Dishwashers are wonderful mnachines: They clean dishes like nobody's business. Moetly, they ait in the kcitchen, quietly swoooh-swooshing, gently hosing al the chocolate icing off every plate. Mostly. So there came a time when our machines stopped this. Not ail at once. Sort of gradually, the way you prepare to do income tax. It started with a noise. A grating, like inside the stuf that moves soething like a Fisher Price person had gone explormiigangd hdatorno 'Thshwashei>s noisy," saidthe person a u ose who monitors dishwasher noise. 'Umm nh," I replied.. That my reply was audible over the ishwasher underscored that this was not a serious problein. 'Thshwasher's noïsY,"0 said this same person a few nights later. "ISpeak Up," I said. "Can't hear you for the noise the, dishwaher's making.". That was the wrong thing to say. Growling noises, I learned from reading Winnie the Pooh, cari be made either by empty stumachs or by bad bearings. I opted for bearings, and tore the machine down. Next day I phoned a repair shop. "Do you have sucli a thing as a bearing it for a Maytag dishwasher?" I asked. "Sounda like you need a pump kit. It cornes with al the seals, everything, thirty four something something. I happen to have one in stock." I get the puxnp kit, install it. The whole thing stil works. But the growling is stili now accompanied by a few drips and leaks. So the next week I tear the whole thing down again. I get on the phone again. "Do you happen te have such a thing as a bearing repair kit?" "Oh, Lord, I wouldn't carry that," said the first place. h something somethin ," said the second place. - lut f1l tell you what Fdt rd replace the wholeypump assembly. Cornes with the housing, pump WITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER,25, 1989, PAGE 5 à - WITH OU R FEET UP by Bill Swan Dripsan leak par s,'eaispuLey, the works.Justppitii Tht way o o ltrnte risk of breakingaytng Swallow the forty five bucks or whatever you've sperit so far. You'll have the rest of the weekend free. rFm not usually into parts, Pmn in service. That's what I do." "Hlow niuch?" "One hundred and fifty one something something." "1'nms." Third place: "Sure. Forty-one something something. We're open until five." There's something svelte about new bearings. How they turn, sileritly, evenly. And I knew with the new bearings in my hand that there was the answer te, my problem. The old bearings caine out with aught but a few light tops with my hammer, muffled by a work cloth. Tap, top, finally pop. The new bearings go iri with a few similar top, top, tops. The whole unit now looks as though it belongs together. Pulley turna like new. Vtith everything reassembled, 1 do a final Lasco berm open house Thursday Lake Ontario Steel Corporation (Lasco) will hold an open house on its proposed berm on Thursday, Oct. 26 from 2 te 10 FV 1LJ~'R p.m. The open house will toke place at the Centennial Building at 416 Centre St. S. Lasco representotives will be on hand te answer questions relating te the proposed herm and the environinental assessinent process. N lIT lU R lE ~ ~ J[O ual1t11 tli'tii'tii iit ~ tilI iiI i til S st iti . tiit.i l tt Ti, al iiZRo it , iii Ilboî.t. (),-îîAliti,, (.Eooî, t l'c,' i , «Siît t it,î iit'tii tiîý'tiîiivti QDUt dEAUl . hiTaGEiHUS E ,%: L IMITEDii iti<V[ \ abe ac rai ll oi 216 l MARY S iiit iti E AST i, HITY . I i-iON 46-6-38-TOfil rOnTO 416-686-006flteilan Whitby Racqueibali & Squash Club 9 c% : < 3'Y m'C>IbUL. À&Ft That's right! The finest racquet and fitness club in the Durhanm region is bringing back the greatest offer ever.à Enjoy Now: " sq uash " racquetball " aerobics " whirlpool " 2 f uil gyms " free fitness testing and programming " saunas " computerized exercise equipment at no extra charge Don't miss out. Whitby Racquetbahl & Squash Club 1100 Champlain Ct. 666-1422 Yc Corne andjoin the fun! F . ci en Cr (n z 0 cn CL à e CHAMPLAIN Ct. 0r HIWY. 401 >u can see us from the 401! workbench count. Egveiything perfect. Except for the two extra parts that came with the new bearings. Darned. Forgot about them. No sweat - I had figured out how they would fit. Another complete teardown and reassembly. Instail the unit in the dishwasher. Reconnect the wiring, the water, the hoses, the drain. Turri it on. Voila! Smooth, quiet swoeh, swoosh! Oh, Bill, you've done it again. Had I ever. Turris out that the swooshing part works fine. But now the sucker won't drain. And the pulley is getting inda hot. Follows another teardown. The bearings are inda i there, like tight, and won't corne out. Those two extra parts, which weren't there in the first place, shouldn't have been there in the second place. The new fifty dollar bearings are. now stuck inside the houaing and the forty dollar something something pump it h as been darnaged and the keeper of the dishwasher jokes at our house is laughing but now there is a sharp edge to her laughter. "How much is that ixnpeller replacement kcit?" "One hundred fifty something something." So now the dishwasher sits quietly in our kcitchen, quieter than it has ever been in the two and half years of its swooshing life. Quiet because it lias had its impeller extracted. I our basement sits fiMy somnething something dollars worth of bearings, forty something something dollars worth of pump seal it, and a few hours of repairman loneliness. The guardian of the dishwasher noises has beeri ainazingly patient. Not once has she implied that this thing would have beeri cheaper had I called the Maytag man in the first place. Her only reference to the whole issue came when a relative asked her what was wrong with the dishwasher. "Bill fixed it," she said. The worst of it was, everyone uriderstood. m