1988 BERETTA, 2.8 mfi, low km. extended warranty and many options. Cali 668-2319, leave mes- sage. 1979 BLAZER 4 x 4 P.S. P.B. 350 Corvette engine, BF Goodrich 35" tires on 1988 Chev. Aiurn. raliy rims, 3" body U~t, 8000 lb. winch, many new parts, $5,R0O. Phone 666-2109. 1974 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetie - $1.500 or best offer. Cali 668-7826. 1984 TURISMO - excellent condition, 5-speed, 86,000, certi- f led - $3,700.00. Phone 666- 1894. 1979 AMC SPIRIT- Mechani- cally-sound, body negeds work. As is,- $200.00 or best offer. Calil 666-3776 after 6:00 p.m. 1986 HYUNDAI Excel GLS, 5-speed, air,' eiectric sunroof, stereo, 39,000 km. Excellent condition. $6,195.00. Phone 666- 1091. Bellwood summer camp registrat ion Summer camp registration is underway at Bellwood community school and Pringle Creek community centre school. Pre-school camps will be operating two mornings a week, and there has been such demand that the prograxns are a]ready full. Full day camnps will be available at bath locations and the programs will include a variety of arts and crafts, games, Commiunity Care report Whitby Community Gare "olunteers comipleted a total of 30,786 assignments duning the hast fiscal yrear, April 1, 1988 to Volunteers drove 208,322 km., gave 16,765 hours of direct ser- vice, delivered 6,261 meals and provided 5,966 hours on commit- tee and in office. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer can cali 668-6651 or 668-6223. sports and swimming. Camp sessions are one week and run fromn July 4 to Aug. 18 and the cost varies from $50 to $65 per week, depending on dates and location. Registration for campn is held on Mondays and Thursdas from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information cail 668U803, Town parka and recreation department. Rene Soetens FROM PAGE 28 A Iongterm dump would stili be required, which according to Soetens, would unlikely be loca- ted in Pickering. "This is the last vacant parcel of land in Pickering The Town of Whitby has a lot o vacant land,» said Soetens. He noted that if the Region does not loin Metro, a Durham Region-only dump could be loca- ted in Pickering Ut i t would be much smaller. and would go through an assessment hearing. "People (councillors) should be aware that this vote is not just for the short- terni but it is a longterm decision and has many ramificetigng.» Reach For The Stars And Save!L SUPER* SPECIAL SUPER * SPECIAL r THSPOWDERED UNR à ABC 1 Detergent 1 I 55LITRE BOX 1399 1 UMM 1 box"fpepn nOFFER AL AL rI Aped MM u4r U. M1 IFaMicPd- Wdo Wtopn 22R) 8 ['InnTHS SAVEl COUPON REGULAR OR DIET 2MI0 Pepsi-Cola I1AS or 7UP 1 iL CSOF2-2ff mL TINS (UNfTCW I PR10 * '4.991 1 M -I came pu oUfcoupon fCS~~l OVAUD40a mm M8, m SUPER * SPECIAL 1 SUPER * SPECIAL] USED VEHICLES FOR SALE The oWitb Hydro Eiectric Commission Invites bids for the - 1984 Ohevrolet Celebrlty 4-door Station Wagon mleage - 116,000 km. Certif led - 1984 Chevrolet Citation 4-door hatchback Sedan mileage - 101,000 km. Certif led. - one corner-mount digger derrick truck "Tel-E-King 2w 43 foot on a 1971 Ford 0750m chassis with utility-styie rear body. Includes upper controls, bucket liner, power anchor kit, large and small augers, iower hydraulio tool outiets, manual third stage fiberglass boom. Uncertified. - two 1984 Chevrolet Chevettes2-door Sedarns mileage 93,000 km. and 96,000 km. Uncertified. Vehicles may be viewed- at our Service Centre iocated at 100 Taunton Rd. East (V2 km. east of Hwy. 12) between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. by appointment through Mr. John Haldane at 668-8581. Sealed bids wili be recéived until 200 noon, Friday May 5, 1989 by: Mr. R.F. Hopkins Secretary-Troasurer Whitby Hydro Electil Commission 128 Brock Çt. South P.O. Box 59 WhltbyOntario Li 5R8 ABSORTR VARIETIE Su, O Sara Lee Layer Cakes 3a1 g SIZE .99oi LUMI1P. 4 PER FAMILY PURCHASE SOMNEIDERS Olde 6.59/kg9 Fashioned Hams lb2 9 PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA, SWEET 129 lb 2.8/kg) Ripe l Strawberries quart I 9 ASSORTED COLOURS Royale Paper Towels eipkg ofU OUPON COAV~W [rTUPONl IA8SORTEOVAMEM 1 1 1~ N Colonial I1 1 01 Cookies I 1I39I any Estia Flatware Iulu 1 Comploter Plece I PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 198&. riTO 0 nt UA Pa rr t h LA&P F000 TORES 70 THICKSON RD, S. 9WHITBY "&p Pure Apple Juice LIMM 4 TINS FER FAMILY PURCHASE r-