wilson says ini directing this play she must do so with *a genilehand. To date, she has drected 12 full-Iength plays. "I started as a stage manager," says Wilson. The stage manager works very ciosely with the direc- ter. I like the big picture and like te approach a play from theý i 668-5866 ~M h *ïii.~ ~ ~ <v ., 0 i 2J ~ ,., r1rt*~i~i ~ ~ ~* ~ A authý's poiton. 1 can shape the actor's roie. The plays I choose te directar plays I enjoy reading.» Tiiecat starte-d rehearsals Jan. 2 and rehearse three times weekly. Performances will be Feb. 23 and 24 and March 2 aud 3. Tickets will be available from Information Oshawa, Os6hîCwa City Hall Complex andMel Norman Cosmetics, in early Fébruary. Rleord show, sale on Sunday- The Whitby Record Show and Sale will b. held on Sunday, Jan. 21, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., at R1eyden- shore Pavilion. The show includes records (also rare records), CDs, posters, videos and many other music- related itenms. Admission is $3. For more informýation caîl 668- 2058. Auditions for Courthouse play Auditions for the. Whitby Courthouse Theatre's production of 'Littie Shop of Horrorso wiIl b. held at Fairviw Lodge on Sun- daLy, Jan. 21, 2 te 5 p.m., -and Monda, Jan. 22, 7:30 te 10 p.m. (Auditon location chang.d from Centennial Building)._ AThe musicai wili* b. presented April 26 ta 28, May 3 te 5 and MaylO0 ta 12. sAoune wishing te audition shordorin a repredpiece of music., of bis or hr choice. Cali-backs wiIl be on Bunday, Jan. 28,2 p.m. For information about audi- tions inciuding speciflc cast memt>ers r.quired, oeil directer Manique Essegrin at 666-1996 or producer Harry Anderten at 666- The Whitby- Courthouse Theatre group continues te rehearere for 'Agnes of God,' te ho presented Feli. 8 te 10, Feb. 15 te 17 and Feb. 22 to 24.