WHITB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUAIRY.3,1990, PAGE 3 9 REVEW..9.......'89.REV.IEW.'89 REVIEW B9REVIEW. Events BABY DIES IN PIRE A child playing with an igni- tion source was the probable cause: of, a fire that killed five- month-old Alona Seidel. The blaze, on, Wednesday, Jan. 4 caused 'an' estlmated $60,0 damage »to the home at 580 Mary St.,E. The- baby's mother, father and two-year-old brother escaped serius jury AI4xong the prominent citizens of t itywhô passed away dui- ing 1989. were: -Carl Mantz, in January, former publisher and founder of the former Whitby Weekly News which ho used to >prox*ote such projets as- the Whiltby General Hos pital, Whitby Yacht Club, YMCA, Whitby Curling Club and. senior citizen facilities ( ho was awar- ded the Peter Perry Award in 1974 -as Whitby's outstanding citizen) ; in June, George Lof- thouse, also a Peter Perry Award winner, who was a member of Town council from 1955-1957, member of Whitby township planning board in 1968,* and a member of the hospital board of governors for which served in almost every capacity, including chairman from 1970-72; John McKeown Roblin, ini September, was -a former president of the Registrar of Deeds Association of Ontario, wias very -active in com- muiylife, elected to Town council in 1940; was a member of the Whitby Board of Education * from 1943 -48, and was president of the Whitby Chamber of. Com- merýein 1948-49. Winnipeg native Sir William Ste enson, founder of Camp :!Ç theéeet agent training basemi Whtbv during World War IL, died in' January in Bermuda. CENTENNIIALBUILDING The operations committee of the Whitby partcs and recreation' department gave approval in January -for a! study into the possibilityou 'g LheCenten- niai Building as a muséum and theatre. Parks and recreation director Larry, Morrow stated that the study: would- not be indepth and would not cost the Town.monev. HOMIEMAKERSGLT FUNDING The Red' Cross Homemaker Service had its deficit covered by the Province, as announced by Community and Social Services Minister John Sweeney in Janu- ary. The déficit for the 1990 year wnIil also be covered in order to mesure another year of opration'. The Red Cross Homemakers Ser- vice had a projected deficit of $1. 1-million for 188-89. GO ADDS PARKING, Go Transit proposed last Janu- ary te build an additional 450 parking spaces at the Whitby Go station at a cost of approximately $700,000. In ,mid-August,- 550 spaces were added te, the lot, with *n'O room for further expan- sion. GO Transit also encouraged <'fre integration» (free businir on local transit te the Go sta tion) and car pools te and from the station. VISSER ON TÃ"P TEM David Visser of Whitby., was one of three members of a Wil- frid Laurier University team that took first place in a national business competition at Queen's University in January. Their, DAMAGE was estmae at more tlhan 'restuat gift shop, and offics, and a- 81-million when fire in February des'- smail barn at Cuilen Gardons. troyed an 1850 structure containing.a report outlined the strategy of a steel company that adapted te, improve, business while main- taining good employee relations and was based on Dofasco o Hamilton in the 1980s.- E ARILYAGENDAS A notice of motion calling for early agendas was put forward in January by centre ward council- lor Lynîda Buffett and seconded by east ward, councillor Dennis Lo. Buffet explamned that staff have te romain late on FridLays te have the agendas available for councillors Saturday afternoons. She foît that it would be easier* for staff te stay late on Thursday as. opposed te Fridays, and the change would allow for earlier acces. te information. Howeveri the motion was turned down by a vote of 5-3. at- the neit council meeting. "It was turned down because- they don't want te, SM~ PAGE 4 Port WI"itby MEMBEIRS of the SOS (Save Our Shores) citizens' group luce a petition in spring .1989 to have 'a WB±Ct*I. public . wsalmewa. s. p-4. o!tbe 1plaed. Cosca development in Port Wbitby. Lynde Shores area plan uses were approved, construction began on a luxur condominium, and McGraw-Hill Ryerson announced their new office build- ing, as 1989 saw further steps made in the development of Port Whitby. But controversy over access te the waterfront and. building height arose over Coscan's pro- posed, significant, residential development on the former Car- tier -McNamara property. And as the teurism potential was out- lined -in plans te locate a former destroyer in the harbor, the for- mer ferry boat, the Prince Edward Isl and, remained a tenant for anotber year. Coscan's plIan for condominium and townhouse development dominated discussion in 1989. Coscan originally proposed three 22-story condo builig near the waterfront as well as tewnhouses. I February, Town planning committee instead recommended four 15-stery condo buildings. However, despite a staff report that a three-metre public walk- way be established between the' waterfront and the buildings, committee removed that walk.- way location from the plan and instead suggested a path along Brock St. -S. Councillors Ross Batten and Lynda Buffett <Buf- fett had previously supported a waterfront walkway) cited p ten- tial liability problems wAt the waterfront walkway. At the meeting of council which followed, the four-building plan was approved but three councillors - Tom Edwards, Mar- cel Brunelle and Dennis Fox - opposed the removal of the walk- way from the waterfront area. hi March, Jennifer Lieet of Whitby started opposition. to the: council decision te iuanove the walkway. About 50 residents attended a meeting, decided te caîl their organization SOS (Save Our Shores) and,. in April, began a petition.. I June, the group, having collected 1,700 names on the petition, claimed it had beau îgnored iattempts te have- con- cern preentdblefore the Town. In Sptem pr,_planning com- mittee ch an Joe Drumm ini- dicated that council had asked planning staff te look at restor- îng the waterfrout walkwýay in the plan although ho said that vssible iability..problems posed the waterfront walkway still represented a council concern. About 150 residents attended a public meeting in September about the plan and opposed Town plans te remove the water- front walkway.. Other concerns were expressed about the high' density of the $150-million- pro-, ject.- A recommendationý is te be made in early 1990. David Crom- bie, head of the Royal Commis- sion looking inte theo-future of the Lake Ontaric waterfront, visited Whitby's harbor area in December. It i. 'expected that Crombie will make comments to the Province about theplan in early 1990. WihFERRY BOAT; Wihno'action ,yet taken by owners te make a deal involving the former^ferry boat, the Prince Edward Island, Town efforts con- tinuad te have the boat removed from the harbor (the Town had preiou1,ýtried, unsuccessful, June council decided te ask local Memiiers of Parliament te lookc into the matter. Ontario ridinq MP Rene Soetens later indicatea that the boat complies with al federal regulations and can remain tied te 'the federal pier. I November the boat daznaged harbor walls <à uring bad, weather, the second time, danmage has occurredl from th e boat's move- ment in stermy weather. HMCS I April, Town plannig stf racommended againsta pro sal b the Royal Canadin aval eriflAssociation te moor the HMCS Ottawa, a Canadian des- troyer, at Whitby harbor, after the-, 'hip is:,de&iommissioned in 1991-. lu ?JuneI after heain about the plan ~ote associa- 'tion, ..the. ôn prations- com- mittee aaked for more informa- tion before a decision i. made. LYNDE SHORES In October, Durhanm Region council approved the extension of residential, industrial Iand -com- mercial uses south of Victoria St. in the Lynde Shores area,. but decided te take a second look at provision~ for a French-only secondary school in the area. (The Region and Province wilI jointly embark upon an. indus- trial park plan for property north of Victoria St. ust west of Iro- quois Park, rÃý Sears decided te locata a warehouse in another community. The area i. also part of the Lynde Shores plan). Mayor Bob Attarsley opposed the p ro- posed location *of. the SChool because it was not central te the region. BOAT BUILDER GETS CONTRACT . A Whitby boat company was commissioned to build a haîf model of a Basque fishing boat for the Canadian Museum of Civilization in February. Walker Boat Building Company built the stern section of the- boat for display i the architectural his- tory hall of the museun. '8.9.REVIEW '89 REVIW'9.EI 9 EIW.89 REVIW'9RVE à M'em. Mw 9p la a « 1