WHITYFPUE PUBSS, WEDESDAY, ~TmirF L 19189, PAGE 23 Durham'police aciwards banq"e I"RLM-PAGE 16 man in the alleyway, hai hime to the owner anxd cl the second man. Police soon arrived and ai ted both men. Officers receivïngexemp service medals for 20Oyears vice were constable Pi Bramma, constable -R6É Brooks, detective CarL J geraid, stùff sergeant Bei Fitzpatrick, staff sergeaýnt SHAWN KALMANSON -gets some help from dad Larry in ringing the bell at Ravenscroît's 'Old Time Whitby Fan"O on the wekend. Ravenscroft is *comprised of five local builders who presented mayor. Bob Attersley with a $30,00Ocheque towards renovation of the Centennial Buildin. - Graham, sexrgeant lien Hudson, semgant Bill Watson. dletective Hal ee constable , bEêTirng$-year.niecfafs were nded Mike Marks, staff sergeant Dan deputy cbief Doug Bulloch, ser- ased Nicholas, constable Cris Par- «eanrt Tracy Daviâ, constable tridge, staff sergeant Bob Pea- ýCbarlie HilIand. staff sergeant rres- cock, constable Bill Spicher and jim Powell. plary Sser- Oeter riald Fitz- mnie ;AI Bruised in aci*dent .n Oà hawq man bruised both meS ankies wben a number of steel beamâ feel on him while he was working at Lasco Steel on Saturday, Sept. 9. Durham Regional Police reprt Scott Lewis Crowell was workcing on,,a piece of machinery when the beams fell on bim, pinning his leaq against a wall. ,ewas taken to hospital wbere he was treated for bruised ankleà and released. Obituar y DOUGLAS JACKMAN Douglas Frederick Jackman of Whitby died on September 6, 1989, at his home. He was 69. He was born in Hamilton, Ont., on October 4, 1919, son of Frederick and Dorothy (Peters) Jackman. He married A. Jean on Decem- ber 26, 1941. Mr.' Jackman lived in Whitby for 10 years. He is survived by his wife, daughter Janis and ber husband John, and grandchildren Bren- don and Jason. Aise survived by sisters Doris, Treasure and Grace, and brothers Donald, Wil- liam and Robert. Mr. Jackman was predeceased by his sister Mary. The funeral was held from the W.C. Town. Funeral Chapel on September 8,- 1989 'Bey. Henry Dyck officiating. interment at qroveside cemetery. CALL A PROFESSIO)NAL ALS DRYWALL e Ornamental design ceilings e Plaster work e Painting & decorating e General contracting 668-8958 666-1657 __ tt C Otty - AI 'uuI.u.u.uu...uuII FLYERS DISTRIBUTED.- Any number from ,000 up.- An y area in Whitby Cali the Whtby Free Press for retiable door-to-door delivery 668-6111 t: ENGLISH TRADESMAN. Cati for free estiRr>ate on paper hapging, aiqt îç'g.also cleaning aind lrefinîi ing natural wood. Bob - 668-5511 CsoBri Homes .. Concrete Work Brc tneWr ,Additions Lisn % Leaking Basements, Etc... CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD -G<3 Cali Us For Your Building Inspection Before You Buy "Building Detective" 427-0659 or 428-8913 D DandSl IGeneral Contracting i le Landscaping i *Interlocking Stone *-66Fences & Decks PATRICK'S GENERAL 1SERVICESi HOME IMPROVEIMENTS Roofs, Fences, Decks, Inteflocking Stone Walkways & Patios 9 â Phone 430-1422 J LA NDSCA PtNG by UNIVERSITY WERKS. since 1980 Quallty Construction & Pro fessional Design Interlocking Brick drives, patios, walks WodRetainingwmils WodFencinig- Wood Decks -Free Competitive Estimates 666-9690 * . ., If FtqSTAR APPLIANCES .We buy, soit, and service. SWe speciatize in recon- Sditioned appliances. Frldges, SStoves, Washers, res 4r and Air Conditioners. 1202 WECKER DRIVE --OSHAWA, ONTARIO ir Seniors Discounts. -w -w- -wl JW W W W W 1~W'~ W W W W 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust - Famnily Monuments *Granite, or'Bronze Markers - Cemetery Leutering - Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668- 3552 Aftcr Hours 668-4460 or 666- 15131 Home appointmerus gladly arranged k.y SMALL APPIANCES REPAIR SERVICE Complète smail home and commercial appliance repair. Authorized service for Black& Docker, Pr' tor-Silex, Melitta. Speclalizing .(n vacuumns & potishers, power tools, air con- cgtioners, dehumidifiers and Iawn mowers. 220 Amh St. Whitb>y,, Ortarlo» 430-8378 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO HARWOOD AVE. S. AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074j '4VKONING TREE TRANSPLANTING Cg. Ltd. Wl-W WAlT2O VEARS FOR VOUR MATURE WE BU;, SEIL, AND TRANSPLANT MATURE TREES. 686i 93il; mmîi il &M z 1 m- L- -1 -Mop-- ý- ý f4