Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jan 1990, p. 26

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T Ml "i'W'ego When The Stars Corne Up, Prîces Corne Dowi 1 SEEDEAISATSTR Reach, For The Stars And Save! S1UPER*1 W1N=1 =(1 F1 DECAFFEINATED, SIERRA OR SANK(A Maxwell House Instant Cotfee 150 g - 200 g JAR 3.99 WITH COUPON BELOW ISLAND OUEEN, IN VEGETABLE BROTH Flaked White Tuna 1182 g TIN .79 LIMIT: 3 TINS FER FAMILY PURCHASE WHITE Royale Bathroom TIS'SUE PACKAGE 0F 12 ROLIS 3.99 WITH COUPON BELOW FROZEN, MACARONI & CHEESE, BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY Savarin Pot Pies 227 g PACKAGE -I REGULAR OR DIET REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi-Cola Pepsi-Cola or 7UP or 7UP1 Case of 24 - 280 mi. tins (Unit cost &8<pr 100 mL) 750 mL BOTTLE (UNIT COST 6.5,9FER 100 mL) 5.99 .49 1LIMI1'l 2 CASES FER FAMILY PURCHASE PLUS AO FER BOTrTLE DEPOSIT COP N REGULAR OR DIET IPepsi-Cola or 7UP 1 ICaeo0124-280ML tns (Unt COst 8.*par M ML) ,43991 L 11T. 1 case per coupon. 2 coupons per iamliIy purchms. O11e.' vaid thru Jeuiuary 12th, 1990. WITH THIS SAVE M COUPON IMaxw&ell He f Ie1 I 150g9- 2W 9JARI L UrT iIanpa cuo fa výj alld thruJanuay m1,190 I r E i I I i I SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Kraft Peanut Butter 1 kg JAR 3@99 I REGULAR OR DIETI IPepsi-Cola or 7UP I ICases0124.-28OmL tins (Unit costu.pr 100mi.)I 14M99 ULMT:l1case per coupon. 2 coupons per faniIIy purchase. L.. offor veild thnJ Januawy iMh. g90. WIH HIS SAVE 60t ICOUPON WHITE ONLY Royale Bathroom Tssue I PACKAGE 0F 12 ROLLS COPnOfrvld thnj Janumry lt,1O L("e-'lcrgWcouJpon 459>) 5.Cd iP comm-r-Er=FOR WheM it corneS to SundaShopping - -FAIR SHOPPING the rea issue is aI es. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAy JANUARY 13TH, 1990. W, resmrve t1h. rIght ta lmit quantitin to normal famlly requlremmnts. 5avngu shown Iln this ad bamed on curront Mtropolftan Toronto AAP retalle. M 9 i I t' at 'A CHORALAUDYION, The County Town Singers, under the direction of James Fox, wiil hold a choral audition at 8p.m. on Jan. 10 17 and 24 at St. Paul's school, darrard Rd. N. Whitby. For more inforWa- tio r ~g memesicl 655-876. mehicl GARDENCLUB The Oshawa Garden Club meets evýery second Mondaây of the month at Centennial United Church, 19 Rosehili Blvd., Osh- awa, meetings starting at 7:30 p.m. Guest speakers, workshops and lots of fuin. Ail welcome..For more information caîl 430-1062. GALLERYEXIFIJN The exhibition, 'Jane Zednik: Recent Paintings,' will be held at The Station Gallery until Jan. 28. PARKISONGROUP Park inson Group-Durham Region will meet on Thursday, Jani. il, 9:30 a. at the church house, corner of à3yron and Col- borne streets, Whitby. For more information cail 668-6580. UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB A general meeting of the University.Woens Club-Osh- awa and Distrct will be held Lonight (Wednesday, Jan. 10) 8 p.m., at the' Oshawa Public it>r- ary auditorium. Guest speaker Bruice Small will- discuss 'How women can take charge of and improve the environment.' A self-help group for widowed Lien and women will meet on 3unday, Jan. 14 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane 3t., Whitby at 2 p.m. Ail widowed nen and women are invited to ittend. For more information caîl 68-2648. AUTO WORKERS' MEETING The Auto Workers (Oshawa) Credit Union Limited will hold its 52nd annual meeting on Saturday, Jan. 13 at McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute, beginning at 1 p.m. At this meeting, three members will be elected to the board of directors to serve a three-year term; two will be elected to the credit committee, and one to the supervisory ' committee for three-year ternis. Other business to be discussed wiIl be the reports of vaiious committees, the board's annual report, the general manager's report, the audi ted financial statements and bylaw amendrnents. The Auto Workers Credit Union, the fifth largest in Ontario, was established April 2, 1938 and currently has assets iný excess of $188-million and a BIG SISTERS ORIENTATIO] Big Sisters of Newcastle-Osl awa- Whitby will hold thel monthly 'Orentation Night' oi Wednesday, Jan. 24, 7 to 9 p.mý at 387 Simce St. S., Oshawa For more information cali 436 SUPPORT GROUP MEETING The Head Injury Association of Durham Region will hold a sup- port group meeting on Wednes- da, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., ai, Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gil- bert St.Allwelcçme ir n St. Andrew's Presbyteian Church in Whitby will hold its 57th annual Burns Supper on rJan. 19, 7 p.m. ickets are $12 for adults and $5 for children under 12, available at Bailey Big V Pharmacy, 362 Brock St. S., or Ferguson's Wool Shop, 121 Brock St. S. BEUCHR The Whitby Legion Branch 112 Ladies Auiiaxy will hold their montihlyeuûchre _at - the - Legion, -halr (upstairs), 117 Byron St. S., Whitbyx on Thursday, Jan. 18, 8 p.mn. Cost is $2 per person. Cash pyizes. Lunch will be served. kanidicapped lift available. VOLUNTEERTUTORS The Durham Board of'Educa- tion and Literacy Council of Dur- ham BRein are holding a 12- hour workshop to train vlunteer tutors to teach an adult to read on Jan. 20 and 21,' 9 a.m. to ï p.m., at the Adult Liearningt Centre, Oshawa. Cost is $16O (membership fee). To register, cali 434-5441.. WOMEN'SAGLOW Women's Aglow Fellowship- Oshawa-Whitby will meet on Thursday, Jan. 11, 7 p.m., at the arts resource centre, behind Osh- awa city hall. Guest speaker Marg Pol1lock, area president for Keswick district, will discuss 'Problems With Teens.' For more information caîl 436-9425 or 623- 3197. ONE PARENT FAMIES The -North Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Families Association will meet on Wednesday,. Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, the corner of Hillcroft- and Mary streets in Oshawa. The guest speaker will be a representative from the Big Brothers organization. New menibers are welcome. For more information, eall 668-5144 or 436-7640. The North Oshawa Chatper of the One Parent Farnilies Association wilI meet on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, the corner of H-illcroft and Mary streets in Oshawa. Guest speaker will be Dr. Greg Martin on 'Stress Management.? New members are welcome. For more information, eall 668-5144 or 436-7640. HELP FOR VETERANS Veterans or members of veterans families can receive information about pensions, allowances or medical assistance available, on Thursday, Jan lO' at Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legio Hall, Whitby. To arrange for an appointment between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. or for further information eall Denis (Miles) Delaney at 668-2730. DRAUG The DRAUG (Durham Region Apple User Croup) for Apple II series and compatible computers wiIl meet at St. Andrews Presbyterian Churc, 209 Cochrane St. in Whtby on Thursday, Jan. 18, at 7 p.m. This month's topie wil be, communication via a modem, I;here will be a - presentation on receiving and transmitting data and files on a modem using an Apple II systei. -New members are welcome. For further information caîl 427-8204 or 668-5022. 57'MH ANNUAL BURNS Coming events LLIMIT: 6 PKGS FER FAMILY PURCHASE SALTED OR UNSALTED TOPS A&P Soda Crackers 4W0 g BOX 399 E ISun Pac Pure Apple Juice 70 THICKSONRD. S. IIWHITBY ,-:77ý- 7- M- PREGNANCYAFTER BEREAVEMENT Pregnancy Afler ]Bereavement, a 1support group for parents facing a new pregnancy atr the loss of an irif lt, wilI meet on Thursda, Jan. il, 8 p.m. For more information, caîl Heather at 571-1232 or kia at 725-2088. . 1 L- A&P FOOD STORES FOR THE WIDOWIED 1 48 FLOZ TIN LIMIT: 6 TINS FER FAMILY PURCHASE 1 L m A&n lffr%à%ft

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