WIHMfY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DCME 6, 1M6. PAGE 13 Police investigate theft at car dealershp Police are investigating the theft of four tires and aluminum rims from a Whitby car dealer- ship. According to Durham Regional Police, sometime between 6 p.m. on Dec. 1, and 8 a.m., Dec. 2, thieves. toô'k the tires from a 1990 Chevrolet Baretta, parked in the lot of Nurse Chev Olds, 1530,Dundas St. E. The tires and rims are valued at approximatley $1,800. Police have no suspects. ii k >**POINSETTIASThousands of fresh poinsettias, growing in our greenhouse. Choase tram red, pink, white, yeiiow, mixed colours, or Poinsettia trees. Several sizes to choose trom. Other flowering plants: Cyclamen, Holiy, and Azaleas. 699 pottedi APoinsttia-,« Much more Christmas LL at Brou wers t's Ch ristmas already at John Brouwer Garden Centre, and we're going ail out with our exciting new 'Christmas Wonderland' display. Its just brimming with beautifully decorated trees, and sleigh-loads of unusual Christmas gifts. . Ail just waiting for you! s Catch the Christmas spirit-visit g Brouwers! Your kids will adore our jrlgrowing collection of birds and animais, and you'll just love our I U fstw rriendly, festive atmosphere. Plus, '1 1 ... we're open SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! (% Christmas Trees Hundreds of fresh cut Christmas trees starting at $19.99. We also ' have cut-your-own Colorado Soruce trees 'Up to 5' for only $25.00. Meet 'James Rudalph' Exciting news' Our days-oid Deer Fawn 'James Rudolph' has à speciai pen right inside our Garden Centre! He îust loves being petted-by 'kids' af all ages. (By the way-we've got a reai BEAVER POND indoars, tool) JOHN BROU WER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario 115 4S7 Telephone: (416) 686-1545 or (416) 686-1680 OPEN: Manday ta Friday: 8am ta 9pm Saturday: Bam ta 6pm Sunday: 9am ta 5pm 0 Income Tax " Financial Statements *December 31, 1989 is the last day to file for 1986 refunds - 965 Dundas St. W., Suite 205 West Lynde Plaza (Dunckas & Jeffery Sts.) 430-1166 Kaufman furniture 18 avaîlable lu Whitby. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM. MONTGOMERY PLACU 213 BYRON ST. S. S668-5011 INTERIOR DESIGNERS WELCOME F/i , CE/VE I Carole Madeley, reglstered resplratory theraplst, checks client Jack Pinneli. LUNGS ARE FOR LIFE ... DON'T BLOW IT In April of 1988 Whitby General Hospital started its Respiratory Therapy Department. That's when Carole Madeley, a registered Respiratory Therapist came on board. It was Madeley's responsibility ta develop and put her department of one into action. Before she came ta Whitby General, respiratory services were performed by the nursing staff who, given their other responsibilities, weren't able ta do the thorough assessment of patients which Madeley can now provide. Madeley works 10 days a month at Whitby General. Ail of the therapy and testing she does on patients are ordered by a physician. A lot of her patients are asthmatics or are suffering from emphysema. Madeley assesses their condition, and in conjunction with nursing staff, carrnes out treatments which may consist of administering oxygen, or providing'aerosol therapy. Her days at the hospital are very f ull. "As the hospital grows and active care services expand, there wilI be an even greater need for respiratory care," says Madeley. At this point, given the size af the hospital and, -as.a result, the services it is able to provide, Madeley is able to handle the workload ... with help. "I have a number of responsibilities," Madeley explains. "A lot of My time is spent on educating the staff as well as the patients and their families." Madeley provides regular training on how ta use the equipment and the proper ways ta administer medication. Recause she's a one woman show, and because she doesn't work around the dlock, it's important that she train ot h ers. Madeley's duties include mechanical ventilatory support, in such emergency situations as cardiac arrest. Recause Whitby General Hospital doesn't have the equipment or the facilities to treat this type of case for more than short term, the aim is ta stabilize and then to transfer the patient ta anather facility. She also perfarms diagnostic services, and maintains and tests al af the respiratary equipment in the hospital. With the hospital's redevelopment, Madeley is hopeful that new respiratory eqimnt will be purchased. "There are a number of testing methos hch are non-invasive for the patient," Madeley camments. "With certain equipment we'd be able ta test and monitor patients without putting them through invasive procedures." Madeley currently occupies a tiny office measuring about 6 x 10 an the second floor. There's room for her desk, and not a lot mare. -But, at least ifs an office," she grins. "You wouldn't believe the demand for its use when l'm flot here. 1 may have ta establish a sign-up sheet. But when you're pressed for space, evenl something this size looks great." fora firat classa-community- [.jhis SPac Ovieds. pbbsevi t heWhilfr. Fre' s~ Woodcraft Clii,-i-s-tmas Gift Votichers Available Now r- J6