Minor'Lacrosse Nite July .27 Sand blast JERRY NEMISH, golf pro at Lakeridge Links, shoots from the ninth hole sand trap at the new golf course for which officiai opening ceremonies were recently held. Vince Ohpreclo-Free Press photo Warriors win With two victories in the past week, Wbitby Warriors remain in the bunt for second p lace in the Ontario junior A lacrosse standings. Warriors, vitb 27 p oints, are one point behind St. Catharines. Perennial power Peterborough leads the division witb 37 points. Warriors played Brampton Excelsiors twice over the past week, winning 10-9 on Friday, July 7 and 17-12 on Wednesday,. 2 more JuIy 5. Greg Van Sickle continues bis torrid scsoring pace as he had nine goals in the 17-12 games. (Scorers were unavailable for the JuIy 7 game at The Free Press deadline.) Steve Dyment bas three goals while Bill Passfield and Jeif Whittle eacb had two goals. Jason Richards' added a single. Warriors' next action is Thurs- day, July 13 when they play Bay Area. 'Whitby Minor Lacrosse Nite' will be held and hosted by the Ontario l1acrosse Juzis 27 Broklin 18 Fergus 3 Owen Sound 20 Orangevile 8 June29 Brooklin 16 Bramepton 3 Jwie 30 Owen Sound 12 Forgus 8 Peterborough 25 Orangevillo 3 July 1 Peterborough .20 Owen Sound 15 Ju1y 5 Brooklin 25 Fergua 5 JUly 7 Peterborough 15 Fergus 7 July 8 Broolin 24 Owen Sound 9 W L T 0F GA PI8 Brooklin 12 0 0 209 74 24 Owen Sounid 10 6 0 212 185 20 Peterborough 9 3 0 181 102 18 Fargue 4 80 103 148 8 Orangeviflo 3 10 0 111 217 6 Brampton 0 12 0 103 193 0 JUNlIOlI A June 27 Peterborough 12 Misaissauga 6 June 28 Whitby 16 Sarnia 13 Bay Aiea 11 Peterborough 9 June 29 Mississauga 12 Bay Ares 10 June 30 Sarna 10 Misasessuga Whltby * 9 St. Catharines 6 Peterborough 12 Brarapton 3 July 5 Whitby 17 Brampton 12 St. Catharines 16 Bay Ares 7 Sarnia 18 Mississuga 9 July 6 St. Cathares 18 Bay Ares 6 JuIy 7 Whltby 10 Bramnpton 9 July 8 Bay Aiea 16 Brampton 12 Peterborough 16 Sarnia 7 July 9 Peterborough- 16 Sarnila 6 Standings W L T 0F GACIAS1 Peterborough 18 2 1 266 138 37 St. Catharines 14 5 O 268 161 28 Whitby 13 61 264200 27 Sarnia 7 13 0 213 277 14 Brampton 6 13 0 166 236 12 Mississauga 5 14 0 192 285 10 Bey Area 5615 0 211 273 10 t by 1989 House League TFAM CHAMPIONS 1 ýT MINOR Ii1 ENUE L AC ROSSE Paperweight Division - Durham Regi j Tyke Division - Brooklin Opti Novice Division - Cousins Autc PeeWele Division - Equitax Inc. B antam -Division - O.H.E.U. Loci Midget Division - Canadian Tir, A Speclal Thank You to our House Leal J B tales Frank Real Estate - Maggie Sharinoi Roy's Enterprise Cousins Auto Brooklin Optimists Rogers Cable TV - Pine Ridge Bay Sports Durham Regional Police Assoc. J oe's Pizzeria (Brooklin, Oshawa) Oshawa Legion - Brarich 43 Cardlinal Rubbe Whitby Free Press Peacock Family Sports Brine Lacrosse Equipment Brooklin L.GA. O.H.E.U. Local 100 Family Trustco Leasing T.P. Sports McKee Fuels Brooklin Legion - Branch 152 Russo Blclg. Supplies Innovative Awards - Pickering Additional Thanks to Brooklin Legion, Branch 152 -Mouse ional Police Assoc. imists aà 1000 re (Whitby) ,gue Team Sponsors n Telecopy Systems - Savin Accuracy Plus Bookkeeping Cashway Bldg. Centre - Brooklin Bell Canada DIlS. Insurance Brokers Bowes & Cocks Realty - Osha Canadian Tire - Whitby Stins and Thing Whitby Legion -rah12 Equitax lncorporated League Tournment Sponsors Brooklin Bedmen on Thursday, July 27 when Redmen -play Owen à ound at Brook1in'8 Luther Vipond Arena. The minor lacrosse teains will put on a 10-minute demonst- ration before the game a nd dur- ingthe periods. geore the gameý will be the demonstration by paperweights (ages 3 to 6); between first and second periods, tykes (ge 7 and 8); between seconid nd third periods, novice (ages 9 and ln)l Redmien will also give out 500 free passes at the game to, al minor lacrosse players. For more information eall Barry Johnson at 655-8901. ISTAum AT 0ON LY -Ob Lifetime warranty on, The Iow price of ignitoni $1 89.95 delivers into these professional *bAutomatic Stihi features /in Tap'N'Go Linehei the high-value 0 Powerful 2-stroke FS-48 gas gasoline egn trimmer: À ad without acord! Ob Comfortable adjustable "loop" handie See us today for Iegendary Stihi quality at an affordable price! Number One Worldwîde DURHAM EQUIPMENT RENTALS Usten to us on CHOO RADIO 1390 AM 1020 Dunbdas 668-0880 St. East.' Whltby 428-0880 j fi MMMà -LWý 11-1-------.-.-.---ýý-1--,--ý--- - p- -