WETrBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. SPTMBER 27,1989, PAGE ilý r, "LOTS 0F LOTSF' Buy outright or with a Quality-Built Custom Home V/2 ac - $139,000 Claremnont 3/4 ac - $150,000 Ashburn 3/4 ac - $184.000 Claremont Approx. 2 ac - $240,000 Claremont 2 x 10 ac - $339,000 North Pickering 15 ac - $345.000 North Pickering BRIAN & JACKIE WRIGHT or LINDA WATSON, office 655-8444, 427-1339 Brian Wright Broker/Owner SCUGOG - WHITBY BORDER $4197000 3000 sq. ft. dream home - customn built exclusively for you, with interior rich in as much authentic pine log finish as you choose. Located just forth of much sought after executive area of Ashbumn, Ontario on a country size 1 .24 acre lot with southem exposure - model of home available for viewing. For more information please caîl JACKIE WRIGHT, office 655-8444, Res: 655-8930. Jackie Wright.~J Ownerl Sales Representative ILinda Watson Sales Representative NORTH PICKERING -$42 2,000 In the Village of Claremont situated on 3/4 acre, this eye-catching Board & Batten Victorian Reproduction with gingerbread trim, approximately 2000 sq. fi. with "Widow's Walk» feature. The energy efficient building codes and conveniences of "today« on the inside, combined with "charmu ofVictoriRn Era on the outside. Please caîl BRIAN or JACKIE WRIGHTor LINDA WATSON to view model of this fabulous home. Office 655-8444, 427-1339. ACQUIRED UNDER MORTAGE DEFAULT PICKERING/AJAX BORDER $499,000 PRICE SLASHED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE / MUST SELL $454,000 Rural setting, 2 acres, 3100 sq. ft. Colonial Style, finished basement, pool, creek, mature landscaping, security system, privacy plus - room, to build a private tennis court - put up a small horse barn - or what YOU want. 7 min. to 401 & 10 min. to GO transit. Formore information cal LINDA WATSON at 427-1339 or BRIAN or JACKIE WRIGHT at 655-8444 NORTH PICKERING-3600 SQ. FT. CONCESSION #8 Luxurious 4 bedroom, Board & Batten Victorian replica to be built on 10 acres - full to the brim with upg rades & extras. $750,000. Please cal for more information BRIAN & JACKIE WRIGHT 655-8444, or LINDA jYVATSON 427-1339. CLASSIC VICTORIAN REPRODUCTION $2999900 Claremont , approx. 1/2 acre, 1,536 sq. ft. open concept, kitchen, breakfast nook, large living/fam il1 room combination dining room, 3 bedrooms, garage & loft optionalextra. BRIAN or JACKIE WRIGHT, office 655-8444,or LINDA WATSON, office 427-1339. CLAREMONT "CITY IN THE COUNTRY"I Attractive 2300 + sq. ft. Ranch-Style Bungalow with Iuxurious "City Interior", situated in Country setting, striking achord of romantic whimsey when strolling over the bridges on the 1.1 acre property with mature trees, flowered gardens & borders & cedar hedges,' $399 .900. a delig ht to inspect. BRIA N & JACKIE WRI GHT 655-8444, GRACE JORGENSEN, office 427-1339. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Circa 1845, "Regency Cottage" style, approx. 2600 sq. ft. on just under an acre of mature trees and manicured g rounds.4 bedrooms, il ft. ceilings,, main floor, maple pegged & pine plank floors, 3 brick firepiaces, main oors family room, 5 stal stable attached. Asking $409,000. Unique proporty close to town for commuti g a real treat for centuryhome buffsl BRIAN or JACKIE WRIG>H,office 655-8444 & R BERT SHEPPARD, off ice 427-1339. COUNTRY CONNOISSEUR $4199000 Ranch- Style Bungalow with new huge ai~ studio, ne sauna, new jacuzzi-style tub. ai new flooring, (broadloom, cushion & pine blank), fantastic workshop with walkout on four well landscaped ares, just north of hw 7 on Coronation cia. This property is 1el worth a visit. Cail BRIA N o r JAC KIE WRIGHT, 655-8444 ASHBURN OPULENCE NORTH WHITBY $529,900 Immaculate 3284 sq. ft. brick & cedar on 11V4 park-like acres, exclusive hamlet flavor of living, commutible, Beckernman kitchen, central air, central vac, ensuite with 6 jets whirlpool bath, fatastic foyer, 19' ceiling in family room, 2 fireplac es hardwood floors & extras too numerous to mention. Please c;.ll BRIAN & JACKIE WRIGHT, 655-8444. Robert Sheppard Sales Representative NORTH PICKERING CONCESSION #7 Executive 5 bedroomn, Board & Batten Victorian replica approximately 3216 sq*. fi. with fr4nt porch , peaks & gingerbread trim. To bu constructedof15acre parcel.i $689.900. Please cail for more information: JACKIE or BRIAN WRIGHT, 655-8444, LINDA WATSON, 427-1339. .27,1263" E ui-miI r r