Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Jan 1990, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WIFrY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JMAIUARY 3.,1990 ... ... .. .. . ... . . ... ... .. ... .. . .. .. . ... .. ... ... .............. ............ ............. '89 REVIEW --B9 REVIEW à89 REVIEW è89. REVIEW 89 REVIEW ........ ... ...................« ......................... ........... ........ Events PROMPAGE 21 tionai volunteer at Whitby Jail for four years received a 1989 Distingushed \Tolunteer Service Aw*"dfromn the MinistryofCr rectiônal Servicesin Aprle ItEDCROSS A N E S R 1989 n1arked the Soth anni- versary of the" OshawaWîb Regional Red Cross Society.Fo the past 50 years, the Red Cross has, provided special prograis, wattersafety programs, sick room e mntWhels. services and JAIL GUAüiWs PICKIù! About 13 Whitby Jail correc- tional officéer fromi union local P01lpicketed outaide the jail in A ril to demand a botter pension pilan and an endto overcrowding. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT POLICY Whitby's operations committee gave approvai in May to a local improvement policy which allows homeowners to pay directiy toward reconstruction of a road they front. Pýayments were te be made as one lump. suin or spread over a 10 -year ,period (interest charges also applied with the latter). The first road te fail under the new policy was New- man Crescent in Whitby but of the 43 notices sent to tuÈe resi- dents of Newman in June, oniy 30 returned, ail of them refus'ais. SINGLE REP Âdopting a motion, by north ward councillor Bosis Batten Whitby, council in Juno askeJ both the, fedoral and provincial governments for single represon- tation for Wihitby. Ho said the public is often conifused as té who is thofr reprosontative since Wht y sp r of two provinca and two fedral ridinffs VON AàNN1ERAY Th'e Victorian Order of Nurses celebrated 75 years of service to the community in June. Seventy- two nurses perform heaith and medical care services for the VON hiDurhamn. In 1988-89, 81,817 home visits were perfor- med in the region. Among the services offered are general nurs- ing services, foot care enterosto- ma thora py, friend1y visiting and a psychiatrie follow-up pro- gram., HILGENEW C H R A Catherine Hilge- of Oshawa was appointed the new chairman of thé Durham Region District Health Council at the annuai meeting lin June. Hilge, adminis- trator of Daheim Nursing Home in Uxbridge and member of the board for the Durham Region Placement Coordination Service, has been a member of the he aith council since 1986. Her appoint- ment was for a one-year termn. PH REAP R. AWARDED, Whitby photographer Mary Elien McQuay won three national photographic awards in July from tho National Associa- tion of. Photographie Artists. McQuay won two out of three prestigions judges' choice awards. The awards are given for overail show entries rather than specific catagories. She also won an honorable mention in a thid catego ~ ~ C L E INflREPID 8ir William Stephenson, 'The Man Called Intrepid,' was honored by the Town of Whitby in a ceremony at Intrepid Park in August. Stephenson was the founder of Camp X which opened on Whitby's liefront in 1941. Camp X was the first spy train- inàchool established in North America.' COURT BACKLOG RELIEVED AttorneyGenerai Ian Scott announced in August his appro val for the appoinment of nine judges and l3 assistant crown attorneys to alieviate court back- logs in criminal courts in Barrie,1 Brampton, Newmarket and Osh-1 awa. In 1985/86 the provincial. cdurt was receiving and dispos- ing of 12,000 char gos per year. In 1988, the caseload rose te 16,000 peryaan 1989 figures were ÂLLSO'STOP SINGERS Lee Ann and Jamie Allison of Whitby each won their classes in the 18-nd-under Ontario -open country asnirg conteste at the Canadian National xhibition in August. For their 1989 first-plaoe finishes, the brother and sister each won a recording session and cash prize. PARKIG TAX Whitby couniciliors asked for public support in September te, fiht ap roposed parking tax. Irn lus1989 provincial budget, Trea- surer Robert Nixon proposed that an annuai tax be imposed on large.commercial structures commercial parking lots anâ parking garages within the grea- ter Toro-nte area, including Dur- ham. The. tax would resuit in a 70-te 120-per cent increase in current parking rates. Town counicil decided - not -te partici- pate» in the Province's parking tax. In an attempt te avert the tai, the operations committee approved a motion that the Town ofWhýitby impiement a poliic of no-charge par ng lots and dou- biing the rates of on-street park- inTAXI FEE INCREASE In September, the, Town's works committee presented a report recommending a, gnorai incroase in business icense fees te recover the cost associated with the administration and enforcement of the ,ToWns busi- ness license regulations. Repre- sontatives of'the taxi industry objected te the proposed increase for 'cab, licenses, arguing 'the'in- creases in license fees should be directiy prortona td tocab fare increases.TInDecember, ,Town council voted in favor of in- creasos te both taxi-cab fares and taxi-cab licenseés. 'BUS SERVICEt Wiitby Transit is on the road te successfui service accordingte a report made by WIitby~spublic works departrnent last year. An additional 35 per cent of Whitby people went aiong for the bus ride in 1989, compared te 1988, with a significant increase of 23 per cent on Saturdays., Among changes proposed for the future was an effort to imprvethe efficiency of service fromtheGO train in the afternoons. TRAILER PARK EXPANSION The Town of Whitby gave approval for expansion of the 1SEE PAGE 23 39 REVIEW 89 REVIEW '89 .RE .VIE .W '89..RE .VIE .W '89 REVIEW . . .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .... . .. .. Re Ion .9 An issue that had proved so divisive in 1987, the problem of how and whýre to expand Region administration space was close to, being resolved in 1989. After Whitb and Oshawa regional counci?1ors, had battled in '87 to claim the site of a new administrative building, .1989 saw a possible compromise - administrative facifities in both Oshawa and Whitby - after both: Region staff and, some couneillors pushed for a solution to relieve .tion problem. In Januaz-y- Region adminis- trator jJoý_Èvan9 stated in a report that the Region was out of space at its facilities in Oshawa (for finance department) and Whit4y (works - and planning). Whitby regional councillor Jée Drumm urged, the Region to con- sider a new administrative build- mg, particularly after viewing conditions at f heilities at 105 Consumers Dr. *in Whitby. Later in - January, a consul- tanes report , indicated that it would cost more than $750,000 to bring the head"l"arters build- ing on Rossland fiâ. E. up to .proper heating and air condition- mg standards. In February, Osh- awa councillor Jim P6tticary voted against the RegioWs $1.5- million property management budget as a way to, force atten- tion to, the need for debate. on a new headquarters building. lhen mayors in the region were asked to look at thei' problem, as a motion stated that the Region was pa . toc, much in rent. In Uanrc%, Whitby Suneillors voted 8-0 to notify the Region that the headquarters should remain in Whitby. In July, plans were unveiled for the two--building conce t - health and social services, ýL- ning and non-profit housing department in downtown Osh- awa and council chambers, regional chairmads office, econo- mie development offices, finance, soiicitord,, clerks' offices in Whithy, at an undetermined location. Regional council voted 21-3 to approve, in pririciple, the plan. JAter it was learned that the Region was negotiating with the Province for land on the north side of Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, for a new building. (Negotiations still continue). Meanwhile in November, the Region deciâed to relocate its planning department to * the Whitby Mall, a 17,000-sq. ft. spaS on the third floor. AIR CONTROLAT HOMES In ' February, regional couneil approved paynient of more than $1-million (more than half of that aid for by the Province) to instail, temperature-controlled areas at Fairview Lodge in Whitby, Hillsdale Manor in Osh- awa and Lakeview Manoir in Beaverton. Air conditioning had been recommended by a coroner's jury whieh had held an inquest into the death of Annie Ancliff, a senior at Hillsdale, in 1988.- 911 In April, regional couneil apyroved, in principle, an enhan-.' ce 911 emergency telephone system, estimated to cost $1.7- million to install and $1-million a year to operate. All but one member of council, Newcastle's Ken Hooper, voted for 911. Hoo- per said -NewcastlWs fire service was alreadýM t' ,Mefficientjy. In May, regional couneil appro- ved a whopping 19 per cent tax increase, representing an everage increase of $52.85 for Whitb residents. The budget in- cludeYreserve funding for the 911 system, waste disposal reserve fund, and hiring of about 200 more staff, half of t-hat num- ber for the police de partinent. POLICE CeMECT - In April, Durham Regional Police approved a new two-year contract that Nould increase a first class constable's salary to $47,014 by July, 1990, iÎý_cf in- creased bénefits. An increase in drug and street gýng activity was cited as the main reason fdr hiring 101 new officers and civi- lians. IREFUSESDEBATE .-In May, Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley, chairman of the Dur- hain Re »onal Police Commis- sion, -àhllWhitb)-,,eourttil-nfem-% 1- - -- bers declined an invitation to, debate with the Durham chapter of the Congress of Black Women over police hirin of minorities. ee cil meeting ý stated at a coup at lie would resign as commission chairman if standards had to, be lowered to, handle visible minorities. The Congress said that Attersley assumed that standards had to, be lowered to, comply with man- datory ethnie hiring quotas, and said Attersley's comment was "revoltin ÈHAR LMR After notice in April that the Chalk Lake Spring on Lakeridge Rd. (Regional Rd. 23) might be capped due to the traffle pro- bleme and possible water con- tàmination probleme posed, re 1 couneil in May instead == to move the spring to, the other aide of the road th two road lanes to be adUi and a parkingarea. PAY RAISE Regional couneillors voted themielves a 5 per cent pay raise in May, increasing'a councillors salary to, $19,000 (retroactive to Jan. 1, 1989), to $20,000 on Jan. 1, 1990, and to $21,,000 on Jan. 1.1991. CANNONSBELOCATED On Jul 8 th two cannons guarding Lu;ýZregional head- quarters began the journey.back to, their original home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The cannons had been first brought to Whitby by Col. J.E. Farewell, then crown attorney for Ontario County, in- 1902. SE«RAGRF.EMNT In December, Durham regional couneil voted to ' take York Region to the Ontario Municipal Board over six recently approved residential and industrial deve- lopments involving the York- Durham sewer agreement. Dur- ham felt York, which. bas no restraints on new development, will soon use more than itsshare .of a sewer plant that treats waste from Yôrk and west Dur- ham. MEMBMS of the Halîfaw 78th. High. ters on July 8 when the Region turned landers stood guard during cere- over the two cannons toAhe Hallifax monies at Durham Region headquar- Citadel FÃ"uindation.

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