Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1989, p. 15

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WJilTBFMEEPIRSS, WEDNESDAY, APRM i# M199, PAGE 15. collegestrategy is value drtiven By Trudie Zavadovics A three-year strategic plan for Durham Colege, that ncludes upgrading of classroom facilities, was unveiled last week by college president*Gary Polonsky.' "This plan is soinewhat of a milestone in the history of Dur- ham College. It is flot the end of our planning, simply a launching point," said Poonsky. He outlined -seven "values" that will ho the foundation 'of the plan: integrity, respect for the individual, total qunality, educa- tional justice for ail, accountabi' lity, community involvement, and leadership and market sensitivity. He said the college has a two- fold mandate: "Partnering with industry 'and- others to help create wealth for our clients and communities; and partnerng with'community groups and oth- ers to help redistribute wealth as aPrPný rý ë,year plan encom- passes six major areas: total aca- demic quahity and student success; development of human resouroes; college communica- tion; access; markceting and qua- lity assurance; and financial and physical resouroes. One of my personal biases is simplicity," said Polonsky. "Un- less things are kept simple, they are doomed to fail.' In undertakin g the plan, Po-lonsky sad, "The college is biting of uite a chunk. e'l have to wor? around the dlock for the next three years just to do He referred to the plan as «not only a major communication document but a major accounta- bility document." The college now bas 36,000 full- and part-time students. Next year he- anticipates. 40,000- 45,000, and hopes to reach an enrolment of more than 50,000 within the three-year termn of the plan:' We are a quality college right now,» said Polon sky. "But we can do better. Some classroom facili- ties are over the hilI. We plan to get rid of some things and replace them with more suitable things." As an example, he said that some desks and chairs are unsui- table for adult students, while computer labs need more main-. tainance.' T he college is also taking steps to accommodate students with special needs.- Polonsky said the new VL wing under construction will be "This region's most acces- sible building for the disabled.» Polonsky noted that "The world is c anng in trade and technology. e're on the thin edge of the wedge. Technology is changmng at an incredible pace." He said that demoraphics are also changing. "There will ho fewer and less traditional sources of labor to do the work that must be done. We hove to be able- to provide local industry with what it needs. "If people take gcd fortune for granted, they'll b sorry. Few SEE PAGE 31 DURHIAM COLLEGE president Gary to the colie*ge's cedication program Polonsky with Lake Ontairio Steel To honor t he donation, the college Co. president Lew Hutchinson who installed a, bronze plaque in the donated $3,OOO, on behaif of Lasco, programmuable logic control lab. Free Proephoto ARNTS TOPSOIL Unilock Int.rlocking Paving Stones Dellvered or Customor Pick Up Instellationend Lndscoping 018o Avoulable -.5 e r ,~. 1k. ' "s. u .3* For Quick, Reliable Service Cali 683-0887 *TOP SOIL *Sand *Curbs *Rockery Stone *Gravel FIREWOOD *Limestone *Pine Mulch *Patio Slabs * Treated Timbers TFIVLI4i 0 vu 1 IV JJVJi l iri 1rvit YOLJR CARRIR UNTIL SE17L 1/89 It's a savings secret toc good to keep. Your money stays ln your pocket for months and months. Meanwhile you enjoy the beat of homo comfort with Carrier Hligh Efficaency Furnaces, Central Air Conditioning, Heat Puznps, Electromic S Air Cleaners and Humidifier.. Don't pey a cent until next feul. Get your Carrier today and savel Deaal financing plan appie. to instalati on of a ceaplete Csni e LT Hane Cemfot Syutem N M N conaàstmng oetaCarrier 15gh EicienyT:tUlc'li /( Cendititani Heast U LS P ,18 Cen Air (LABlOUR DAY) Hu-ditiers A'i homi aflsble te qualiltd e ewnee eccupants oe,]y. Cannt be comrldned with anyU ehrCr ie IrmU« - ------ -m-mm- - --%719 DR'DLEwDDD *HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING - SEC URITY SYSTEMS . WVVHITBY 668-8111 PICKERING/AJAX 683-5757 C A R R 1 F R C A R F Lawn Careý f'ur 2 "A nnual Programmes" willproviài .Zweed--free lawn ...Bai Spring Late Spring Fertilizer Weed Control Premium Spring LteSrig etiier Ferilier Weed Control Weed Control Crabgrass Control I nsect Control If at any time you are not satisfied with the resuits of our "Premium Programme" we wiII re -apply the materials at no extra charge. Cail today for a no obligation lawn analysis and estimate 666-4952j "We really do care about your lawn" lyou with a healihier, more Summer Fail Fertilizer Fertilizer Weed Control Fal Fertilizer Weed Control- I - - ...'..',e h *44,; 4Lf.~kj.4 ¶ I "4 --- -- -- <M a r I I I I I I e JFwtE"ýq? Co <Cu>muyo N WRAI rou AIR Durha

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