Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Aug 1989, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1989 Rtegistry advoates aff;ordablehosing ByV Trudie Zavadovics Statisties show that in Dur- ham -Region the apartment vacancy rate is .01 per cent, meaning that oniy one dwelling unit in 1000 is vacant. In 1988, Whitby had 559 ass- isted housing units' available out of an estimated 14,600, and only 2,780 assisted rentai units in the whole region. With t he need for housing on the rise, the Social Deveiopment Council has iaunched a housing registry as part of an initiative to encourage people who are "over- housed" to make housîng avail- able to those who need>housing. t is a free listing service for both tenants and landiords. "So far, it's goin g over very welI," says Barbara Black, execu- tive director of the Social Deve- lopment <'nuncil of Ajax-Picker- ing. I thought it would grow incre- mentally, but so0 far we've had 52 cails in just one week. People on SeaIood & Steak Hîouse 1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 436-9833 or 436-9065 DINNER SPECIALS Open 7 Days Rast Prime Beef (Canada Grade A) **New York Steak & Shrimps Banquet Fresh Orange Roughy F acilities ~v~li ~ DI..s..A 1 1- A-valable both sides have been most appre- ciative. "We'd like to see accessible, afTordable and adequate'housing for everybody," says Black. "'The registry sounds like a very good idea," says Whitby planning chairman Joe Drumm. "I have no problemn with afford- able housinq, the problem lies with how to impiemnent it. It is a constant worry and I have reser- vations about conversions. "They tend to bring down the neighborhood because they weren't built into the officiai plan. The older areas take the brunt of illegai. apartments.» Black sees the officiai plan as somnewhat outdated. "Major flaws with the planning act in 1973 is that it does not make provisions for social issues. Lt deals only with physicai issues. "We're hoping they will remove restrictive zoning bylaws and put intpermissive standards. If you makne thern (conversions) legai, then ,rou can insist on stan- Some of the major problems around conversions are inade- quate parking,. - overcrowding schoois, and meeting fire anad safety regulations. "I arn concerned about illegal basement apartmnents," says Mayor Bob Attersley. "if some- thing happens, then there wiii be a real human cry. "The registry sounds like a good idea. Housing accommoda- 'tion is a real serious problem. We want to do whatever we can do to provide variable-priced housing within the community.» Apoviancial directive in the form oanofcial statement was issued in Juiy. t calîs for muni- cipalities to provide more afTord- able housing. Lt cites Metropoli- tan Toronto, Durham, York PeelI, Haiton, Hamiiton-Went- worth, Ottawa-Carlton, Nia gara, Waterloo and the municialities within those regions as priority areas. Part of the directive for those areas is: te adopt officiai plan and zoniing bylaw provisions to fuliy impiement the policy state- nient by Augast 1, 1991; to approve a work program required te impiement the full intent of the statement by November 1, 1989; and to con- duct the public meeting required under the Planning Act te con- sider officiai plian revisions which would meet the full intent of the policy statement by August 1, 1990. "'Over 25 per cent of the people in the region are spending more than 30 per cent o f their incomeý on housing," says housing e-nor- - dinator Martin Ginsherman. "In February 1989, the case- load in the region of Durham for people on generai weifare assis- tance or on family benefit assis- tande was estimated at 6,667. "There is a verjY good chance that some of those people may need -better housing or may be paying a dsrprint amount, of income on.housingj.,,» says Ginsherman. 'Our goal is to maximize 'the affordabie'h'ousing that can be made availabie." The Social Developrnent Couün- cil is not just'dependig on the registry to improve housing con- ditions. worhnewitrth YhWeX a rin it h C ig Sisters, John Howard Society and interfaith groups to help, to heip people to find suitable housing. "We also do speaking engage- ments, provide statistical inor- mation, educationai kits- and written briefs on how to go about producing non-profit housing and co-ops, and we are trying. to identifyr the barriers suc h as re- strictive zoning," says Black.* For more information eall 686- 2661 Correction Lt was incorrectly stated in a photo caption in iast week's edi- tion that Anna Russell is pro- gram coordinater for the Living Well jrograms held at' the seniors'centre. Anna Russell is no longer coor-' dinator. Ann Cole is now -coor- dinator. The Free Press apologizes for the error. Friendly, Personal Service 24 Ho urs - 7 Days a week DANONE COOKED YOGURT HAM 175 g cup lo ea. ITALIAN ART ROLLSCART 6 FOR 21b. bag ea. LEAN G ROUND BEEF. LB. -NY-V IAAEAT' Hi ew y#2 &Jefr- s. j annual "Evergreen and Shrub" bonanzal So clean out the trunk, dust off the trailer', load up the kids-and head for Brouwers. ...... Chances are you won't beable to resist our home-grown trees and shrubs, Our 'Evergreen and Shrub' Bonanza includes: and your kids wilI love em%%. -- . our duck, g e ese, iuper ueau Spreading junlpers in 1 gallon size containers. Over 14 varieties ta choose fram. swnsan aimis Reg. $9.99 Now Only $5.99 Mugho Pine A low mounidlng pinie. Size easily malntained with pruning. A must for any foundation planting. 40 CM. Reg $32.95 Now OnIy $22.95, Hetzl Junliper Vigourous growing spreading junîperwith. silver-blue foliage. Excellent for mass plantIng. 60 cm. Reg. $24.95 Now Only $14.95 Showy Forsythia Flowering shrub With yellow fiowers furt thing in the sprîng. Flowers appear before the leaves. 100 cm. Reg $16.95 Now OnIy $9.95 Unicorn Cediar A narrow pyramidal cedar with fine dark green foliage. 100 cm. Reg $44.95 Now OnIy $34.95 Weepinig Muiberries FUT Pendulous branches with large dark green leaves. Very popular for lining the driveway or as an ornamental tree in a garden. This item on sale again because of 3 %F popular request. 125 cm stem. Re. $74.95 A good selection of grapes, currants, NO iVO N LV $54,95 raspberries and oseri. ALJO HNBROUWER GARDEN Là. AAAND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario Li S 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 O P EN: Monday to Frday: 9am to9prn rjiebu aearuua riaie ý$910 9 a «--Ib zPme dr7x «;z_- 9-1b -Ir a a arlwl% mr«*-b denk lbý q6-Z W-% àenk &- a a dr-- --lW- ýF-ý o-ý a a J-1 a

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