PAGE 20, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1990 89B?É 0?EVIEW .. 89 .RE VIEW W -"9.REVIE.W .'.89 -ý*IËW **8*REVIEW W9 Sports 1989 highlights in Whitby sports -and recreation: PRECISION SKATING In April, Whitby Ice Fyre tur- ned in a 1azzling'Rtagtineter. second straight Canadian senior p recision skatingchampionship. The mais werelield iEdmnon- ton, Alta. Whitby Ice Elusions msesteain -ýwas sixth, after winnin niternational meet in Lake Placid, N.Y. in Janiuary and a ,'meet in North York. Whitby Ile Angels novice teamn was fIfth in the Canadian'finalP after a first in North York and a fifth at Lake Placid. HOCEY Whitby Ontario Transpor- tation Systemns captured the minor novice divieion of the international silver stic~k tourna- mentý in Newmarket in January. Whitby Eastway Chrsyler minor pewees reached the aIl-Ontario lnais bef'ore falling te Stratford iApril. 1989 was memorable for gra- duates of the, Brooklin/Whitby minor hockey system. In the NHL, Joe Nieuwendyk and Gary Roberts helped Calgary Plames win the Stanley Cup, and, play- ing with Soviet Sergei Makarov, were among the top scorers' in the flrst half of the .1989-90 season. Adam Foots, now a defenceman with Sault Ste. Marie in Ontario junior A, was selected 22nd overali the NH-L, draft b yQuebec Nordiques. Centre Keith Pruneau of Niagara Falls Thunder junior A hockey club is one of the top 10 scorers in the league and is also expec- ted te be a higth NHL draft pick. Defenn Craig,,Donaldson -is one of the leaders of a strong Oshawa Generals team. Retiring from the NHL'New York Isian- ders was right winger Brad Dal- garno. TRACK AND FIELD Jason Bacchiothi won the Ontaro hamponship in bantami ('ge 15 1ndunder) 50-metre huirdles on Feb. 4, set both DYS- SAA and regional records for the midget-age 100m event in May., and tied the Ontario midget-age record in June as hie won te ail-Ontario high sehool final. He is a student at Henry Street High School. Jason Brumley of E. A. Fair- man public school and âniberly Small of West Lynde public school each set two records in Durham elementary school com- teiinin June. Brumley won 1he 13-year-old bo s' 100M and 200m races, Smai won the 10 0yea-old boys' 100m and 200m. Brumley also set two proicial records for bantam age bos in the 60m sprint and 6Oin hurdles ilate «89. Dave Bailey of Anderson CVI broke records as hie won the LOSSA and DYSSAA 800m and. 1,500m events, and set a regional junior age record in the Selena Tsai of Anderson CVI set a DYSSAA record i senior girls' javein in May while the ânderson midgyet boysN" 400mn f M-nast'r. s cgoT% Dt9.IPo]q e.jà c... play te, run thenr consecutive victory streak. te 84 games. However, a playoff final with Peterboroughi went the full seven gaines and although Redmen prevailed in that series they did not in the Manindup final aanta teugh, talented New W estminster teain. A junior (aged 13 and under) team, that included eight players from Whitby went undefeated on an exhibition Ilacrosse teur in Enscland. Min Windover scored a total cf 19 goals for the Ontario women's field lacrosse teain that was run- ner-up te Manitoba in a Cana- dian teurnament held in Saskat- chewan in the summer. ced- a *$5.7-million debenture teward the cost of the first phase ($3.8-million from the tewn's reserve funds and a $1-million grant from the Province). It was decided that taxes for each Whitby household will go up $4 each year, for the next 5 years, te, el py back the debenture (eenue from lot levies will also be used). WRESTLING Brian Young of Whitby was first in the 59-kilo weight divi- sionin wrestling at the Ontario Winter Games in North Bay in March. SEE PAGE 21 JERRY NEMISH,ý pro at the aergeLiAnke golf course which was officiaily opened Iast y'ear, cornes out of a trap as he takes'a turn shortly after grand opening cermonies were held. at the world artistic gymnastics championships in West Germany i October. Top athiete, team of the year LORI STRONG is ath- lete of the year for Wbitby after she agai won the overalttie for women in Cana- dian gymnasties com- petition, and she ran- ked, 22nd in a world competition. Sharing team-of-the-year honors are Whitby. le Fyre, Canadian senior precision skatilng team champions, and Brook- lin Redmen, who established a new major/senior Jacrosse record i1989, stretch- ing thefr undefeated streak in Ontario play to 84 gam es before a victory by Peter- SWIMMG Lori Melien had runner-up, finishes in the 100m and 200m. backstroke events at trials in late '89 te, earn a spot on the Canadian swim team, at. the Commonwealth Gaines te be held in January, 1990. -The bronze- medallist i the 1988, Olympics, also won the 100m, freestyle event and 100m breast- stroke event at the Ontario high school championships, and was a member cf the Anderson relay teani, along with Heather Armi- tage, Jennifer Thatcher and Wendy Pruneau,' that was second overaîl in Ontario and broke the OFSAA record. 1989 was a banner year for a member of the Whitby Iroquois Swim, Club. Leslie Dowson won the Ontario chaxnpionship for girls 10 and under in March as she won five events. In lher final competition in June for age 10 and under, she won eight gold medals. It'was also, a year of gold for another club member, Aaron Lo, who, in his final competition for boys aged 10 and under, earned seven gold, medals at a meet in Guelph in MaY.em r Peggy Hford, club meme and Henry Street High School student, won the 100m butterfly for girls 13 and 14 at the Ontario Winter Games in North Bay in March. LACROSSE Brooklin Redmen's 1989 sea- son saw change and a record- setting performance in major/ senior lacrosse. Gil Nieuwendyk, one of the team's all-tixne greats in both scoring and leadership, retired. Another great scorer, Derek Keenan, had also appa rently retired, but rejoined the team, midway through the season. Meanwhile new addition Gary Gait from. British Columbia was a scoring sensation. Redxnen set a new record as they went undefeatedin-legue- - Whitby Iroquois Club Etutai by threPe uhW UwIm Cbâ (CèrÉrn. Chlq) et thePdfi ouIgReoee.h. Anlime. Dunlop Lima Delmuatr Ndle Meuleman BOYS S U9 Ž1 Ian Burnet GIRlS 10 - 11 Leslie Dovuon Vilna Kio Melly Morrice Auhlegh Crowder BOYS 10 - Il Blair Dobbyn ARon La GmIRS - 1. ReneAyotte BOYS il3- la Jalon Ayotte GI19W 14.- 1a PegyHefford Kathryn McBnyn Donielle Johnson Jennifer Crowde GIRLS le & OVER Heather Arniitage lit - 60 bock 2nd - 100 breaut,5M brerat;'Sr1 - 50 fly-, 4th - 100 LIL, 100 bock, 100 free Sth - M> f»u 2nd - 50 bock, 100 bock,, Srd - 100 LIL, 100 free 4th - 100 free Sth - w Dly 4th - 50 bremat Gth - g0 bMeut, 100 fres lot.- 60 bock Sd - 100 bock 4th -.50 fris, Rh -'50 brouat, 100 IM4 G6tb. 100 frlee lut.- 200 free, 200 LM.; 2nd - 100 frea, 200 breao# 3rd - 100 bock,ý 200 bock, 200 fly; 4th - 100Ofly lut - 100 fly, 200 fly, f3ni- 200 LX; 4th - 200 bock, 100 bockç Sth - 200 free; Sth - 100 free, 200 breout lt.- 100 bockq 2nd - 200 (rie, 200 LIL, 200 bock &ü - 200 breoot Ith - 100 breaut lut - 200 bock 2nd - 100 bock lut - 200 bock, 100 bock Brd - 60 frtee 4th - 100 Dy,. 200 LPL.; Sth -0 100 free; Sth - 200 fly 2nd - 100 brat, 200 breai4t Brd - 200 frea, 100 fly, 200 LU, 200 bock Rh - 100 bock, 200 0y th. 6M fre lut. -200breut;2nd - 100breaa4 t t- 200 1W 2nd - 100 brestt, 200 breaut 2nd - 5D free 4th - 100 û»u rd - 100 fl17 4tb.- 200 ]>-. 6t.h- 200 (rue 4th -200 bock 3Mu - 200 beaut; Sth - 100 brouit lut - 100 fly-,3rd - 100 back; th -l100breut-6th - 96fro IMDLEY RELAY GIRLS 9 & INDER lot ima Delmastro - back Nde Meuleman - breast; Alliso Dunlop - fIT *%uh 1,0- (cee GIRL 10 - il lut MoUy Morrice - back, Jane t Phiflipa.- breast; Mlina Kalio - DIy; Lesle Dowon - re. BOYS 10 - il 2nct' Blair Debbyn - back,;Eric Vandyk - bres Aann Lp - fly; Michael Kareke. - &Se FR" E L&Y GIRLSB 9& UNDER luk Robyn McCullich, AU'ionfltunop, Sarah Lo, Lima Delmautro lut: Leslie Dowuon, Jil Saniga, MoUy Morrice, Tiine, Kalio 6tAahWegh Crowder, Janet Phiflips. S(acey Bout, Iinduay Crowde BOYS 10.-Il 2n& Blair Dobbyn, S.ndy Henileruon, Aaron L., Michael okesa 77