PAGE 14, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1989 Store design can increase sales THE-COMPUTER DEPO T Repairs - Sales - Leasing - Training- *Software Development * Open Mon.-FrL 8:30amn-9pm Open Sat. 24HR. Support & Repaîr Service 1621 McEwen Dr. #19 Whltby 436-2249 Cellular 432-4264 ,'-1~ -- ni ------k lI know it's just going 10 be a hardware store - but I have a vision of black with spiashes of ed and heavy metal music playing in the background!" CÃ"RPORATION 0F TH-E TOWN 0F WHITBY REQUIRES A PART-TIME PARKING METER ATTENDANT The Corporation of the Town of Whitby is currently seeking qualified applicants for the above position in our' Public Works Depart ment. QUALIFICATIONS Minimum Grade 12 education. Must be able to communicate bath orally and in writing, and be able to deal courteously with the public. Successful encumbent must have a Class "G" Drivers License in good standing and provide own transportation as required. Must be able to work on own and willing ta work shifts, if necessary. As well, encumbent must be bondable, in gaod physical condition and be dlean and neat in appearance. Familiarity with the Traff ic By-law and court proceedings would be considered an asset. POSITION SUMMARY The Parking Meter Attendant is responsible for enforcing the Traffic By-Iaw by: patrolling the parking metered area and Municipal Parking Lots for violations and issuing tickets; collecting money tram parking devices, counting, sort ing and packaging is required; undertaking mninor repairs ta parking devices as directed; attending court ta give evidence with respect ta traff ic violations as required; and, any ather related duties as may be assigned tram time ta time. HOURS 0F WORK 24 hours per week - f lex haurs - Monday ta Friday. SALARY $11.65 per hour Applications are ta be forwarded no later than August 25, 1989 ta: Personnel Department The Corporation af the Town of Whitby 575 Rossîand Raad East WHITBY, Ontaria LiN 2M8 NOTE: We thank ail those persons who apply, but advise acknowîedgement wili only be forwarded ta those, applicants who are invited for an interview.- The Resuits PeopleT have just moved into your neighborhood. Welcome a nationwide network of 15,000 sales associates and the professional expertise that can help you buy or seil your home quickly. For a f ree REALTY WORLDTM marketing evaluation, phone today. We believe that efforts are important. But results are what count. That's how we've helped more than a million people buy and seil homes. THE RESULTS PEOPLEM REALTY REALTY WORLD-MERITAGE WHITBY 132 Dundas St. W. Whitby, Ont. 430-2525 t' ,~ le ihORétMWtd ,felSS t. EaefWCWAW0UiUVW4~FWA lU . . .~ -. *. . . . . P IYOUR BUSINESS,] Pm One of the easiest ways for a small business to boost sales, and one that is frequently ignored or left to the last moment, is the physical design of the' store itself. Its important to consult -a designer as soon as possible after the business plan has been completed," says Randy Smook, senior designer with M.D.I. Design Consultants Inc. in Toronto. "Aý good interior design can sgnificantly increase sales and it doesn't neces sarily have ta be expenýsive."i Citing the experience of a recent client, Smook, says a $55,000 investment in a new design for a boutique selling only sunglasses helped boost annual sales from $700 per square foot to $1,200.. While this amount may seem large for a business that's just starting up, the message is clear. Investing in good design can more than pay-for itself., Research shows that a shopper takes an average of seven seconds ta walk past a 20-ft. store front -- the standard size in most mails. That means the designer bas ta use the tricks of bhis trade -- colors, music, lighting, window display and interior layout -- ta grab the. shopper's attention as quickly as possible. How much empbasis is placed on the varieus elements of tbis mix will depenid on such factors as the nature of the business and- whether it operates in a large city or a simal town. Some rules-of-thumb for most retail outlets are: Music: If the age of the staff is different from the age of the target market, music is usually a problemn since employees usually play ýmusic they like. The more upscale tbe store is, the Iess likely it is ta use music at a:l. Ligbting: Using the right ligbting is vital for a store. ýStores displaying clothes, fabrics or fresb produce must use corrected ligbits in order to accurately display the goods. Ligbting can also be used to separate diffrent display areas, higbligbt certain products and, for large stores, create the impression of a series of boutiques. Low-end stores tend' ta be brigliter, while upscale stores usually rely on more subdued lighting. Colors: Designers and psycbologists have known for years that certain colors convey very specific messages. Yellow is regarded as a "cheap" color, hence its use in bargain.stores. Green makes time pass more quickly, which explains its popularity in bospitals. Red, on the other band, makes people -restless and encýourages them ta move on, whidi is why some fastfood' companies use it for their interiors. Layout: Stores are increasingl self-service oriented, which makes access ta products more important than ever. 1-1 . 1 - -