'WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDN"ESDAY, APRIL 12, 1989, PAGE il 100,000 region tourism guidebooks now available About 100,000 1989 tourismn guidebooks are now available from the Tourist Association of Durham Region Thquidéebooks, free of charge to residents and visitors, contain places of interest and activity in the region, restaurants and accommodation. The guidebook was produced by the association to strengthen tZhe local tourist-industry. For more information contact the Tourist Association of Dur- ham Region, 270 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, LMG 4T5, or caîl 579- 1311. Tilley Optical opens at. Kendalwood The newest store to open in the Kendalwood MaIl i Illey Optical. Owned b y Brian .and Marilyn Laverty, Tilley Optical was opened after the couplc closed Novia Optical, which tI'-ey had operatedas a franchise.* Wîth their own store, Marilyn says Tilley -can offer a widfer range of g lasses, includingr brand namnes, t han did their former store. "And we have our own lab here s0 we can do sanie-day service, and depending on how busy we are, it could one-hour,» says Marilyn a licensed optician and contact 1Ãens-fitter. The store's grand opening was held April 1. Tilley is also accepting old g lasses which they wiil ship to jrd World countries. Tilley will also be offering spe. cials during April, including a 50 per cent iscount for a~ second pair of glasses bought at the store. REALTY CORPORATIO 6-4000 4 % MLS RESIDENTIAL 3% MLS COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 668n400 O PENING Hl A REFLECTION 0F OUR SUCCESSI1 1il' 81,N 1 1 From $174,900 Sailwinds Phase 1 was a phenomenal success story which continues with the Grand Opening of Phase Il, vhere every suite features a showcase view %b ofthe lake. The Isti ry S 354,900 And Sailwvinds is so convenient! The Go station is on your doorstep (just -55 -minutes to Union station) and Highwvayý401l k a mii u te's d ri ve away. Sailwinds Phase Il ... a superb i nvestment in you r future. But hurry, because one success leads ru another! SA LES OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Thurs. 12 P1.. o 8 11.11. Fi., Sat., Sun. &-- iolîd;iys 12 p.m. to 6 *î Tel: 686 -8 346 4. 30-772 3 Take 401 exit Broc k Street, WVitby. Go %otiLth to Viwtor iii Street a nd e% b Wiloil Street. L I...................I....' -,tjhj«cct to , fialige %% idiotit notice. L'. and O.E. GRmD PHASE