COMPLETE CULLIGAN water softening & purifying system - $450.00; gold floral loveseat - $75.00. Phone 725-1690. HAMMOND organ, like new, $500.00 or best off er; bath seat - $75.00; quad cane - $50.00. Cali (416755-8393 after 5:00 p.m. CONTENTS - ail household items - Ashburn Village. Phone 655- 4035. JAMES LUMBER print, "Country Kitchen". Price negotiable. Phone 576-7709, after 7:00 p.m. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, -sectlonals, less than hall pruce. Large seiectlon. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. METAL* DETECTOR - f inds money, rings, silver, gold, etc. Rejeots trash. Asking $575.00. Phono 985-3402. MATTRESSES and box sprîngs et hait priée. MocKeeti Furnîture, 524 Simrcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. The RUST BUSTER. New technology to Canada eliminates rusty, smelly, bad-tasting water. Purfies your entire water supply for only "pennies a day"! El- iminates the need for chemical iron f ilters and shock chiorination. No-Saht required. For further information, Write: The Rust Buster, #5-6380 Tomken Road, Mississauga, Ont ario, L5T 1K2. Cali: toll-free 1-800-387-3423. Sales and service represented thoughout Ontario. B 1979 MALIBU - niany new parts - needs motor, $5F)0.00; queen-size full-motion watc-rb_-d - solid pine- wit h headboarc. $750.00; new Sears bench inder, $100.00; bench press baî - 50 Ibs., - and dumbbells, $100, : 4 N.S.A. water filters - counter dels - wholesale $180.00 each. nione Tony at 579-5254 EXTRA LARG',Zi car ramps- $40.00 or nearest offer. Phone 655-4217. 1983 Yamaha Y7Z. 250. Good condition. $1,000 firm. Cail 436- 0871 after 6:00 p.m. STOVE - Electric, 30", white, in good condition. stili in -use - $85.00; 5 metal storm windows, 52« x 270, $2.00 each; 3 pieces of 1/4" plate glass, 42" x 26", $2.00 6 TONING TABLES, variable speed, pink & grey. Excellent con- dition - $17,500. 519-843-1080. B BlnciM98dMoe ampe ~ 9 1989 Reg. $599.99 WhIIe They Last RALEIGI+BtANCHIMIEZE.FW I. ENEGADE DLAY 3PORTS~j~4I 980 Brook Rd. S. Mon. - Fnî. 9-9, Sat. 9 6 839- 5610Z SPLIT-RAIL fencing and original barn board. Cash & carry. Cali Jack at 655-4280, after 6:00 p.m. NORITAKE CHINA SALE! Terrific discount on current patterns. Deivered well-packed, insured. Specify- your Noritake pattern. For price list, shipping details, cal Aiexander's, "The Noritake Experts", Toronto. Toil- f ree: 1-800-263-5896. Clip and save. B HANK'S SUPER SPECIAL SALE - 1-door fridge and 30" stove sets - $300.00 to $375.00 per set. We also soul BBQ parts, cast iron burners - $55.00 to $70.00. Also appliance parts. 89 Bloor St. East, Unit 4. Behlnd Horb's Auto Body and before the train tracks. AUTOMOBPILES- j 1979 BLAZER 4x4 P.S., P.B., 350 Corvette enginle, BF Goodrich 35" tires on 1988 Chev. Aium. rally rims, 3" body lift, 8000 lb. winch, many new parts, $5 ,800. Phone 666-2109. 1984 HONDA Aspencade, loaded, 4,000 km. since new, neyer dropped, many extras, days 436-7292. LOOKING FOR A JOB? Check the classifieds f irst. We cen help. Fuî-service Medical Building in Whitby requires a medical doctor for an existing office of approximately 875 sq. ft. The following is a list of disciplines in order of preference whîch would be best suited for the.building: Specialist General Practitioner Psychologist Please contact Matthew or Peter at: CMD Managiement Ld Suite 603, Four Seasons Place, Etobîcoke, Ontario M913 6H7 (416)620-7074 Fax: (416)620-7604 WHITBY - HOUSE FOR SALE. 3-bedroom, 2-storey, fuliy de- tached, 5 appi;ances, ail curtains and biinds included. Large, ienced lot on quiet court. $192,000. Phone 430-0246. CENTRAL Whitby room for rent - $60.00. Cail Bob at 436-7771. OSHAWA - 4-bedroom executive, master ensuite, main floor family room with fireplace, Harrowsmith (north Harmony), $1,088 plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 430-3131. ~ WANTED TO v~7 BUY/RENT I OLDER PAINTINGS and works of art - one or entire collection. Kari Mearns, Box 1266, Caledonia, Ontario, NOA MA. (416)765-6782. B WANTED - one-bedroom apart- ment to rent - for bachelor. Please cali 668-5881 after 1:00 p.m. BLANKET.. To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario -and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario Alil Ontario Ali Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $135 for 25 words $275 for 25 words $843 for 25 words For further information please cal 1: 6638-6111l SMALL-TOWN HOTEL, 14 rooms, dining room and.lounge. Thessalon, Ontario. Asking $129,000. Widow - must soul. Also: 3 cottages with small campground, residence, store. Needs work. Bruce Mines, $83,000. F.A. Knecht Real Estate, 705-841-1045. B SHARED ACCOMMODATION - in nice home. Thickson & Manning area. $75.00 per week - al amenities. Non-smoker. Available July 1. Cali Bey 668-7721, ext. 212 <days>. GARAGE FOR RENT - $350.00 per month. Heated. Cail Bob at 436-7771. To soul the sma that you thoughl worth advertisifll *Items must less than $50 - price must 311 items tweren't 9. selI for t be stated in ad -multiple item ads mnust total less than $50 *Maximum l5words *Prepaid *Cash or VISA only L668-6111 ""us. IEXPERIENCED MOTHER will babysit in own home. Hot meais. Monday - Friday, 7-00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Six months to f ive years. Cal Diana at 430-2870. NEARLY-NEW clothing, shoes, nurse's unform, crafis, a Go- Kartï & much much more. 416 Centre.St. N., Saturday & Sunday June l7th & lBth and June 24th & 25th, from lOa.m to 4:00 p.m. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT - east of Orono, 4th or 5th con- cession uine, 7 km. c'ast Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campground, beautiful. $732.00. 1-786-2562. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus f ree shipping program. Buy from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B3 3N9 (604)682-6636. B LOST- Blue budgie in Whitby. Hickory StIRegency Crescent area - June lth. Phone -668-8526. LOST YOUR GLASSES? A pair of glasses was found on Saturday, May 29th, 800 block, Dundas St. East, Whitby. Please caîl 668-6111 if they are yours. FARM PRODUCE - hay for sale and straw wanted, square bales only. (519)343-2336. B Wecrr uniqu" lton of coliectîjles, drop ln and browse ...lf you don't see what y u are lookng for ... tak to us. W e will heip you find your distinctive item. We also do retînlshing Mon. to Fri. - 9 - 5 Interfors UnIqueiy Vours ili Brock Street N.9 Whitby 668-0009 K .*Ç Il pAGE 32, ýýB 683-1968 1PRINTING AND OFFFICE SUPPLIES 6_ AJAX ... ci