WHITBY PMEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15), 1M8, PAGE 21 Stor ownr » ur bcdloonis aenot hazadu FROM PAGE 1 Gazo says Celebrations To Go, rather than- use foil'(mylar) bal- loons which are not' biodegrad- ableý and may cause damnage when in contact with hydro ines, uses only lay-tex halloons'which are made from the sap of rubber trees. «Laytex breaks down when exposed to the elements of nature. Oxidation is the Eist step in the breakdown of laytex ba - loons, and begins immediately ifter the balloon is inflated. <'This is the chalky appearance of the outside of the balloon when exposes to our atmosphere and sunlight. Celebrations To Go is a mnem- ber of the National Association of Balloon Artists. Gazo said the association. in a study, bas determined that the breakdown time for a balloon is "about the sanie as that of an oak leaf." During -a balloon release, 90 to 95 per cent of the balloons released into the- atmosphere rise to an altitude of approximately five miles, and at t at height, the balloon freezes and becomes brittle, while the air pressure decreases to the extent that the helium -lin the balloon expands and causes the balloon to explode. "The combination of these two effects leaves the balloon in a shattered 'state called "brittie fracture." What this means is that the'balloon is reduced to pieces of natural rubber; the size of a quarter, that faîl back to earth to finish decomposing," explains Gazo. Hieadds that Environment Canada bas no regulations pro- hibiting the release of balloons. "WhIen conducted in a respon- sible manine r, and following pre- determined guidelines set out by the National Association of Bal- BILL SWAN:. Customer service FROM PAGE 5 "Yeah, I see that. She's rushed, too. She made this "ut wrong. Would you niind taking this back over there and.. "cu're kidding." ",No, itsjust that.. 1Its been an hour and twenty minutes since I came in here just. to be a mistake straightened up. And youre not even busy." "Just a sec."# A more senior lerk cornes over. A couple more minutes, and we have the refund. So Irve intested two and a half hours ini this battery and still have old Dead Charley. Fortunately, ini the parking lot I roll down the bill and she starts right up. 'How about some Fried Chicken," I say to Erin. 'Deal," she says, givingl me high five. On the way home, we find a Fried Chicken store with a nice slope te the parldng lot. Tomorrow we try again. loon Artists,-balloon releases are spectacular, colorful and environ- mentally safe,"he concludes, CALLj HERB TRAN, ~ e spnei al e igncn ~ Stoves, asers, ryes, " PndaiCntin eCr.i ~ SenrDiconts.in "The balloons are hand tied and there are no strings!or plas- tic clips attached to the balloon," - sta tes Gazo, a, former deputy clerk for the Town'of Whitby, in the letter to Campeau.'» D and S > General Coitraeting ëRet-Roome *BaüUwIAm ±çenovauiofl * 430-634 PATRICK'S GENERAL SERVICES Qualihy Renovationslimlprovemnefts REC ROOMS, BATHROOMS ROOFS, DECKS & FENCES INTERLOCKING STONE WALKWAYS & PATIOS 430-1422, 430-1167 CFITZGERALD *i CARPENTRY I WHITBY LTD. i Generai Carpentry Additions i Home Improvements Ceramic Tiing jRec Rooms I Dry waIl and Paint ing 1 16 VEARS IN DURHAM REGION ICati: 828 i FRENCH DOORS - KiTÇHENS BASEMENTS - BATHROOMS SERVING DURHAM REGION FOR OVER 20 YEARS DAN O'LEARY -- 666-282