WHffBY FIREE PRESS, WEDNE$DeY,SEIME 6,1989, PAGE 17 DRESSED for the annual Ontario riding barbecue, this year's at Paulynn Park, Ajax on Aug. 31, is riding MP Rene Soetens (photo above). The fîrst barbecue was held il years ago. In photo below, Selena Lamb, 3, and Kristin Russett, 4, find their own brand of fun nearby. Chrls Bovie-Free Proe photos ' Train the Trainers' starits Sept. 12 'Train the Trainera' certificate series is once again being offered by Durham Collage Management Centre starting in September at the Oshawa campus. Three subjacts, in this series are free of charge te* employees of quali1ying companies. The first tuition-free subject is 'Instructional Techniques,' which is one of the thrae mandatory subjects offared one day a week in the 120-hour program. This class, starting on Sept. 12, exposes the participants toaa variety of instructional techniques used in aduit laarming. Other subjects in this certificate course include 'Neads Analysis & Evaluation' (Fab. 13) and 'Instructional Systems Design' (Nov. 21). The first class of the 'Train the Trainers' program graduated last spring. Barbara Hliemstra, executiva director of Durham Save-a-leart, is one of il trainers who complated the selles. I found it moet beneficial ta, learn new and more up-ta-date training mathods. The opportunities ta, practice coaching and feedback skills in the classes are especially beneficial," said I-emstra. For more information, or ta ragister, telaphone 436-1100, or tali-frea 1-800-668-5843. Rides don-9i fit the r tcdways oegion By Rene Scetens Ontario Riding MP I receive numerous calis each time the governmnent announces. a program to assist a region of Canada that is having economic problems. It appears from those calls that some question the purpose and method of distributing this assistance. A central duty for federal govemnments in Canada is te ensure ail regions of the country prosper as equally as possible. *But this task is made difficuit because we are a nation of many disparate 'regions that must ha adininistered with the same general set of rules. Unfortunately, history shows that economie disparity bas persisted despite- the best efforts of a series of federal governments. This disparity bas been, most evident between Central Canada -- southern Ontario, in particular -- and the Maritimes, parts of Quebec, parts of the Prairies, northern Canada and the resource-dependent communities of British Columbia. It is easy ta see where one of Canada's economic fault limes lies; where manufaeturing dominates, the economy tends ta be flexible and, hence, stable. But where regional economies depend on resource extraction and or crude refining, we find vulnerability caused by the foibles of the international market and the resulting boom-bust cycles. Western Canada is a prime example of the highs and lows a resource economy can experience. In the early and mid '80s, high interest rates and low world commodity prices sent the oil and grain sectors into a taiîspin. These developments were caused primarily by international events, and contrasted sharply with the relatively good years preceding. At the same time, however, the economy of southern Ontario and Quebec remained healthy -- even vigorous. The Mulroney government has done a great deal ta iron out regional differences. Still, important practical and philosophical -questions need ta be answered. The question of bailouts, or high leveis of government support, is central. It is true that some business sectors continue ta attract governnient support and, in the event of failure, bailodts, even though these business ventures cannot hope ta become competitive. We need ta take a look;at the goverrnment's role in such situations, and rationalize our spending accordingly. 0f greater overail significance is the inatter of an industrial strategy. Given that certain regional economies stand or fali according- ta world market conditions, while others remain relatively stable, should the federal government implement some sort of design for the economy in order ta facilitate regional economic equality? And if the government, in its wisdom, thinks such a scheme is feasible, how would this stand up to the division of powers under the Constitution Act, 1867, and the current trend toward greater regional political autanomy? These questions are not new; the problems that we encounter today are just the growing pains of an evolving nation. But in a few short generations we have done a great deal ta, bring the country tagether; and the ingenuity that bas brought us this far will help us solve the difficulties that face us today. I received numerous calls about the goods and services tax while I was on holidays. I have tried ta, return your calis as quickly as possible. If you would like a copy of the (GST), cal my office at 686-0432. See us for your freezer needs! Co> 0 0 (D4 06 Co LUN-E Tendr Miuteetea $32 ech ' Half r Whoe Wh els H m sm e. a L a -e. Spi-. $.49100 horemad suae ad fcous u ue . .sek 10, upn.,. it.O nt. 1*kni. . of-' orn rs u *Dum s S. E Ios ee - G 6 a --4 7 B 1 i - See us for your freezer needs! * J n * j. , W U.> V ~ * t )~. h .q- r ~ *t t', ':1;'~; ~-tt i (D 0 (D CD CD CL ici #*'* c ;' i I J*> 1 I,.j ', 1 b t Cý ttom f'a v t):ý Il Jý, ;3b r, £) 01 , ( Ji . fi;- i Ir ;