PAGE 4, WH1ITBY FREE PRES, WEDN ESDAY, SETMMER 20,1989i: Town won't paypakntx York akes zou feelgooiùside.- Wit apromise you can take to the bankl With the York Ste//ar Plus " hqh efficiency heat pump, )vu heat and cool with one efficient unit. A York beat pump cuts wknter heatbg hbil/s with super efficiency -and its remarkable air conditioning cuts summers eat. And you'I/ fee/ good inside from the fitered and moisture halanced air the ork heat pump pro vides. _____ A/I this plus the FINANCEO BY THlEFIScotiabank éYORFqK ggh~i.e &paqac. Jrk kL &Eoimqf ofi ends Notember 74 lm r FOR LEASE "Signature Location" Professional Suite available. Exceptional one of a kind building offering 2900 square feet of space on Whitby's main street. Enquiries to Jack Grant, Broker 668-4000J McDona Idws® $69 *Two beef chedar heeeV.Jusi 'ùO cLOd22nd. " Al ona seameseedbunAT PARTICIPATING MCDONALD'SE' G OOD TME. A GREAT TASTme@* 01969 Mcoonald's Restaurants of Canada Umltod. -j.ï-. 100% patties I q Whitby. council has decided that the Town, will not partici- pate, in the. Province's parking tax that is to.begin Jan. 1, 1990. The provincial legislatio~ received first* reading in Juy (three readings,,are required). But counci ee not to pay the tax. "We don't want to finance the Provinýe," said'north ward coun- cillor Ross Batten, who sugges- ted- that Whitby refuse to take part 'téll'them we choose not to participate.-We don't like 'it and we don't approve,, said Bat- ten. JHe said hie- hopes the motion wil show council's dislike for the legisiation as it goes through the various levels at the Province. We're on the verge of a real tax revoit and I love it,> said east ward councillor-Dennis Fox. The Town operates six parking lots within the municipality. Under the provincial legislation, Whitby would owe the Province $165,000 annually. That, accord- ing t'O'a staff report, would require the Town to increase parking rates between 70 and 120 per cent. The Town now charges 25 cents an hour to park in lots and 50 cents an -hour for on-street parking., Councillor Joe Bugelli also opposes the tax but questioned Batten's motion. «Does the legislation allow us to do this? I would like to make a motion not te pay incomne tax," said Bugelli. Bugelli described the new tax as "a very undesired precedent,» and wondered if recreation- centres or seniors' homes would be taxed as well. He noted that the tax was suggested te help relieve.,traff»îc congestion in Toronto by,,forcingz peoplé'to use public transit. "But unlike Toronto we don't. have downtown traffic conges. tion," said Bugelli. He noted that Whitby's park-' ing lots are now break-even ope- rations financially, not pro fit- makers. Councillor Joe Drumm blamed the tax on the Greater Toronte Authority (GTA), the organiza- tion established last year te deal with the garbage problem. "Vie are caught in the- GTA web. It is a ant octopus snaring us ail,"' sain' Drumm. He called the organization a "provincial baby with no deflned powers. IfWhitby is forced te partici- pate. in t he tai centre ward councillor Lynda Buffett sumes- ted that signs be placed in Town parking lots te let drivers know that the increase is due te the Province's new tai. "If we are going te do that it should be in lre lettrs,» said councillor Tom Edtwards. Damae600 Dama ge is estimated at $600 after eight panes of glass were broken at a Whitb y transit bus shelter at Lupin Dr. and Duindasq FROM PAGE 3 levels of governrnent are trying to outdo each other te, be seen as leaders in recycling. As a resuit, projects are appro- ved "without proper study,e said «e will have to be careful with other pilot projects and now we have te unseil the idea of biodegradeable bags,» he said. «Occasionally we make a cli- ker and this is one,» agreed councillor Marcel Brunelle, a member of the Region's waste Y8997 AIR COPITROLIIMEATING & AIR COVDITIONING 600 Euclid St. Unit 10 Whitby 686-3511 L - - - -- - - -