WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1989, PAGE 33 SEVEN NEW TONING tables. $22,000 includes froight and traîing., 5/yr. guarante.. Futrex 00 ftness computer, $1500. Complote body wrap kit, $1,250. Tone"O"Matic Canada Ltd. 1-800- 667-5825. B HOLDING TANK - Brand new, nover used, plastic holding tank c/w manhole. Capacity .1100 imper- !l galions. Size 87" diameter by 560 high. Regular price $1.700. Sale price $999. Cail (416) 564- 2300 ask for Eric. B WATER PRO BLEMS? Water that causes iran-staining, smeil, and taste problems and possibly contamns bacteria and chemicais can now b. treatod successfuiiy. New state of the art technology can eliminato these problems thus providing clean, safe water throuhaut your ontire water sys- tom. F or information on this unique treatmont system write Axtec Water Systems, Unit 5, 6380 Tomkin Road, Mississauga, On- tario, 15T 1K2 or cali toll-free, 1-800-387-3423. Sales and Service ropresentatives throughout Ontario. B NORITAKE CHINA SALE! Avoid y ear-ond price increases - Order Nowl Terrific discount on CURRENT patterns. Deiverod wei-packed, insured. Specify your Noritake patterni For price list, shipping details, Cail Aloxander's, "The -Nortake Experts", Toronto, toli-fre.: 1-800-263-5896, 10 arn - 5pm EDT. Clip and save. B ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff joint? Sleeping hands? "Beuîah Ou"w helps!! Send $2 for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage, La Prairie, Man, 1R1N 3C5. B TONING AND TANNING systemn by Suntana. SsIi as two established businesses or equipmnent oniy. 14 toning tables, 2 suntanning bods. Best offer. (613) 448-1098, (613) 931-1786, (613) 774-2849. B ANTIQUES - VICTORIAN & Primitive plus a large selection of home grown dried f iowers made into gorgeous basket- arrange- ments sent to your home with our loveiy pot-pourri. Cail 668-4027, 3210 Brock St. N. (north of Rossiand Rd., Whiby). CHîLDIS SKIS, size il boot, $35. 668-9983. CHILD'S SKI BOOTS, size 11, $40. 668-9983. QUEEN SIZE fuli-motion waterbod - solid pins with headboard, $750; bench press barbeli - 50 lbs., and dumbbells, $100; 4 N.SA. wator filters - counter models - wholesale $180 each. Phono Tony at 579-5254. MATTRESSES and box springs- at haîf price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Sirncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. DRAFTING TABLES, 36x48 and adjustable. Ideal for drafters, artist or students. Roquires assembly. $120 ($130 assembled and delivered). 723-2871. STAINED GLASS SUPPORT local businessi Personai service, excellent selection, ses what you buy betore you purchase. Open 6 days weekly. Sundance Glass Studio, 110 Brock St. N., Whitby. 430-1727. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals, Iess than haIt price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. PAYMASTER CHEQUEWR- TER, mint condition. $100. Cali 668-5040. TOP DOLLAR PAID for old gold and diamonds. Trade mns weicome. Estate jewelry sold on consign- ment. Shira's of Whitby, 436-9070. Whitby MaIl, 1615 Dundas St. E., LiN 2L4 SAT. OCT. 28 AND 29. 19 McGillivary Court, Whitby. 10 a.m. to 4p.m. WOOD$ ail hardwood $205 percord CUT, SPLIT & DELIVERED 1-,S476-2203_. NEW FRIDGES at unbelievable prices with Tecumsgh compressers. Rebuilt fridges & stoves, $125 to $275. Aiso, washers & dryers, $175 to $275. Gall First. 728-4043. Hank's Appliances. 191 Bloor St. E. Unit 6. ONE DOLLAR buys you an ad for anything which souls for iess than $50.00. See separate rate panel. Phone 668-6111. POST HOLE CREW. Don't waste your time digging holes, lot the post holo crew do it for you. We aiso cernent the posts. Group rates available. 1-985-9078. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. 1979 BLAZER 4X4, P.S., P.B., 350 Corvette engins, BF Goodrich 35" tires on 1988 Chev. Alum. raliy rims, 3" body lift, 8000 lb. winch, many now parts. $5.300. Phono 666-2109. BONAIR R.V.S, CAMPERS, Trailers, Hardtop, Tont, FifthwheeI, Travel, Park-Models, Accessories. New & Used. End of Season Prices. Large Selection. Fiberine Fiberglass & Aluminum Truck Caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdaie, Ont. 1-519-343-2122. B 1987 CHEVETTE SCOOTER, 4 door, auto, radio, new tires, brakos. Good condition, $5500 or best off or. 430-8103 after 6:30 p.m. GARAGE SALE, Oct. 28, 10 a.m. to 4 pin., 14 Carroll, Whitby. ~- FILLER: Nothing for sale hors. If 2 CAR GARAGE for re-nt in ou had advertised hero, 1000's Whitby. Approx. 440 sq. ft. for ikeyou would be reading this flow. storage purposes. Only $250 per 668-6111. month. 728-2969 683-1968I PRINTING AND ONE PERSON ta share home, FFIC SUPLIES $375 per month, inclusive. Mature AJAX ~person only. 430- 2150 iater 6 .p.m. 4 WHITBY, new detached, 3- bedroom, garage, court backs onto school, park, near Go, appliances, blinds, ceiling fan, immediatoly. $1050 plus utilities. Open house Sunday, for information, cail 269-5701 or 420-2231. SPACIOUS 4- BEDROOM House, upstairs and main floor, f iroplace, dishwasher, 2-car garage, on a quiet court, near shopping mail and sohool. $800 plus 2/3 utiliies. Cali Danny aftor 5 p.m. 286-1508. WHITBY,, new 3-bedroomn house. 1 1/2 bths, 5 appliances. Air. Garage. Immediate possession. $1150 plus utilituos. 668-0739. RIVERMILL VILLAGE- luxury condominiums on banks of Scugog iver, Lindsay. Osprey Suite - 1317 sq. ft. - expansive living area with baicony - large kitchen and breakfast eating roomn - 2 beds - Master with luxury whiripool tub in ensuite.ý From $215.900. Sports and recreationai amenities at restored Carew Miii. Under construction for 1990 occupancies. Cali Upper Canada Lakes: 1-800-461-6521. B TIRED 0F PAYING RENfT? Starter homes, cottages, handy- man speciais fromn $79.900. Mobile homes from $23,900 full price. Ail in Durham Region. Cali Jim Hughes, sales representative, Remax Canaan Land Reaiy Imc., Realtor. 655-8444. WHITBY, private sale, charming 97 year old 2 story brick house. Large living room with fireplace, large dining/tamily room, boautifully finished with original wood dado, large oat-in kitchen, lovely staircase, 3 bedroorn, 1 V/2 baths, immediate possession. $250.000. 668-9105. PRIVATE MOKTGAGES - the place to go when your bank says "No". 668-7200, serving Whtby since 1973. *lst,' 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate Up to 90% financing 0 Consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe Comnxu[]ity Finacial Sevices Corp.; BUILDING SPECIAL Clearance, 20x2o ft," $2.900; 24x24 ft., $3,100; 28x36 ft. $4,500; 32x36 ft., $4,900; 36x48 ft.,. $6,900; 40x60 ft., $8,800. Cali 985-7930. BAHA'I FAITH PRINCIPLES; The Oneness of the Worid of Humanith. 668-8665. FRAYER TO THE HOLY Spirit. You who make me see evorything and who show me the way ta, reach my ideai, You who give me the divine gift ta forgive and forget !he wrong that is done ta me and You who ail instances of my Ife are with me in this short dialogue, want' ta thank you for everything and canfirm once more that I nover want ta be separated from you no matter how great mateniai desiros may be. i want ta be with yau anud my Ioved ones in yaur porpotuai glory. AMEN. Thank you for your love towards me and my Ioved ones. Pray this prayer 3 consocutivo days without yaur wish, alter the third day your wish wiIi be ç'ranted, no.ý matter how diffi!cuit t may be«. Promise ta publish this dialogue as soon as possible after your favour has been grantsd. SM HAVE VOUR OLD HOME movies transferred ta videa tape. Special price only 7 cents per foot. Price includos titis and musical sound track. We do slides tool Phone or write for free brochure and order kit. Memory Lane Videa, c/o 30 Delaware Ave., Chatham, Ontario, N7L 2W2, (519) 351-6115. B FACE LIFT WITHOUT SURGERY New Age Face Clinlo Mon and Women For Information, Cal Joan 668-1170 à Hours 10-10, Monday to Friday NEED A FRIEND? Cali a new' f riend at the Distress Contre. 433- 1121 or 433-1861. ÀlAowDS Ta seli the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. *Items must seli for less than $50 -price must be stated in ad -multiple item ads must total less than $50 * Maximum 15 words * Prepaid * Cash or VISA oniy e-. 7k.