PAGE 22, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1989 Durham College Helping business succeed Durham Colle gei rayand able to helpt ose, *yng to succeed in a small business. The college offers a variety of courses geared towards and designed to cover ail areas of sma il business. In fact, people who take advan- tage of a college program can obtairi a business management certif icate. However,' Janis Richardson, one of the night school program- ming consultants at the coflege, says people can take as many or a few of the courses as they want to meet their individual needs. Ail courses run one ni ght each week, for a total of 30 h ours of instruction. We offer aImost every course every seniester, which is three times a year," says Richardson. As well, many of the courses are offered at four locations in- cluding Oshawa, Ajax, Port Îlope and Uxbridge "People can pick and' choose the course to suit their time schedules," adds Richardson. Those who wish to earn their business management certificate must take tour mandatory courses, which include people management, a basic human resource course; business law; management by objective, which deals with management styles; and practical financial manage- ment, which focuses on the financial aspect of business from the manager's point of view. ALain, though, people can enrol in any of these courses without aspirations to receive the certificate. Other courses geared towards the small business vary from marketing to bookkeeping to how to start a small business. "These courses are developed by the Federal Business Deve- lopement Bank," says Richard- son. "And they are recognized across the province." , She adds, "Most of our instruc- tors are fromn the business environmient rather than the col- lege environmient, so they better understand and can better teach business topics." Fee for a course is $53, plus the cost y materials that may be requirecd. There is no time limit for those who wish to earn their certificate fromn the business management program. For more information on these course and other progranis offered, caîl the Durham Management Centre of Durham Colege at 576-0210. You may neyer have to say "'Clean Up your room"y agame. Space Age Shelving are the experts in maximizing your closet space. And since every hlouse and space is difrerent. well corne right to your house and give you a rree estimate. You*lI get THE YOUNG GIRL'S CLOSET the best solution at a competi- tive price. And speaking or solutions, weve got over 250 products to help you organize your lire. just caîl the Space Age Shelving store nearest you. SPACE ÀAGE SHELVINO) WIE MAR FREE HOUSE CALLS. RESIDE'NTIAL' COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY (416) 430-1636 NATURAL GAS FURNACES AND AIR CONDITIONIERS Buy Carier aturl Gn Furnace and save Up to... n n on central air conditioning 91 Buy a high efficiency gas furnacen n alone, and save up to $500 by tradingn n in your old furnace. n Caîl for details and restrilctions. W AHINT CONMFORrABLE VN]IL VOUARE. Autliorized - DezW 8 Galong nHEATING & AIR CONDITIONING -n nOshawa HEAD OFFICE Lindsay/ Cobourgn n Pickering / Ajax Bowmanville WHITBY Peterborough Port Hope n n 683-5757 723-0868 668-8111 749-3380 1800-263*2727 n Serving Durham Region, Residential, Commnercial and Custom Hiomes n n~~~~~~~~~~~~e& , .,.1!,, î r~,rv5 ni,~ V hty 'Dynamic' climat e for development of small business Ontarjoridng MP The cimate for small business development i this country has neyer been more dynamic than it is3 today. The extent of small business expansion, mst clearly evidenced by over 1 m:iflion startups i the past 10Oyears, is brought even dloser to home by the fact that 80 per cent of the 1.5 million jobs created since 1984 were the product of emall business startups. 'Wth this in mmnd, October 22 to 28 bas been designated as Small Business Week in Canada, origina]ly Iaunched 10 years ago by the Federal Business Development Bank and the Canadian Chamnber of Commerce. This year's SmalI Business Week theme will be that of the changing markets in the 19909. The spirit driving small business je entrepreneurship. This govenment is conimitted to fostering an entrepreneurial culture in Canada which both reinfoeces existing smail business development, and opens the door to future startups. The role of the federal government in supporting this smail busiess boom is clear: to foster an economic clinate which is conducive to creating and running succeseful mail businesses. Through a favorable tai regime which sees Canadian smail business paying the lowest tax of any industrialized country, the federal government continues to work on behalf of small business. I close cooperation with small business groups, provincial governments and Crown corporations, the federal goverrnment provides a vast array of information services, business incubators, startup capital, strategie intelligence and native economic development funding. Ail these efforts are desfigned to ensure tbat small businesses in Canada are properly positioned ta survive in an increasingly competitive global economy. The export potential of Canadian small business is enormous. The free trade agreement with the United States presents innumerable opportunities, - especia]ly for smal comparues in niche markets. On the international side, Canadian small and medium-sized businesses already enjoy significant success, due in no sma]l part te our vigorous marketing and information services..1 I encourage the entrepreneurs of Ontario riding ta take part in a number of forums organized by the FBDB and the Canadian Chainher of Commerce. They will help thousands of entrepreneurs fromn around the country to get a clearer understanding of what it takes ta compete in today's market- place. TI addition, the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Office of Industry, Science and Technology Canada bas tabled its firet national report on small business in Canada entitled, "Small Business in C anada -Growing ta Meet Tomorrw." For a copy of this report or information on the various forums, cal my constituency office at 686-0432. A reminder to the members of the Ontario iding Small Business Caucus, that the next meeting will be held on Oct. 27, at 8 p.m. I hope to ail there. L IM 1 1 E 0 Anubis InVestments Limited Mortgage Brokers Have rnoved their offices to: 110 Green Street Whitby, Ontario Li N 4C8 Our New Phone NUmbers Are: Office: (416) 668-7200 Fax: (416) 668-7111 We Iook forward to serving our Mortgage Clients at oLir New Location. Michael Ellenzweig, B.A ., A.M.B., President eBX4