PAGË 2M HTB ~E PZErSS. WEDNESDAY,JULY 5, 1989 Reach For, The StarsIf __dSav lAflAWIN SUPER * SPECUAL SUPER * SPECIAL ASSORTED FLAVOURS Good Humor Ice Cream 2 LITRE CARTON I .219 WITH 2 COUPONS BELOW SSUPER * SPECIAL WHITE ONLY Royale Bathroom Tissue PACKAGE 0F 12 ROLLS 3.99 LIMIfl 4 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE ouIl receive one saver stamp with each $1M.0 purchase. Twenty saver stamps tubi a saver book. Thon rodeem R. Saver Stamp Bocks available at the store. 270 x 50'f Bath Towels «C 16 x 28" Hand Towels ach 13" x 13" Wash Cloths ach ASSORTED VARIEllES Chateau Dry Beverages CASE 0F 26-280 mLT1NS <UNITCOST&P9 PER100 mL) LIMIM' 4 CASES PER FAMILY PURCHASE ISUPER * SPECIALI REGULAR OR AU. DEEF Swiftt Wieners 4W0 g VAC PAÇ LIMI1r 6 PKGS FER FAMILY PURCHASE ISTAMP SAVER BOOKI 399. 3m99 FVEYY RE IWITHOIJr 9399 6399 4m99 PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA, SWEET Juicy 1.74/kg Peaches I79' POWDERED LAUNDRV Sunlight 9 Detergent box3 1) LIMIT: 3 BOXES FER FAMILY PURCHASE ASSORTED FLAVOURS YukonCub2/8 PLUS AO PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT EWITH THIS RM SAVE .3 CO P N ASSORTED FLAVOURS IGood HumorI Ice CreamI 2 UTRE CARTONI 1.29 IUMIT 1 caon per coupon. L OFFER VALIO UViu July 81h. tan (Future Pc w4hGvt COUPon 1S) C - PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, JULV 8TH, 1989 We roserva the. rlght Io lmit quanthetb t normal tamlly raqulrementa. SavIn aaown I'n thia ad baa.d on currani m :ooltn Toronto A&P rMalla. WITH THIS M SAE I COUPON ASSORTEO FLAVOURS 1 IGood umnor I I be Cream I 2 UTRE CARTONI ILIMIT 1 cno pwcoupI L OFFER VAUDO INu July 8th. I (Foulure pnc wdhoul coupon 1W) S.C.W AAP FOOD STORES STEVE ELLIOTT, retfring principal of O'Neill Col- legiate in Oshawa, with wife Sally. Free Proesphoto Educator retires By Debbie Luchuk Steve Elliott says bis 28 years as an educator have led him to cross patbs with rnany interest- ingpeople.esdnad jbiot a WhiLby resd n principal at O'Neill Collegiate in Oshawa, recently retired from education, 18 of bis 28 years baving been spent in Durham scbools. 'The highight of my career bas beenwokn with teachers and studenta just the good; feeling (that I had) when anyone could improve themselves," Elliott said. 've enjoyed wbat I've done,, and what I'm doing because of the different people you meet." Elliott was born in Godericb, Ont., and attended scbôols in Goderich and Windsor. After bigh scbool, be worked at General Motors in Flint, Micbi- gan, and then enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. While stationed in Caribou, Maine, be met and married bis wife Safly He was subsequently stationed in England, and after two years, returned to Lansing, Michigan to pursue a bachelor of science degree. The Efliotts have three chul- dren, Bill, Bob and Barbara., He began teaching in 1961 in Port Huron and after six years there, returned to Canada and commenced teacbing at McLau-., glin Coflegiate. Subsequent posi- tions were at Donevan High School, Ministry of Education, and as vice principal at Dunbar- ton Hi h School, Henry Street High S9chool and Ajax High Sehool. In 1979, be assumed a princi- p ai position at at General Vanier Secondary School, then at Cen- tral Collegi a te beore coming to O'Neill Collegiate. Elliott is returning with bis wife to fuli-time farming at the family farm north of Goderich, at least for a while anyway.. "Then I migbt teach for haif a year or one year in Virginia,» be concluded. Teacher noiniated By Debbie Luchuk Students of Dr. Robert Tborn- ton public scbool bave nominated one of their teachers for tbe Teacber of the Year award,'spon- sored by the Toronto Sun. Jane Crosbie, teacber of grade 7 and 8. math and wbole language, and instrumental music to grade six, bas been nominated for tbe award by ber students for involvement in scbool activities and ber manner with stûdents. She assists in tbe running of tbe junior choir, the recorder club, and belps to organize and run fundraising drives, iterary conferenoes, drama clubs, scbool trips and, according to ber stu- dents' letter, "tbrougbout aIl the chaos, manages to keep every- body's spirits bigb." "If teacbers are our 'role models and leaders, tben Mrs. Crosbie is beyond the level of a teacher. She is so mucb more to us than a role inodel, she is a bero, or ratber a beroine. Her intelligence flows, and ber mnan- ners and grace are immaculate (even wben she's wearing ber coffée and bas ber contacts in backwards)," students Vanessa Wingrove and Judy Singb wrote. The teacher of thbe year will be selected by Dr. J. Simmons, col- umnist of an advice column for young people and their parents. DOUBLE STAMPS ALL WEEK! TGWVELS TASTEMAKER'by STEVN ON SALE AT ALL TIMES. NO BAVER STAMPO REQUIRED LUXURIDUS, THICK AND THIRSTY Bath 3519 9 Sheets ch- 9,9 Start saving ýyour FREE stamps now! 70 THICKSON RD, S. eWHITBY m