PAGE 10, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9,1~989 Arts-Fest '89 at Parkwood Parkwood, home of the late - Colonel R.S. McLaughlin, will present 'Arts-Fest .89,' an outdoor show and sale of works from artists in the Durham rhe show will take'place on Parkwood's south lawn on Sunday, Aug. 20, between 10 a.m. and 4p.m. Admission té the show is free. Performances throughout the day by the highly acclaimed vocal ensemble 'Voice Deco' will h1igiht the show. House tours are also available for adùflts at $5, seniors and ,children at $3. For more information caîl Parkwood at 579-1311. A ItE-ENACTMENT of the Battie of Gettysburg from the U.S. Civil War wili be held at Pickering Museum Village on Sunday, Aug. 13, 2 p.m. The event, in the 125th anniversary years of the war, commemorates the 50,000 Cana- dians who, saw action in the-- largest- ever military confliet to take place in North America. Opnhoue at By Des",gsn VilaeasoinGeewoe RUSSELL TIRAVEL weeks, for the prie ofi NO SINGLE SUPPLEMENTS N PAY i WEEK -~STAY FOR TW< Sept. 4 to 25, lâ v or Dec. 30 to Jan. 20, 126 Brock St. S., Whitby 2 989 O1990 668-5000 rIT'S TIME PES1 r~ui~wt & I t~VEN~ *LIVE ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY 'TIL SUN DAY *MAGIC SHOW SUNDAY lt:3Oa.m. 'TJIL 2:30D.m. *DARTS *WING NIGHT TUESDAYS *LADIES NIGHT SUNDAY *DANCE FLOOR *FANTASTIC LIGHT SHOW - *GREAT FOOD HOURS: MON.- SAT. 8ai.m.m SUN. lOa.m.-11p.M. TOWN PLAZA 601 DUNDAS ST.W. Open house for the ex"hibiiion 'Bille's Wild West Show' will be held at the By Design Gallery in Greenwood Aug. 12 and 13., 3ý to 6 p.m..* The works in the exhibition, chosen by Bille von Hoeder of the gallery, demonstrate uniquely Canadian contemporary ?and- scape and folk art. One. of the artists is Whitby resident Joan Murray, curator of the McLaughlin Gallery in Osh- awa. Others are sculptor Bert Hos- kmn of Nestleton (Garden Sculp- ture'), carver Gordon Law of Oshawa ('Tableaus of the West and Rural Life'), painter Sheila Maloney of Zephyr. ('Rocky Mountains') printmaker Lotti Thomas of Pickering ('The Land and History') and weaver Jane Te glas. Te open house will be held for, visitors to the Battle of Gettys-. burg at the Pickering Museum fThe By Design Gallery held its situated in what was the dairy and stables at historie Green- wood House. Greenwood is north of Ajax. G;rant s awarded. Whitby art organizations were among those to receive grant approval froni the Ontario Arts Council. The council's board memnbers grant for Whitby Arts Incorpora- ted (The Station Gallery) for the Noveniber, 1988 to March, 1989 period. Whitby artist Ruth Read recei- ved a visual arts grant (up to $1,000) for exhibition assistance. Witby Public Library received $75 as a touring arts fund grant. ]Borelians' performance for students The Borelians Commu ' nty Theatre of Port Perry will stage a student evening, performance of 'Death of a Salesman' in addition to production dates on Oct. 26, 27,28, Nov. 2, 3,;4. The student performance will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall, 1873, corner of Queen and Lilla streets in Port Perry. After the show, the Loman faxnily will remain on the stage ta, answer any. questions that students and teachers xnay have about thé performance. Ticket prices are $5 for this particular performance pAly. There are 150 seats available on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone interested in bringing a student group for this - perflor- mance, cali Sandra James- Mitchell at 985-8866 for further information, or write te: Borelians Community Theatre, Death- of a Salesman Tickets, P.O. Box 1256, Port Perry, Ontario, LOB iNO. Included should be the naxne of the school, a contact person with work and home nurnbers, and approximate number of tickets wanted. Include a contact home number -as business is often egmpleted fithe evening. 1 nte aininent r r- qe