PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1989 Anne Walker's 'Rainwater': Behind the facade By Trudie Zavadovics 'Rainwater,' an audio cassette just released by Whitby singer- songwriter Anne Walker, takes a poignant look at reality, the in- justices, dreams and disappoint- ments of life. Her earthy, grass-roots approach lends vulnerability, yet strength, to her clear, rich tones and triggers recognition and reminiscence for the listener. She has a folk-art style that penetrates through the facade to the soul. Her use of imagery and detail bring the listener face to face with the issue, be it the environment, the homeless, chil- dren, loneliness or love. Walker teaches grades 4 and 5 in Orono and says she just drif- ted into singing professionally. "It's not something I acknowl- edged right away," says Walker. "It was that I had something to say through my own stuff th at was a large part of my motiva- tion." She began by doing chid- ren's songs but says, 'Doors seem to be opening more and more for me with adults." Walker performs in Toronto, Ottawa and Cobourg and her music is played on CBC -related programmng. "Performing is not something I can support myself solely by now," says Walker. "But if that's .he way it turns out, it would be :errific.» Her 'Rainwater' cassette is cur- rently sold at Wilson and Lee in Oshawa For more information call Quiet Waters Music at 666-3198. Cinema returns to Whitby By Trudie Zavadovics One of the country's most modern cinemas has just been completed and opened its doors Friday to Whitby and area resi- dents. The new Cineplex-Odeon is nestled at 1600 Champlain Ave, at the corner of Consumers Dr. and Thickson Rd S. It has six auditoriums with a total seating capacity of 1,400. It is fully equipped, with state- of-the-art video and sound equip- ment. All six auditoriums have high quality stereo sound, and boast a listening system, the first of its kind, for the hearing im- paired. The cineplex is also fully equipped to access the handicap- ped. "There is no program policy," says Gulshan Singh, director of promotion and publicity. " Wecan cover all types of movies." ANNE WALKE PILEPIC STAGES THIRD EVENT Record show on Sunday The Whitby Record Show and Sale will be held on Sunday, Oct. 29, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Heyden- shore Pavilion. The show will include records (including rare records), CDs, posters, videos and more. There will be 40 dealers from all over Ontario, including Rob's Records of Whitby and Star Records of Oshawa. Admission is $3 for adults, free for children under 10, and early attendance is advised for what will be the third such show in Whitby. The first 100 people will receive a free album. A draw will be held for a Batman soundtrack CD, from Disks and Dats of Whitby. Bat- man will be at the show from 1 to 3 p.m. For more in formation call Alex Pilepic at 668-2058. Auditions for 'Agnes of God' AI KINGDON and Whitby's Roz Michaels in a scent from 'Landscape,' a play about the difficulty of com- munication, and one of three Harold Pinter plays to be performed by the Durham Shoestring Performers Oct. 27 and 28, Nov. 3 and 4, at 8 p.m. each night. Advance tickets, for $4, are available at Information Oshawa, city hall, and Merle Norman Cosmetics, Oshawa Centre. Whitby Courthouse Theatre will hold auditions for three Art auction Regional council of YMCA Durham Region and Beaux Arts International will hold an art auction on Friday, Nov. 10, at Heydenshore Pavilion. P-eview is at 6:30 p.m., auc- tion begins at 8 p.m. Al proceeds are used to give financial assis- tance to needy children in YMCA programs. Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Patron's tickets are $25, or $30 a couple. Tickets are available from embers of the council and by telephone with credit card or in person from the YMCA office, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. Call 668-6868 or 683-4093. female roles for 'Agnes of God,' one of the upcoming productions by the theatre group. Characteristics wanted for the role of Agnes are "age 21, frail, must sing acappela." Audition time for the role of Agnes will be Sunday, Nov. 5, 3:30 to 6 p.m. The other two female roles are Doctor ("age 40'ish must be chain-smoker") and KMother Su- perior («age 60'ish"). Audition times for these roles, as well for callbacks for the Agnes role, wil be Sunday, Nov. 5, Monday, Nov. 6 and Sunday, Nov. 12, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Auditions will be held at the Whitby Courthouse Theatre, Centennial Building, Centre St. The drama, by John Pielmier, will be directed by Susan Farr and produced by Garvin Farr. For more information call the Farrs at 576-9134 or Lamie Rosen at 433-0490. ina flower 1splay Porcelain china flowers, hand- made b Ma Holdcroft, will be on displa at itby Public Libr- ary from Nov. 1 to 30. Holdcroft had five years of apprenticeship training in Eng- land for china flower modelling and painting. Each petal is assembled ,'to capture nature's creations." Tools used include olive oil, fine knit- ting needle or hat pin, modelling too, markers (to give texture to petals and leaves) and small, wet sponge. Three kiln firings are required. Before the last firing, each flower ischina painted.