PAGE 16, WHMTY FWR PRESS, W.EDNESDAY, AUGU 9,1989 , . '- 2 ssaults in undergrýound garages DurhamRegional- Police' are warning women to be careful in underground parking garages after twowomen were attacked by the saine man in two separate garages astwek At approximately 12AO p.m., on Wednesday, Aug. '12, a 25- yýear-old wonian was attacked in the underground parking grae at -211 hieOasCt. in Whitby. A. man beid a gun to a woman's face and foroed her into a stairweil where she was sexuaily as'saultéid, according ,-to 'police".> The man ia described' as white, 5-ft. 9 inches tall, an&'.Weigbing 150 to 160 lbs. Police believe the saine man w as. responsible for, a similar ,parki 'ng garage in Oshawa. at 8:30 a.m. that saine day. In that attack, the woman was bit on thé head with a man's gun after she began screaming. The man was -wearing dark clothing, witb a stocking mask leather glà 'ves. The saine clotbing was behieved worn in the attack' at White Oaks. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 579-1520 or Crimestoppers at 436-8477. Brion Winter: 1914 murder ofBily,, Stone is arpystery FROM PAGE 15 archivesý» ' Part of the archives consists'of a collection of, more than 3,000 photos nanging as far back as 1860. The oldest portrait is that of a pro ment fariner named John Deli. "Tom Buckley, a collector 'of Oshawa histor, got me started colecting old pictures. (Buckley died hast year at the age of 84). "I have divided tlie pictures into 30 categories, identified 'and catalologued them and mounted them, in albums," says Winten. "'The family histony files con- siet of biographies obituaries, »marriage' and datli notices. I have-a"colletion of over 1,300 families ranging from one uto 40 persons per document.u We Lynde famniiy goes back to 1804, while 1832 is the ealiest records of marniages and deaths. "Many of, our inquiries are people loking up family trees,"e * sys Winter. '"We have received inquiris from Canada, ' United States, England, Holland and New Zeaiand.. The one frorn New 2;,Zeaand".was a mnan travelling in Canada trying to find the birth- plac 'e of;is'mot'hr «We -'have ceefýryrecords, with inscriptions of what'g on ail the tombstýPeq. '*We have records of- the organizations in thie townfý *or Whitby; ail the mayors plannling directors, engineers, school p rin- * ialiinistes séviecus conywardiens as weil as people who lived to be a 100 years old or more, to naine a few. "Our most constant inquinies corne froin owners of buildings, ple who have bought oid houses and are fixing thein up, or froin people tracing their fam'-:' ily trees. '~The most unusual r~u~s~ I have had, recently came froin -a xnan* whose grandfatber was 'a criminal. The feilow.-tholight-the cimxes were committed 'in 'Oshý- awa. With the dlues the inan g ave ine I was able té track downm- the incidents. It turned out the crimes (robberies) occurred in the Bobcaygeon area,» says Win- ter. "The most famous story is the 1914 inurder of Biliy Stone in The Station Gallery,, then a rail- way station. Billy was a night telegrapb operator. He was shiot Deoember 11, 1914. No one was ever brought to trial. "«There... was a tbeory. that Biily s-'father was trying to col- lect, on some mnsurance money. ~Hiè, committed " suicide six -mônthi.later. " - I.,ges weil ne ver- know,» s y in tr. Last year Winter had about 160 inqýUiries. This year'ýthxç are' already 10 ahead of that. e're expecting more incjuiries now that we're full-time, says Win- ter. The phone number for the archives is 668-5570. The office is open Tuesday to ThursdaY; from 8:30 am. to noon and 1 tot 4:30 - p.xn. Winter carrnesou' research MondaLYs and Fridays1 Rest assured, Wintr wi'l busy compiling 'a collective!~ memory of your community.' roo e' III PWÂa i Lu 1< Phone 668-6111 I We apologize for the inconvenlence during our renovations, but we're back in business and ready to serve you again. Old friends and new are invited to Sdrop by. ' ' e Fuit Service Gas Bar * Oil and Lube e Compete Air Conditioning Service eTune-Ups e Brake Installation) e Lifetime Guaraflteeofl Exhaust Systems e General Repairs To Ali Makes of Automobiles SBROOKLIN ESSO SERVICE' LARRY & DOUG MORDEN 9 BaicIwinSt. (Near Hwy.7 & 12) Brookllfl, Ontario LOB iCO 655-3251 .... ... .. ... p. p. ~p. 1'- "p. ~p. Il, I 4p. 4p. 4'. 4'. 4'. 4'. 4'. Ratepayers' group May form Conce rns,,o:ver -developiment By Mike Johnston A new ratepayers' grouýp may be forming 'in -Witby's north ward because of an, increase in developinent in the area, accord- ing to a former councillor. Gerry Emin, who bast to Bob- Attersley in the mayoral race in hast f'a lFs municipal election, said about 45 people met at the Mbh- burn community centre to air their concerns about the area. While no naine for the group bas., officiahly been accepted Emin said the naine suggested bas;beeni the Whitby Northern ciantion. teaer'Asô Emaionsi ewsapoce by sai ume ofresdensad yasked btof staantpaeds grkd oup tatarteaes Heavie ten ht hy a toHic avseteng commîttee an havei a costeiutio. tt n he acostition.ome e lstens a a athere rnt ediishdulead otiht (Wees .ý'hday sadfornin. . He. said re#Ãdents have been concerned abdut developinent in Critter at lîbr ary Brookl i Brnctir na the youkngsten r c ibretr n wildser with inimaginto nn create thi favoitnitters crAil the criavtrrtecanibee di- paledothe ir ay' secdia- cnitterdayn Aug. 24 froi 2:30 te 3:30 p.m 'Au.24frm 230t gMonda a we do crafts, Tues- day we %?ow movies and Wed- nesdlays we visit parka," says Linda Maw, bead of the chil- drens departinent. Visits to the parka are made-a-t the following times: Wednesday, 10 te 10-45 am.n Asbburn coin- munity centre;- Wednesday, il te 11:45 a.m.,'M te Park; Thurs- days, 10 te 10:45 a.m. Spencer community centre, il te 11:45 a.xn. (also Macedonian Park). u5<> far we've bad a very successful prograin,» says Maw. «We have lots of stories and crafts and the crafts hast a good lent bof time. We've made 'hoth- ead bats' froin newspapers (sun bats) and mosîacp arrots. Weve had as many as 30 kids. "gWeve got gereat reading_ material a t the îibrary -- every- tbing froin magazines te talking books.» ',ýAl i bnary progranis are fre4 - i I-.H. GOODE & SON (1987> LTD. FARM SUPPLIES We cari'> a Oîde varîey of farni prcducts for your needs Dairy Feed Horse Feed Swlne Feed Sheep & Goal Feed Pet Food Vitanin & Mineri SLppIemts & Fodiizer. Brand Nane Producta froni: -Shur Gain - Maser Feeds - -Purina - Galtagher EléCtrlc Fonce- lDe IERY V L0E GIVE US A CALL ORODROP IN Brock Street, Uxbridge 852-3355 MON. - FR. 8Bam.- 5'pmn. SAT. 9a.m.- 1lp.m -3 r= l"7 ýý 79 -ý -1 = -T- = - :-- -=- j-- -.ý- à -&L Là -& Ir--.