PAGE 4, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUAIW 3,1990 ave.a....aleu..........40 && 8 RE\IE\/J.8 ..................................... ...... .. . . . . FROM PAGE 3 aswýeraquestions over the week- en d,»3Id Buffett, disappolnted that ~r motion did not receive appro ail WJÉLL INTRFERENCE In Jauuary, residents of Gar- den St. 'were calling for assurances they would receive compensation for well inter- ferenice when two sutbdivision' developmonts began. But mem- hors of the planning committe« were, not willing to provide that assurance until it was confirmed that such a problein eisted. Councillor Joe &rumm told rosi- dents tho two.developers must provide an engineering study te indicate whether construction will adversly affect the wells. HZART VALVE SETTLEMENT Whitby Iawyer Brian' Evans was successtùl in two more Bjork Shiley heart valvé dlaims. The two claims were the fourth aud fifth of such settiements with Shiley Inc., manufacturer of -the heart valvesý The valves were renioved from the market lu 1986 by Shiley because the wel- ded. struts lu' the valves were coming apart after implantation lu the patients' chests. Evans says over 120 deaths worldwide were attributable to the malfunc- tioning valves. More than 7,900 potentially defective valves were implanted lu, Canadiaus and more than 75,000 worldwide. >BIG BROTflERS ANNIVERSARY 1989 marked the 2th auni- versay of the local chapter of the Big Brothers Association which provides father-absent boys with a male role model. Events. LYNDE HOUSE Reetiu a Conservation Reviw Bard recommendation of a heritage easement agree- ment, htýy coucil instead began proceedingalin February te have Lynde House designatedasi a heritage structure. Tho Town planning committe foît the .15- foot perimoter provided by the designation would render ado- qcuateprotection and would pro- vent the placement of any other structures near the house. COUNCJELLORS'RAISES ,Wbitby councillors lu February voted. theinselves a 29pr cent pay incroase and Mayor Bob Attersley a 20 fer cent increase. Attorsloy saidthe increaso reflocts the added demaud on' councillors due te the incroasing population -of Whitby and Dur- ham Region. In December, coun- cillors voted themselves an addi- tional 6.3-per cent raise, sald to ho in lino with that given te Town employees. ROAYSUNRISE ANNIVERSARY The Rotary Club. of Whitby- Sunriso celebrated its fnrst anni- versary ilu-February with keynote speaker John Spragge, presideut of CALCOM and fellow Rotarian. Sprage made four main points ofdefluitîin for Rotariauism ln his address:,its* members as a group, as indivi- duals, the personahity of those ludividuals and service provided by the club. ASýfSEffS MENT STUDIEI lu' February, Town cauncil decided te ask the Ministry of Revenue to study the effect, of market value assessment if, in- aRC troduced in Whitby. In many cases, property taxes are based or assessment taken between the 19409 and 19608. The new format would ho based on 1984 propet values and would ho updated continually. Councillors; met iu April to receive a pro- liminary report which focused maily on the im"pact such au assessment would h ave on pro- perty taxes. The regional asos- ment lookod at 2,200 raudoin homes in* the aroa and avo its findinge to a confidential meet- i ngo council at the end of April. Wen it came th a vote in May, a 4-4 split decision meant dofeat of the motion. Opposing coà uncillors fouud tho systom unfair to oldor homos and to seniors, whereas councillors in favor cousidered the present isystem munair and market value, tho only fair sys- tom available. OfflIAL PLAN BEVIEW Whitby's planning and dove- lopmnt committee askod for $150,00 lu Fobruary to imple- ment a two-year study f the Town's officiai, plan. The last plan was comploted' lu 1973. Plnn g diroctor Bob Short esti- mated the cost of the study at $350,000 to $400,000 for the next tw"years. Some of the areas to ho reviewed iucluded housing, enviroumout, rural dovelopinont, transportad~on, future urban growth aud commercial and lu-. dustrial growth. A public meet- ing to, diseus tho officiai plan was held lu the faîl. MORLEYTBAIN RL'TIES After 24 years as'sherif of the SEE PAGE 9 for MAON AMU ~FABULOUS5 EDLkq QZV!LIHSILÎ( 1CUSTOM MADE DESIGN9 SUITEO SPECIFICALLY FOR VOUR TASTES AND DESIRES HAND BEADED BRIDAL OOWNS BRIDAI. ACCESSORIES CUSTOM TAILORINO TO AU.GOWNS. MOTHER 0F BRIDE AND GROOM FASH1O#S AFFORDA3LEPRICES EXCLUSIVELYt INRMREGIoeAT: Dianne's Bridaiý Couture 413 DUNOAS ST.E., WHITBV FOR VOUR EXCLUSIVE APPOINTMENT CALLW 430-8985 SEE MARIA JUNGS DESIGNS IN'TODAY'S BRIDE" MAGAZINE'