PAGE 24, WIilTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMEER 20,1989 Henry Street H.S. Kelly 0O'Hare In the past few weeks, Henry has been very much in the Christmas spirit. Each homeroom was to decorate their doors, with voting taking place in the middle of Iast week. As of this writing, the winners have not been announced. Yet, the doors that were decorated were great. We had a door miraculously turned into a fireplace and another door looldng like a door to a gingerbread bolise. The office was also decorated with a styrofoam snownian. The Great Milk Race is now over and HSHS placed second overail. The lucky winner of the draw for the ghettoblaster was Brad Jacques. Mr. Onyschuk and the Henry St. band p...formed their Christmas concert before a great crowd in our cafeteria. Fm told by a good source, Wayne Paddick, that the Henry Street 1xýnd is the best band in Durhamn Region. Our band is just another great tradition. that Henry can be proud of. That's ail for this year, folks!ý See you in the new decade. Have a safe and Merry Christmas ... and a Happy New Year! Anderson CMV.!. Mary Waterman ChrietmaB je only one week away and the etudents of Anderson are as buey as ever getting ready for thie Christmas season. To célebrate this last week of echool the etudents' council executive bas planned a week ful of events and fun to make the time go by faster until the holidays. I wiil now list ail of the events that wili take place duning thie final weelc, 80 my feilow Raiders will not miss any Of the great activities and so the community wiil have the chnet see what; the students of Anderson will be doing to keep themxselves jolly. Monday, Dec. 18: toy and food drive etarts. Ail homeroome are asked to collect as maniy cana of food and unwrapped toys as possible. -ickets for this yearI9 Christmas dancewi go on sale. Andrew Hunt Productions will be the DJ. and the price of the tickets wiil be $4 with a can of food and $5 without. - The locker decorating conteet wiil begin. Studente will compete to see who. can decorate the outaide of their locker the beet. Prizes will he awarded to the firet and second place winnere. - Humnzingere go on sale. Humzingers are Chrietmas carols sung to ".Ur favorite friend or teacher by the ACVI executive choir (ha! ha!). Wednesday, Dec. 20 - humzingere wiil be delivered during firet penid TUray Dec. 21- Santa cornes to visit ail of bis favorite etudents. de Andersen. Santa wiil be on hand at lunch time to hear what you W~ould like for Chrietmas and to get your picture taken with him. - Locker decorating conteet will be judged at lunch time. - The Christmas dance will tae place in the large gym at 8 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Santa wiil be there for all of you who for some unforgivable reason did not get your picture taken with himn at lunch. Remember this dance je a semi-formal 50 no jeans! Friday, Dec. 22 - to, end off, thie fun-filled week the annual Christmas Aesembly wiil be taking place during second period. Don't miRs it! For t he past number of weeks the etudents of Anderson have taken part in the 'Great Milk Race.' The draw for the portable stereo and the milk clock was held recently. The winnere are as followe: Barb Bright, a student in grade 12, won the etereo, and after winning was quoted as saying 'Thie makes my day." The winner of the dlock was Im Striklurd, a grade 10 student. Congratulations, winners! IKELLY 'EnORPE, Gr. 8 student at St. of the gingerbread house she had Paul's, finds it bard to rese.t aste just completed 1"s week. i Chris Bovf-Fr..Preusphoto I Will hgh sehool be reaqudy nxt year? BY Trudie Zavadovios Speculation as te whether Wh tbYs Fr. Leo J. Austin secondary chool will be ready by next September has at least one trustee feeling stress over anti- cipated public reaction te a second dée openin». Whitby trustee Ed %a told the board that he recently drove by the echool now under con- struction ini the Coscan subdivi- sion. Students are now in a temnporary location ini an indus- trial/ commercial complex in south Whitby. "In my opinion, very damn little has been done there.» Hie talked of ail the pressure earlier thie year when the school failed teopen on echedule adding, qI dont know whether I can stand that again or net.» "Eforts of all concerned are to, brinK that (the- scheduled cern- pletion of the echool) about," said Grant Andrews associate direc- tor in charge Jt business affaire., "No one can answer that for sure right now.» "'In the event Leo Austin je net ready, can we guarantee that the kide can stay where they are?" asked Finan. «I don't feel the board je at the poit te entertain that,» said board chairman Catherine Tun- ney. "My feeling je that the staff wilbring about a contingency plan if the echool je not ready.» Denis O'Connor H.S. Tanya Trinkaus The halls at Denis O Connor this week are filled with excitement as the Christmas hohidays are just around the corner. On Monday evening DO'C s senu-formal Christmas dance was beld at Heydonshore Pavillion in Whiitby. It was organized by the student counçil and from what Ive heard was enjoyed by everyone wbo attended. In sports, the DOUC hockey teani won a hard-fought match against Pickering by a score of 4-3 on Dec. 13. On Dec. 14, a wrestling tournament was held at our school. DO'C's wrestlers acbieved much success and deserve congratulations. On Friday our annual Christmas assembly will be beld. This is a qK popular event as tbe show is produced and bosted completely by our - CADETr Andrew Brown (right) and very talented OAC students. I can't wait te, see wbat this year's group bas in store for us. Fm sure that it will turn eut te be an afternoon Lt. Tim Beadie from the Ajax Salva- full of laughs. tion Army Corps are shown with ~ Denis O'Connor students who organ- join me again in two weeks.__ ized a Chri tas food and gift drive for the needy, with the help of Léoeb Supermarket; and Pickrîng Town Contre. C6WMef.a24d 1-I1E tLUNCI ASSOCIATION tJ,.svrmaI Prâ sygiudcai. Ail rightu e. v-