Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1989, p. 18

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PAGE 18. WHFI'Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECENvIER 20, 1989 4 - ~i I * m i.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .i EI. C .....d.. Il Dear Santa, This letter was Printed in December 4th. How are you? You are probably busy. I'n really busy! May I Please have flower making basket, Portable radio, Oopsie daisy. Thank you. From Melanie Till Gr. 2, Colonel Farewell 1 MEET SANTA I won a contest. The prize ivas a new sled. I tried the sled out once or twice. It was fun. There was a big bul. I went over a bomb and I was flying high in the sky. I was not dreaming. I was really in the air. The sled took me te the North Pole. When I got off' my led there was little bouse in front of me. I knocked on the door. A big man witb a red suit on opened the door and said "tcorne on in." lie had a big white beard. I said te him "Do I know you from somewbere?" lie had a ivife that looked like hîm and 25 kids that wore green suits. The 25 kids knew how te make toys. The 25 kids were actually elves. The man was Santa Claus and bis wife ivas Mrs. Claus. I made some toys. Santa payed me flfty bucks because I did not have enougb money te buy gifts and I also made toys. I went outside and got on my sled. It took me back home. I bougbt back great gifts. By Gregory Ival Age 9, (LSC) IL A. Hutchison Dear Santa, Will you bring me lots of doîls and a walkman and a Barbie. Will you corne visit me and i miss you. And i will give you somne cookies and i want some fake food. Love Christine Lackner Gr. 1, Kathleen Roive P.S. RMSTMAS TREE "If I were te decorate a tree I would use. .. " A big angel for the tep. Christnas bails te hang and flop. Beautiful lights te shine very bright. Oh Gýosh, Oh Gee, what a beautiful sight. Oh, Oh, Oh No, Oh Cee! Guesa what! I forgot the tree! G»r. 5,PrneCre . Dear Santa, I hope you don't have a cold. How are you feeling! I have a paper route. Well for Christmas I would like a woodburning set and my brother would like a woodburning set too and my sister would like a waiking pony. My dad wants 50 piceses of jiprock for the bouse. My mom ivants pan's and that is what I get her. I will leave you wine and cookies and 9 carrots. Your friend Jeremy Taylor West Lynde P.S. Dear Santa, How are the elves? liow is Mrs Claus and the reindeer. There are two thin in the woreld I want a radio, tapes, and little miss dress up. Sarah Beth Wilson Gr. 2, Kathleen Boive P.S. Santa is a big funny old elf£ He and his reindeer deliver the toys te good girls and boys. Rudolph is a famous reindeer because of bis bright red nose. I wish that al the girls and boys get what tbey asked for on Christmas eve. Jessica Woolfson Gr. 1, Glen Dhu P.S. I arn decorating my Christmas tree and Honey is belping me. Heather Manni Kindergarten, Glen Dhu P.S. Dear Santa, May I please have a 57 chev and may I please have a light bright. I hope ail the Reindeer are fine, especially Rudolph. Mrs. Claus, take good care of Santa. I hope the elves are happy and cheerful. From Lesley Northam Gr. 2, Kathleen Boive P.S. Dear Santa, How are you and Th( Reindeers? I hope none of tb' Reindeers are Makçing fun o Rudofs nose. please can you ge me a Nintendo and a game. Tha game is Rambo please Batmai t~O9~ Lovu IWn~B1jol -~ ~~J4V l G.2C1i'étFlB4W1, it ,n ci b: t ei ti ci E c . . . . . . . . . .. THE REAL CIIRISTMAS C One day there was a girl ce named Mary. One day when she B was sleeping an angel came. she said God bas chosen you te be the mother of bis child. lie iili be nanied Jesus. He will be the King of the ivorld. When Mary ivoke upI she teld ber folks what she bad dreamed in the night. Then she1 went on with ber chores. TheI next night the man she was going1 to marry heard an angel sayr Mary is going te have a baby. lie1 will be the King of the world.t Mary's friends naine is Joseph.r When Joseph woke Up he teld bis1 folks that he heard an angel talk in the night. Then be ivent on with his chores. One day ail the men had to go to the country they ivere born in. Joseph had te, go te Betbletbem. Mary ivent with bim on a donkey. They found a stable. In a manger Jesus was born. An angel told the tbree wise men and the shepherds that a new king ivas born. They walked and waiked and ivalked. The wisemen got there First. They. had presents for Jesus. The Shepherds flnally came. Their sheep came to. A star showed them the ivay te Bethlehem. Then they gave Jesus presents. That was the first Christmas. If Jesus wasn't born Santa ivouldn't be bere now. Presents ivouldn't be bere either. So Jesus is the real meardng of Christmas. Hannah Champion Gr. 2, Palmerston THE ELF THAT RAN AWAY *On a big hill there was an orphanage. A boy and a girl living there found an elf in their garage. The elf had magical - powers and his name was New - Years. New - Years snapped bis fingers and the three of tbemn vashished into the Land of Toys. When one of bis elves ran aivay santa - claus felt verY worried 50 be went out to find tbemn. .Meanwhile a New - Years and the two cbildren were baving a grand time in the Land of Toys. As Santa ivas out looking for tbem, he got stuck in a terrible blizzard. The reindeer worked so bard to pull Santa free, but tbey stili couldn't flnd the elf. Santa looked bigh and low but be couldn't flnd tbemn. Finally on Christmas Eve, Santa looked in the Land of Toys and he discovered that aIl tbree of tbem were there, and they were as happy as could be. Carlo Dilorenzo Gr. 3, E. A. Fairman Snug and fit in snow suit, iMedium size Christmas tree, Cbills, cut down the tree, Bare trees, in sulent pasture, Rd markes n dstrb sow CELEBRATING TE IIOLIDAYS Christmas is a time for ioving, aring and ceiebratig Jesus's Dirth. These are some of the things we do for Christmas. We Bat Christmas dinner and spend Ume with friends and family to elebrate this wonderful holiday. But not everybody celebrates Christmas. Some people celebrate Ianakahi. They start.Hanakah on the 2lst and celebrate for eight [ays. Hanakab ends on the 29th Df December. Their holiday %is very special toô but totally different from Christmas like we Christians have. But the Jewish celebrate a wonderful holiday too. Both are very speil, Lindsey -atrce Gr. 4p Pringfie Creèk P.S. Dear Santa, I love you very much. Have you had a good year? How is Rudolph? At the Union Çhrstmas party this year Mrs. Claus was not; there! I'm sad. May I please have a playdough fun factory and a dimber. If the reindeer stili make fun of Rudolph. I love him. You can choose ail the rest. Love Vivian Kotila. tir. 2, Colonel Farewell HOW SUPER ELF SAVED CHRISTMAS Once upon a time Santa Claus was cursed by Uncle Scrooge. Santa was saying, "T ..)og." Mrs. Claus couldn't save Christmnas because she didn't know how to fly the reindeer. Only one person cc6ùld do it, Super Elf. But nobody knew wbere be lived. Lt was terrible. They bad a searcb party. They wvent aIl over the world. StilI THE FIfRST BOY WHO nobody founa nxim. «ui'e a MET SANTA only tbree more spots te, try te Once there was a littie boy, find bim. Ail of themn were Who was aiways filled witb love dangerous. One hundred elves and joy. had tried but they ail died. Only When he sang a Christmas carol. one more person could do it. lie Santa would say, did it! lie found Super EU'. Super "Little boy, littie boy, bave you Elf flew up in the sky and went te been good ail day?" remove the curse on Santa Claus. "Santa, Santa, yes I have. Drew Fenton Will you bring me sometbing I Gr. 3, E. A. Fairman don't have?" 'Well, you won't know, it is a surprise, My <lad is cutting down the Little boy, little boy, Christmas tree. Steven bumped 'You'niûst'eloàeyourév.". ..inte the Christmas.trçe.,' Gr. 4, Pringle Creek P.S. Kindergarten, Glen Dhlu P.S. SANTA MAGIC ELF One day, before Christmas Eve, Santa asked one of bis elves if he could. tell ail the other elves to .build a new sled because after after ail these years b is sled had gotten rusted, and cracked. So Santa y.anted a new sled. The next day, the day of Christmas Eve, the elf did not tell thee rest of, the elves about Santa's wanting a new sîed, and the elf made it himseif. When Santa thanked another elf thinking that he helped make the sled, anxd he didn't know anything about it! Then Santa- said to himself "I wonder if I have a magic elf somewhere? I think I'm right! And of course, he' was. And the magic elf was Santa's favorite, and they ail lived happily evei after! By Andrea Gale Dr. Robert Thornton CHRISTMAS CINQUAIN POETRY Christmnas Joyful, merry Exchanging small presents Ime for loving and happiness Noel Nicole Riddell Gr. 5, Glein Dhu P.S. TIMiS C}IRSTMAS Lt was almost Christmias, and Mim was sad. Because he did not see any gifts under the tree for him. One day bis mother came home witb a big box in ber hand. TMm wondered if it was bis gift. lie was right. Lt was bis gift. Hie was happy now. It was Christmas eve. Tim's Christmas tree was big and it had pretty colors. It was the best Christmas ever. By Alan Radix Dr. Robert Thornton Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeers ding? I arn being good and pashont and these are some things 1 want. Barbie clothes. clothes for me size 12. Some real baby clothes and littie Miss Dress up and novels like some babysitters club book and sweat vaiey twins. 1Loveiyourfriend .Sarqit.Guzik Gr. 3, St John the Evangelist BEv Benedek helped out with 'Breakfast with Santa' at Glen Dhu public sohool Dec. 9. STUDENTsM AT1 Pnngie Creek publice chool per- formn during the school Christmas concert Dec. 13., Froc Proas photo

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