PAGE 24, WHJITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUUkV 16,19U89 Batten to be next chairman Of planiing North w ard councillor Ross Batten says he will become chsairman of the Town's planning and development committee this faîl. Batten noted the change at the first meeting of Whitby's North- ern Commiunities Ratepayers Association. Batten would replace Joe Drumm who has been chairman since the municipal election in November, 1988. Mayor Bob Attersley annually changes councillor's positions on the Town's two committees, plan- ning and development, and ope- rations. Batten'said he will atti-mot to held, in the north ward public meetings involving north ward residents. Hie aise said the first 'public meeting on council's review of the Town's 15-year-old offliciaI plan will be held Sept. 19. *The reView is expected to talce two years to compfée an could cost $400,000. Batten said the public meeting would introduce the offiii plan review process te Whitby resi- îents. Kendalwood plaza exansion approved. Plans for an 18,000-sq. ft. expansion of the Kendal wood shopping centre wereiapproved onday night by Whitby plan- ning and dvelopnent commit- tee. One of the major revis;ions to the plan dealt with parking.A previous plan reduiced parking, from 5.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. to 5.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft., The revised «Plan bas alloted 5.3 spaces per 1,000 sq. tt. which will> increase parking 'staîls b y 150. -After the expansion. there will be, 960 parkingspaces stead of the existing 720. Premier pays visit 'ONTARIO Premier David Peterson was at Camp Samac on Sunday for a pienie held by the Liberal Associa- tions of Durham RgioFn. Poe ht 1l CU, FI. FDOSI*FREE DEEDIQE1 * Twin "see thru" crispers * 4 easy rol coasters *Deluxe exterior trim & handies - 2- 10 positlc shelves - Energy savi switch - Egg bucket - 2 ice cube trays 1614 DUNOAS ST. E.0 WHITDY Mort hsast corner ci Dundas al Thlcksan 436-1710 428-1710 RAID Dn ,er U)OF.FREE PARKItING, F7IE~N Ch.Àroose he for planting FROM PAGE 21 pieces produce the biggest, best flowers. The absolute size of the bulbs varies according te the species. In planting, the general rule of thumb is te pla-nt liies about three times as deep as the vertical diameter, L.e. 15 cm (6 in.) deep for a 5 cm (2 in.) bulb.. Place them in the garden in the faîl any time before the ground freezes. Although they do well in most types of soil, avoid thin, gravelly soil which Will net hold water. The only exception is the Madonna lily which should be planted only abeut one centimetre (two inches) deep in late sùmmer. Although lilies are hardy to -40 CfF, they have no outer cevering on their buIS and de net store food. Thus, they need te be protected and nourished in cool, inoist, rich soul. That's why we say iles like te have their heads in the sun and their feet in the shade. To accemplish this, mulch well with organic material (peat moss, pine needles, etc.) te guard against rapid water loss. Until planting time arrives, enjoy hules as cut flowers. Allow them te absorb as much water as possible by standing them in a pail of cdean water in cool place. Cut off* the bottom of the stem, obliquely, with a sharp knife and ensure that there are ne leaves in the vase water when you arrange them. Do use cut flowers food but do not exceed the recemmended dosage, which can cause the leaves te, yellow. To Se sure, use only iu1f.tbe stateiLwqux4. CORPORATION OF THE STOWN 0F WHITBY ADULT SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Applications are now being accepted by the Town of Whitby for the positions of Aduit Sohool Crossing Guards at - MANNING ROAD & HAZELWOOD DRIVE BALDWIN STREET & ROEBUCK STREET, Brooklin Friday, Applications are to be received on or before August 18, 1989, and addressed to: - Personnel Departmnent Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East, WHITBY, Ontario LIN 2M8 Home& Rual D*TR*UTOR TUePLA C PCAIIS-IUTELWPIE A 1