WITI3Y FREË PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1990. PAGE 29 BEGINNER COMPUTER cl asses for children. 10.haif hour classes. Cail 430-6825. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario Sohool of Auctioneering. Next class: February 10-17/90. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Sohool of Auctioneering, RR #5 Woodstock, Ontario,, N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. B GUITAR LESSONS beginners and advanced. Aduts, children, teens and shift workers welcome. Student must have own guitar (accoustic or eiectric). For appointment cali Lou 666-1979. FREE: 1990 guide to study-at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestiglous careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronios, Legal/ Medicai Secretary, Psycho4oy, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. B VOUR FUTURE STARTS WîTH Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Estabiished in 1978, job search assistance availabie, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on appraved. credit.1-800-265-0400. Cambridge. B MARKEL .1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Prof essionai Transport Driver Training. Careers? Finaing? Tax Deductibie? We've got the answers. Markel instituts of Professional Transport Training. Guelph, 1-800-265-7173. B FOLK ART CLASSES beginners Tuesdays, intermediate Wednesdays, advanced Thursdays (7 to 9 p.m.). Aiso day classes availabie. Cali Barbara. 655-4418. FULIY APPROVýDC FULL PRICE $7000 MOTIVA TED PERSON CAN MAKE $50 PLUS IN 6 MONTHS 1Tremnendous Franchise lnciuded. CALL JAMES BROWN 705-328-3680 51 ST. DAVID ST., LINDSAY- K9X1lN4- PRIVATE MORTGAGES- The place to go when your bank says *NO. Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200 ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. MORTGAGES BETTER THAN bank rate. 11.5% (effective rate for lst year an 11.75% 5 yr. rate). No Broker Fees. Cartier Financial Services (icensed broker). <416> 747-8795. Messages 7_days. B OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for iawyer, doctor office, accountant, etc. Cail 623-5524. LEARN TO DANCE tonight. Arthur Murray Dance Studio (singles & couples weicome). Phone 430-0014. STU McGEE Floor sanding. Sanding, refinishing, repairs and staining. Suppiied, laid and finished. Over 20 years experience. Cal coiiect after 6 p.m. (705)944-5529. HANDYMAN - garage organizer, carpentry, paint, etc. 430-1981. Leave message. UIGHT MOVING JOBS - clean backyards. cellars, etc. For the best service anytime, cali Joe, 723-2368, lbavemessage. 'THIS SUMMER IN LINDSAY", Rivermill Village. Aduft lifestyle condominiums on the baniks of the Trent-Severn Waterway. Magnif- icent- recreation centre in the restored Carew Mill. One end two bedroom suites priced in the $180's. May/J une occupancy. Cal Ray Vint at 1-800-461-6521. Upper Canada Lakes Inc. B PRIME ALBERTA LAND for grain, cattle, vegetable, hay. Machine sheds, graineries, silage tower, large equipment, feediot. Accommodationi3 hired families. Bargain $800.000. Machinery extra. (403) 349-4264, (403) 498-2500. B VEAR. OLD FAMILY HOME. California Style in Rainy River.. Connecting Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake. $76.000. Taxes $250. Contact Mike Burner, Box 49, Pinewood, Ontaria. POW iKO. 4(807) 483-5535'. (416) 757-3534. B PICKERING'- spotless 3 bedroomn townhouse; garage, i1/V2 baths, fridge & stove, close ta al amenities. $999. Cali Debbie, 432-2505 or 282-1634. LARGE 3 BEDROOM excellent home, close ta, school. $1150 per manth. Close ta shopping. Calil 430-9051. Feb. 1 accupancy. DECORATED & FURNISHED roamn in executive home in Whitby. $400 per month includes use af al facilities including garage. Non- smoking female preferred. Refer- ences, f irst and Iast. 668-5267. QUIET ROOM FOR RENT. Preferably ta mature gentleman. Kitchen and laundry facilities. NO DRUGS. -First and iast week. 430-0404. BEST BUILDING BUYS. Save thousands. WINTER WORKS SPECIAL. Heip keep factoiy busy during winter months. Avoid upcoming price increase. Limited steel. Paragon, 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. B A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINGS mnc. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cîadding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or colleot after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for WaIiy. Free brochures. B BUILDING SPECIAL Clearance, 20x20 ft, $2,900; 24x24 ft., $3,100; 28x36 ft. $4,500; 32x36 ft., $4,900; 36x48 ft., $6,900; 40x60 ft., $8,800. Cail 985-7930. BUILDINGS - Factory Winter Dis- counts - Quonset 25x30 $2,999; 35x40 $4569 with siiding doors. Straightwall 24x20 $3,599; 40x60 $9,359 with endwaiis. Many sizes available at similar savings. Prices good for deiivery before March 3V190. PIONEER ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINGS Inc. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or coliect after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for Wally, free brochures. B STEEL BUILDINGS. Immediate Savings. 20x3O $2,593; 30x3O $3,043; 40x4O $3,774; 40x42 $4.575. Sizes availabie ta 100' wide. Positive savings. Cali now 1-800-668-4338. We pay for the cail. B FUTURE STEEL VEAR END clearance on ail Steel Buildings, immediate or Spring« delivery. Large inventory. Caîl toîl f ree, 1-8006688653. NEW 3 BEDROOM home in Caurtice East Oshawa. Park on 2 sides, finished rec room, central air, lots of extras. Asking $189900. For appointment please cail after 6 p.m., 432-5465. WHITIBY, 2 month aid 2 stary, al brick detached, 1650 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, main floor iaundry, powder and family room with f irepace, greenhouse, kitchen, double garage. 201 Stonemanor Ave. Brock and Tauntan area. OnIy $237,900. Cali 430-6005. CANAL CRUSIES on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canai aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR; private staterooms; ail meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H71. B I WOULD LIKE TO THANK f riends and neighbors for their kindness at this difficuit time. Betty McCoy and family. CATCH THE DRIFT! at the 6th Annual Minden Sied Dog Derby. Sponsored by Martin Pet Foods. Professional racers, $22,000 purse. Fun for the whole famiiy. Freefor spectators. January 13 & 14, Minden, Ontario. For more information cal 1-800-461-7677. B BAHA'I FAITH PRINCIPLES: International parliament of man. Cail 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favars received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, giorified, Ioved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeîess, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer wili be answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be pramised. LL VITAMîN DISCOUNTS. Since 1973, offering high'.quaity-lowest prices on Vitamins, Minerais, Herbs, Body Building and Weight Loss, , Suppiements, Flair Treatments, Skmn Cars and More. Free Catalogue. Write: VITAMIN DISCOUNTS, DEPT. BC 15, 260 S.W. Marine Drive, V5X 2Rt5, 1-800-663-0747. B Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cail the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hottine 1 -800-668-AIDS BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counselling. Free and confidential, avaiÃlabie Monday ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30, p.m. Ciinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m.to 6:~00 p.m. For further information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901. HOME MO VIES transferred to videa tape. European video tapes converted. Low, low prices. 728-9M6. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For help cail the Denise House for women and children. Toîl f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentially assred (Formerly Auberge.) WOULD YOU LIKE TO correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the abject being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE iMO. B THANKS TO ST.- JUDE and the Sacred Heart'of Jesus for favars received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, ioved and preserved throughout the worid now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, heiper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say.this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day your p rayer wili be answered, regardiess of how hopeiess your situation seems. Publication -must be promised. LL ,BLANKET.. To Reach a Wider Market IAdvertise throughout the regional membership of the IOntario and Canadian Community Newspaper jAssociations. Example: CeaIl Ontao 149 newspapers For further information please cal 1: $12 for 25 words w29fr2 od elst, 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate *Up ta 90% financing 0 Consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe 668s-6805S Com munity Financlal Sevices Corp. 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby m i 116 (--MÈI