<ýPiÇdE '34,> Wi BYFIÉE gttÉlSâ, WDNÉâSDAY, APRIL12,1989 .b POLICE AUCrION SATURDAY, APRIL 22 1989 Sale Starts 10:00 A.M. By Public Auction Whereas no claims have been made by the owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regional Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from its owner, or by reason of having been found abardoned in a public place and the Force is unable to ascertain its rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for auct ion are as follows: bicycles and miscellaneous items. SALE 10 E HELD AT THE REAR OF 30 WILIAM STREET, TERMS: Cash OSHAWA, ONTARIO RARE COLLECTORS AUCTION Selling a Private Collection of over 200 oil lamps, art & coloured glass, various other unusual pcs. of glass & china, bein sold at "KAHN COU TRY AUCTIONS" located on Brock Rd. Pickering 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (Exit 399) SAT., APRIL 15 - 10 A.M. Sale features over 200 oil lamps of various descriptions & colours including 6 large han ging lamps in cranberry, vaseline, acid etched, & Victorian, many hanging hall lamps w/cranberry, ruby & acid etched shades, over 10 G.W.T.W. oil lamps in custard, peach blow, etched & handpainted shades, many outstanding banquet lamps w/cranberry, ink opalescent and Victorian shades, a pair of very rare outdoor cranberry thumbprint lamps, pr. of matching Sandwich glass oil lamps, w/matching petticoat shades, several coloured peg lamps, very unusual G.W.T.W. reading lamp w/Russian drape shade, large custard lamp, several library oil lamps, oil lamps of various designs & colours in vaseline, greens, blues, cranberry, amber etc. Many coloured miniature oul lamps, pair of brass bracket lamps, figured brass table lamps, several good pcs. of cranberry glass, approx. 12 pickle cruets in cranberry, blues, greens & amber glass, dresser jars, coloured syrup jugs, Vasa Murrhina vases, vaseline vases, Bristol, satin & opaline pcs., blue thread glass epergne , unusual blue acid wine cooler w/matching cup, some pieces of coloured art glass, steeple & mantle clocks, and muc more. N.B.: Auctioneer's Note: This is an outstanding private collection of rare hanging lamps, ba uet Iamps, assorted oil lamps, glass & unusual itenis collected for the Vat20 years. IEWING: Friday, April 14 from 4 - 9 p.m. T ERMS: • Cash, cheques (with I.D.) or VISA. No reserves. Re- freshments available. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 or 985-8161 David J. Edwards Chief of Police AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 15 - 10:00 A.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Drapery, Fabric, Furnture, Office Equipment, Cars. We are selling various bankrupt & bailiff estates plus new furniture including: Approximately 300 rolls of dra- pery fabric, ladies' clothes plus other material. NEW FURNITURE: Wing-back chairs, recliner & swivel chairs, coffee & end tables, dresser, desk, 3 new mattresses (queen & double), plus cleaning compound, fabric softener, etc., 10-piece walnut dining-room suite, settee, chairs, end tables, apt.-size free- zer, fridge & stove, queen-size bed, truck, oil painting, etc. OFFICE FURNITURE: Olivetti photocopier, set of phones, Olivetti Fax m/c. 4 filing cabinets, executive desk, socretary desk, small desk, draiting table, 47 stacking arm chairs, whiteboards, storage cabinet, 9 room dividers, tilter chairs, phone cable, mobile phone parts, etc., oak office chair, 1983 Citation, 1983 Ford Escort, 1980 Mercury Marquis. NOTE TIME: 10:00 A.M. VIEWING: Friday 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. GOOD SALE: SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! ROSS MCLEAN 686-3291 - AUCTIONEER 432-2836 GIGANTIC LIQUIDATION AUCTION OF NEW, BRAND NAME FURNITURE FRI. APRIL 14 - 7:00 P.M. AT ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY Large assortment of new furniture including dining-room suite, ches- terfield suites, wall units, bedroom suites, bed chesterfields, mat- tresses, large quantity of matching coffee & end tables, occasional chairs, tables. No reseve. Every- thing must sell. Preview: Friday, 2 p.m. to sale. Sale starts 7 p.m. sharp. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS LINDSAY (705)324-2783 Orval & Barry McLean Auctioneers FARM AUCTION SAT. APRIL 22 - 10:30 A.M. Selling a full line of farm ma- chinery, 3 tractors & some furn- iture, the property of MRS. JOY BRIGHT, R.R.#1, Oshawa, Thorn- ton Rd. North between Conc. 8 & 9 or 1 mile west of Raglan then Sout h. Watch for signs. Farm Sold. 510 Belarus 80 h.p. tractor with H/D loader (950 hrs.), 165 Massey tractor, M/F 50 tractor & loader, M/F 60 combine P.T.O., 273 N/H baler, 479 haybine, M/F side rake, #3 M/H baler, 32' Mayrath grain & hay elevator with under carriage, 7' mower, M/F manure spreader, 7' Lucknow snow blower, 3 wagons, 3-furrow M/F plough, 17-row seed drili, 10' cultivator, 9' double disc, 18' 1200 A/C cultivator with wings, harrows, post-hole auger, hammer mill, tractor chains, 7' blader, 24' grain auger, scales, fanning mill, steel gates, barn fans, cedar posts, snow fence & steel posts, rolls of new fence wire, compressors, shop vac, new pump & tank, curcular saw, 200 bales of straw, wagon-load of small items & many tools, pile of scrap metal. Kenmore 30" stove, 19 cu. ft. freezer, chesterfield & chair, dressers, old trunks, dishes, T.V., odd chairs, sewing machine, 8-sided games table, old wooden washing machine, antique pump vac., old law books, lawn furniture & much more. LUNCH AVAILABLE. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I.D. Owner & Auctioneer will not be responsible for accident or injury in connection with this sale. DON & PHIL COCHRANE AUCTIONEERS 985-2788 Port Perry AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" --every Wednesday at 620 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection o antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, primitives, and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auct ions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment & estate selling our specialty". Call us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)683-0041 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS MACHINE SHOP SALE T HURS. APRIL 20 - 10:00 A.M. at WARD MACHINE & WELDING CLAREMONT, ONTARIO Turn west off Durham 1, '74 Chev 4 x 4 pick-up with blade, Int. 275 diesel tractor with hydraulic loader & rear fork lift, Herbert 11" x 30' vertical milling machine, Sirco P.A. 20-80" lathe, 10-ton 10' power press brake, Hassfeld steel ben- der, hydraulic pipe bender, chain hoists, 25-ton porta power, Pro- gress S.E. drill #4 taper power feed, 450 amp. mig welder, 200 amp. A.C. welder, grinders, 4' power metal roller, heavy hy- draulic press, 5 h.p. Webster 2- stage air compressor, Buffalo 1/2" drill press, 1/4" nibbler steel cutter, threading machine, Pyramid 48" power roller, 4 chain hoists, pipe vise, Oster 2" pipe threader, air tools, hydraulic hose crimper, propane torches, 250 AC/DC welder, 75-ton 550 volt hydraulic press, nibblers, 2 air hammers with tooling, taps & dies, Widder smoke vacuum machine, flame cutters, complete shop equipment and many hand tools. Al machinery in good workng condition. Open 9 a.m. - sale 10 a.m. No reserve, business closing. Terms cash or cheque with bank letter of credit. For flyer or info call: ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 Orval or Barry McLean Auctloneers HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUE SALE SAT. APRIL 15 - 6:30 P.M. Pethicks Auction Barn Haydon 10 miles northeast of Oshawa Selling from various estates, seniors giving up housekeeping and others. Nice sale highlighted by spectacular 9-piece mahogany Chippendale-style dining-room suite, oak sectional leaded-glass bookcase with drop-front desk, tea wagon, oak corner curio cabinet, mass bed, dressers, vanities, chests, lots of antiques, refridgerator, washer, dryer, stain- less wringer-washer, cookstoves, parlour stove, 2 old wicker chairs, lots of glassware, collectables, dishes, Royal Doultons, oil lamp, military metals, silver dollars and much more. "The Friendly Auction". STEVE LIPTAY & GARRY POWELL 263-8710 G ULN A UC"T"ION FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 21 at 7:30 p.m. Located at D & M SALES BARN, Lindsay, Ontario 1mile west of Lindsay on the Little Britain Road E3UY C>R SELL For those consigning guns, please mail a list to us for catalogue purposes by April 19th. Shotguns, rifles & handguns. SPECIAL NOTE: We are selling the complete collection of antique rifles, shotguns & pistols of the late BRUCE HENRY of Haliburton, approximately 50 pieces dating back into the 17th century. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. DETAILS: Call Lindsay 1-705-324-2472 Auctioneers licensed by Provincial Govemment permit No. AB 130895 AUCTIONEERS: W.R. "Bud" McKee & Jim McMillan D & IVI SA LES - AIC TICNEE eFRS LINDSAY, OrNIAFIIO <9V 4R2 NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YtUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call Phone 668-6653 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., APRIL 14 - 6:00 P.M. 9-piece. walnut bedroom suite, 9-piece mahogany dining-room suite, china cabinet buffet com- bination, antique settee, iron beds with brass trim, square oak dinin table (with roll-out extension), oak umbrella stand, mahogany dres- sers, oval top trunk, antique love- seats and settees, 1986 Suzuki GS 1150 motorbike, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. #1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 AUCTION SALE WED., APRIL 19 - 6:30 P.M. at Orval McLean Auctlon Center LINDSAY Excellent sale of quality nearly-. new furniture, appliances, ex- cellent McLaughlan cutter some antiques, riding lawn mowers, Ya- maha motorcycle, freezers, re- frigerator, washer, dryer, com- pactor, built-in dishwasher, ches- terfields, bedroom suites, Ham- mond electric organ, good upright piano. Don't miss this one! BARRY MCLEAN AUCTIONEER INFO. - (705)324-2783 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 15 - 6:30 P.M. In Orono Town Hall Household furniture, antiques, collectables, Royal Doulton fig- urines, dishes, tools, roto-tiller, many more articles. Terms: Cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-5398