à ,& 1 W A unrVl2Pi2l2PES. Suwmnv MAV i1. 1989 Tours are -available for the adventurous If youre looking for outdoor adventure this summer, the Out- dôeor Inn in dewntown Whitby offers white water rafting excur- sions and rock limbingi classes. The white water rafing pack- ages are three-day excursions to the Ottawa River says- Outdoor Inn owner Andy PManlters. Cost is $145 for the three days which includes one full day (Sun- day) of white water rafting on the Ottawa River and the use of canoes and kayaks for the rest of the weekend trip. Manders says people taking the trip don't need rafting experience but they must weigh more than 90 lbs. He says the excursions attract a mix o f people, from ages 20 to 40, from Durham Region, Scar- borough and Peterborough.. Campera must niake their own way to the campaite (you are provded a map) which is a five- hOour drive from Whitby According. to Mandera, cam- p era will have the time of their lives on the raft ride which lasta froni 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (including bus ride back to the campsite). «It (Ottawa River) is one of the best rivers for rafting and we have neyer had an accident. The guides are excellent," says Man- ders. The store aise offers a special during the long weekends. For $75 you can camp beside the river for the three days, receive two breakfasts and lunches and have a day of white -water rafting. ThnLose trips are very popular, sy Mndera, with the first long yeked inM half-filled. For those tKat liketo keep SEE PAGEA13 'Run withý the wind" SAIL A TALL SHIP Barefoot Cruise in the Caribbean * -~ Six Days of Barefoot Adventure from V$675,. us (air add on) Ai Linda Russell Travel 668-5000 126 Brock St. S.,9 Whitby "Your Travel Is Our Business" rWooden Outdoor Furniture 4- MYRTLE RD. Ch ;.~THICKSON H HWY Q WHITBY satu J)Cail 655-8558 MYULE. We Deliver exagons, Octagons, Benches, irs etc. mdniade, preasseinbled, nded, ready to be stained # Solid Cedar construction f Built to Last Once again thîs year, Oudoor Inn and Equinox Adventures are offering you a special 2 for 1 weekend of esciting whitewater rafting on the Ottawa River. YouIll thrill to the challenge of the whitewater and spectacular scenery as Equinoas highly qualified. skilled staff guide you safely through Phils Hole, the Çolîseumn, and Haq onq quickly past the Greyhound satar. THE SPECIAL TWO FOR ONE WEEKEND PRICE 0F 145.00 PER COUPLE includes use of the camping faclties Sat. & Sun- niglt: waterfront day on Sun' (swirmmîng. sunnîng and free use of canoas. rowboats. kayaks and sailbosrds>; rafting jet on Monday; ail meals (breakfast, lunch. on Sunday and breskfast. lunch on Mondayl, cornp!îmentary post -raltîing beer and vdeos and a guaranteed good limai Canoelng & Kayaklng whtewater lessons avallable WHAT ABOUT SAFETY? YOU ASK. Equinox uses only the finest quality equipment available. Ail rafts are caretully selected for strength, durability, stability and are maintained to perfection. Approved Ie jackets, helmets and paddles are provided. Equinox has provided thousands of satisfied customers (many returning several imes for repeat thrills> with safe, pleasurable, unforgettable river esperiences. Ail their guides go through extensive iraining programs, are excellent strong swimmers and are frst aid and CPR certif ied. Before each trip la launiched, an informative safety and instructional talk la given. So rest easy and be assured that every precautiuon possible is taken to ensure your safety and enjoyment. TO RESERVE VOUR SPACE OR FINO OUT MORE cal or vist Oie Door Inn rîght away. We took over 110 whilewater enthusiasta fast year and many are coming back for seconds. So be sure to book your spots right away. Dates are every weekend ln 1989. 1 Day Rafting Special Sl5iperson inclusive: 3 days camping -2 breakfast 2 lunches_ -s,,.'-IN 30 rkS. N Biritam is a popular destination SUMMER IS COMING!! DON'T WAtT - ORDER NOW Britain appeara te be the popu- lar destination for summer tra- vellers thia year. At moat of the travel agencies in Whitby contacted by The Free Press, Britain was the choice. "Britain has always been popu- lar. There are a lot of families that visit relatives,» says Caro- line Martinolich at Marigold Tra- vel. Florida is aise a popular spot durinq the summer, especially this year with the epening of MGMstuiosatDisney World. "People will always head Seuth. Especially during July and August,-" says Jean Wesley of Wesley Travel According te AI Russel of Rus- sel T1ravel, Canadians wilI aise explore their own country if the weather stays fiee. Another popular vacation option invoives Mediterranean, Greek and Alaskan eruises.