Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1989, p. 24

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* ~ 'lle W'ar or Calmda... Sarelty s CHMPI Nto Accident progra,,î 1-1C im > %- mC àI1 o LI %JFq À% - D « À -IE e FI-UIF= EE> N VE " IC: L eS1: Safari Van 7 Passenger, V8, A/C Plymouth Voyager 7 Pass., A/C, Tint Windows, AM-FM Cass. Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Loaded, Fwd. Dodge Caravan A M- FM, .7 Pons. Pontiac 6000 4 door, Auto. Pontiac Fiero AM-FM Cass., 4 Speed Buick Regai V8, 4dr., A/C G.M.C. P/U Truck V2 Ton Auto, 6Scyl. Chev. V/2 Ton P/U Truck Auto, 6 cyl. Chev. Celebrity VS, 2dr., AM-FM Chrysier Cordoba 6 cyl., Auto, 2dr. Olds. C uttass V6, A M-FM Mazda G.L.C. Auto Ford 3/4 Ton P/U Club Cab, V8 Ford 1/2 Ton P/U Truck, 6 cyl., 3 Speed Chev. Citation V6, 4dr., AM-FM Pontaic Pheonix V6, AM-FM. A/C, 2dr. Buick Le Sabre A M- FM, P/W,- P/S, 4dr., A/C, V8 Ford V/2 Ton P/U,Truck, 6cy., 3 Spd., AM-FM, Cap. Ford V/2 Ton P/IJ Truck Explorer, V8 Auto, AM-FM 1978 Ghev 3ý4 Ton P/t), V8 uto 1982 Docfge Ornai 4 Speed 1978CadiJa~1derdu>181 M.C.l1Ton, PU Truck V8 1977 ChevSlazer 4x4, w/3 Way Pow, Wpiatf*rMT¶4.Speed VS. Auto1980 Plymouth Horizon Auto: 1977 G.MCQ 1/2TonP/,WStnrd 18Bdc iea 1976 Ford Bronco 4x4,:.Vil, Auto: 97 Plymnouth Horizon Auto 19g72 Fard 600 UHauf t' levan. S8., *1979 0uÉii LSabro va, Pro pane 4$ped 979 0146; WagonVS, A/G 1973 Cadfillao Eldrado Convertlbe 17é, Oodge , VZTon P/t) (BaU Truck) sVil Auto" !S F»E C1 9kLS Corvette, V8, 4 Speed, T Roofs, Pop Out Rear Window, Interior Red/Blk., Ext. Red Plymouth Barracuda Convertible, 318 V8, Auto, Exterior Red, New White Top, Int. White Opel, Orig. 6 cyl., 4dr, Standard 3 Spd. G.M.C. Sprint, V8, Auto. A M- FM Cassette, Nag Wheels - 1% Dep. i... o alBace.' o* oCash or et e hqeb o. May'Is,19. AilVohcls msI e emoed y ed.May3 I, o'. 1988 1987 1 19861 19851 19851 1984 1 1983 1 1983 1982 1982 1981 1981 1981 1 1981 1 1981 1 19801 1980 1 1980 1 19791 1979 1 1968 1 1968 1951 1977 To the editor. I wish te acknowledge receip5t of a letter dated December 13, 1988, frm Mr. Randy C. McLean concerriing a series of articles on safe driving. (1 Driving Safely with Randy' column in Durham moves auto supplement, Whitby Free Press). I compliment the Witby Free Press in taking the initiative to publish these articles in an effort te reduce both the number and severity of highway accidents. The safety of citizens travelling on Ontario highways is of prime importance Vo my ministry which includes the Ontario Provincial Police. We mâke your'j car & truck perfor ii H OI' jSON i 65x8OR1 3 1i75x8OR1 3 i 85x8OR1 3 185x75R14 195x75R14 2O5x75R1 4 2O5x75R1 5 21 5x75R1 5 225x75R15 235x75R1 5 $61 .00 $65.00 $69.00 $71 .00 $75.00 $80.00 $80.00 $81 .00 $85.00 $90.00 8 'OI H TA6I SRE . m. Im r *S spmod-ratod. *Avallablo ln 50, 60, 65 & 70 sales VAN HEMMEN TIRESOO21i 317 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 6wl1me Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. a a.me-2 puma z- DRI VI NG;» SAFELY > with RANDY RANDY McLEAN, 15 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIO SAFETY. Mr. Motean has reviewed thousarids of individual motor' vehicle accident reports and his close worklng relationships with police agencies, governmnents, safety associations, industry and the public, have given hum a hrue overview of trafflo safety isses, problemns and solutions ln Canada. TAMIflAJG - WH(YS IN CONTROL? Commutera and other motorista who regularly drive on our provincial highways will likely have noticed that the incidence of tailgating is increasing. According te the most recent. statistics published by the Mfinistiy of Transportation, fro 1985 to 1987 the total number of motor vehicle accidents increased by about 7 per cent. During the saine time the numnber of drivers involved in accidents and reported te be 'following too close increased by almoat 19 per cent.. Unfortunately, accidents caused by drivers who tailgate (21,415 in Ontario alone in 1987) often also involve one or more innocent victizns. While most of us have been taught not te tailgate, comparatively few of us know what te do when someone is tailgating us. But firat, we should consider three things not te do when we're being tailgated. Do not jam on your brakes abruptly. te scare the driver behind. Wihile thids nmght give you some vengeful satisfaction, it is very dangerous. 1 have reviewed several police accident reports," sonie resulting in porsonal injuries, caused by this type of driver action. You already know that the tailgater is a bad driver and have probably said so under your breath. Don't risk your own safety and that of your passengers trying to prove just how bad a driver he or she is. Anid don't expect the lihce te have any sympathy for someone who h as deliberately caused an accid ent. Seconddo, not take on the role of police oficer. On multilane highways do not block the passing lane if a slower lane is available, even if- you are drivin¶ at the speed limit. When safe te do so, pul inte the siower lane and allow the tai g ater vehicle te pas. Third, do not pressred into speeding. You will soon find t h t no matter how fast you go, the tailgater will remain aimost exactly the saine - short - distance.off your bumper. Ail that hon happened is that you are now driving at a spee at which you are uncomfortable. You will spend'more time glancing, inte your rear view mirror and are more likely te mnake a driving error yourself and possibly cause an accident whiile the, tailgater speeds by. What should you do when sonaeone tailgates you? Increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. In an emergency the driver tailgating you may physically not be able te slow down fast enough >te avoid a collision. By increasing your own following distance you will be able to slow down more gradually, a benefit which is passed on te the tailgater. A second advantage of inc'reasing your own following distance is that the resulting gap is usually too attractive for the tailgater te turn down. He or she will likely take the firat opportunity te paon you and move inte this gap. This may not prevent an accident butý at least he or she will have then become someone els roblem. Tailgating is te some extent a battle for power or control. The two cars are se close they essentiaily operate on a single vehicle. If you spoed up, you are allowing the tailgater te drive your car for you. If you increase your following distance and continue te drive at a safe, conifortable speed, then you are effectively driving the ailgater's car. When you speed up so, does he, when you slow down se does she. Which driver would you rather have in control? For your sake - and the tailgate9s - Drive Safelyl You may be interestod Vo learn that the OPP in conjun'ction with various police agencies provides periodic press releases regarding assorted safety topica. Depending upon the Vume of year, topica such on winter driving, school bus safety, summer holiday precautions and snowmobile safety, are covered. These releones are issued te ail Ontario newspapers. and television stations aiong with taped public service announcements forwarded to radio stations and should dovetail nicely with your efforts. My ministry encourages al efforts te promote a safer motoring environinent for citizens. Thank you for biinging your initiative te my attention. Sincerely, Joan Smith Solicitor General Roddi*n' along FROM PAGE 21 n eyer attended an outdoor event, you'll find them very informai, usualiy held in shady parka, filled with fascinating cars and owners who love Vo meet people and taik about their hobby. Who knows? They might even get you thinking about trading . in your current machine for something a littie different this summer. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Solicitor General praises safety column Act Now! Make Vour BeSt Deal On New 1989 Models In Stock Macintosh Chrysier Plymouth Limited 331 Park Rd. S., Oshawa 728-4638 1 1 1

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