Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jan 1990, p. 11

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WIJTB)t FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1990, PAGE il Retireinent planning offered The Town of Wh-itby parks and recreation dep'atent and the Whitby Public Library are co-ordinating a retirement planning program for residents of Whitby. The six-week program will be offered at the Witby Public Library on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m., beginning.Jan. 30. Resource people will present information on pensions, investments, legal issues, use of leisure time, healthy, housing and general retirement options. The fee for the programi is $20 single or $30 per couple and you may register in person at Information Whitby at the Library from 9:30 a.m. to,9 p.m. and Saturdays or at the parks and recreation department in the Whitby municipal building from 8:30 a.m.. to 4:30 p.m. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, Jan. 24. For further information caîl 668-1424 or 668-0552. d A BIRD-FEEDER tour, led by Gord Geissburger of At L e the Central Lake Ontario Conservation AuthoritY, At Lynwas held on Sunday at the Lynde Shores Conser-' vation Area in Whitby. About 60 people took parn Shore.9in the tour. Peter Tombfln-Fro. Pr.m photo Drugs seized Whitby Jail at Durhamn Regional Police, res- * pondin<g to a. telephone tip etrdthe W;hitby Jail anc1 seized a small quantity of drugs found taped under a garbage * can., The drugs, five gramns of Éash oit were found in a washrcoom in ta dministrative area of the jail. There were no suspects and Police expect there will be an internai investigation performed bythejail. Poice eek driver of pick-up * A car driven by a Blackstock woman was involved in a col- lision with a pick-up truck at the corner of Brock St. S. and Dun- lop St. on Dec. 29. According to police, an elderly man aged 60,to70,gt out ofthe trucl assessed the damnage quickiy and then jumped back in and cove off, after the 11:40 a.m. accident. .The man was drivinu a cream- colored pick-up The first three digitso the liense plate were DS6 (witnesses were unsure as te, the final three digits). The man himself was descri-' bed as being 5 ft., 8 inches te 5 ft., 10 inches taîl, stout-framed, short grey hair combed te one side, gasses with brown rims, smoking a pipe, and last seen wearing a bei ge parka. Anyone with information per- tnngte te accident is urged te caîl Durham Reginal Police. There were no injuries in the accident. Car stides into wt A Whitby man escaped injury when, while drivfingeastbound in icy conditions on Rossland Rd. E., he lost control of bis car and slid mnto the brick wall situated at the entranoe te the Fafling- brook Estates. Zaee Nair was unhurt ini th ec. 31 incident but hie car First Class IllE], SERVICES FOR VICTIMS 0F SEXUAL ASSAULT In 1986, recognizing the need ta provide services for victims of sexual assault in Durham Région, the Ministry of Héalth approved the Séxual Assault Caro Centre (SACC) now located at Whitby Gênerai Hospital. Judith Hoilett, the Centre's coardinatar, was hired in 1987 ta develop the Centre. It opened in 1988., Afthough she was hired an a part-time basis, Hoilett's workload has, in actuality, always been fuli-time. In Novémbér 1989 the Ministry af Heath approved her position as f uli-time. The SACC, located an the second floar af the Hospital, pravidés émergency medical care and crisis counselling ta victims ai séxual assault. It is the only service of its kind in Durham Regian. H-oilett sees bath children and. aduits. uTragically, thé demnand for my services is far greater than thé hours 1 have available,n Holett says. Victims corne into thé Hospital either through reférral from adult protection agénciés, on their own through thé emergency department, or they are braught in by thé policé. Sexual assauft is nat seen as a médical émergency, and oftén doctors are réluctant ta get involved in a casé of this typé. That's why Hoilett's roI. is so important. mlarn notified as soon as soméane camés in,w Hoilett explains. it's important that support b. available immediately.7 Ten nurses and twélve doctors have been specially trained ta work with victims ai sexual assault. Hoilett daes this training, facusing an thé emotianal and psychological aspects ai sexual assault, thé myths surrounding rape, and crisis caunselling. In addition, thé forensic médical exam, required if a victim chooses ta press charges, is long, tédiaus and invasive. Training helps thasé performing thé exam ta bé as supportive af thé victim as possible. As soon as a victim ai sexual assault cames into thé haspital, they are transferred ta thé SACC office. Thé specially trained nurse on cail for that day is contacted immediatély and is available within thirty minutes. Thé nurse explains thé victim's options including whethér charges will be filed, thé médical treatment requiréd, what a forensic exam entails, etc. Crisis counselling is afferéd and a médical exam conductéd ta make sure thé victim is ail right medically. Al ai thé victims are given thé opportunity ta continué in caunselling. About a third of themn do. Hoilett also allers support and counselling for thosé women and children invalvéd in court cases. H-oilett's office serves as bath an éxamining room and a counselling area. «I'vé tried ta create an environment that allers comfort and saiety,w Hoilett commnents. However, space limitations are severe. 'When yau've got a mother, three kids and mne irn this tiny roam, it gets very crowded.0 In addition, Hoilett has approval ta hire secrétarial help, but where will this secretary sit? There's. a possibiîity that thé Respiratory Therapist's office may b. available far a féw hours a week, but there!s already a waiting ist. With thé Hospital's redevelapment, Hoilett is hopeful that thé Centre will b. able ta éxpand. 0for a flrst class communityl1! Thisfaemiedsp4eeuFePés GOLDEN GAIE RESTAURANT 1~~ 41[2 CHINESE FOOD BUFFET DATLY T4E..XXXclx $5a. 75a CSat. & Sun. Brunch $6.25 (more than 50 items to choose from for dinner) Dine in anid Take-out service. M107 BROCK ST. S., WHITBYy RED- TAG'SALE Pet Depot & Imports Corne one ..à.Come ail! ALL ACCESSORIES REDUCED from 10 ta 50% Sale ends January 31, 1990 Small FREE GIFT with your purohase HAPPY NEW VEARIII 368 BROOK ST. S., Whltby (in the IGA Plaza> 430-7886 mummmmr- -ýM

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