PAGE- 26, WHffY FPUE PRESS, WEDNERSDAY, MAROH 15, 1989 When The Stars Corne Up., Prices Corne Down, SHORT SHANK, SMOKED, 14-1 lb AVERAGE FuIIy Skinless Whole Leg Ham 3m06kg lb1M39 SHANK OR SUIT Wî' 373/kg toe lb SHANK1/%'s 417/kg 139 lb M Reach For The Stars And Save! SUPER * SPECIAL SUPER * SPECIAL IT MCOUPO FLORAL WHITE, BLUE, YELLOWI I KieenexI Facial TissueI IBOX 0F MOSHE0 .69 IUMIT One par coupon. LOERAU.match lm h- Match 1lm, U (Faalu. pdcawhhout coupon 29) S.C. ~n~ gmetin 9Nr£SSTEEL FLAT WARE j, tINV>&Piece Pa ce Setting AEWITH 204 SqAER 9 STAMP SEE STORE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS PRODUCT 0F P.E.I. - CANADA NO. 1 Ail Purpose Potatoesb. FEGULAR OR DIET PEPSI-COLA OR 7UP BUY 6 750r mL BOTTLES AND GET b2.99 750 ML BOTTLES (Unit coat Us8 per 100 ML) 6/2»9 ONE 2 LITRE BOTTIE 0F DIET PEPSI REGUIAR, FINE, EXTRA FINE GRINO ASSORTEO SIZES Nabob I1I Huggies 1 ITradition Coftee iJ apers MOg VAC MC PG OF 29- 8 OFR %AUI M",ch 1M1h- mMat U1. -ER VAUO Matchdl3Sh- Match "e1. aM wamacouon 4) .C.eto (Foo p 0urpr atr coupon $1Sc0>6 PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAYI, MARCH 18TH, 19M9v We resrw 1ýeh. hIo l ,tuantlil.a lanormal famlly roquronmb. mng shon l thl adbas.d on current ml e mq Motropolten Toronto A&P retals. ionCr Aar rFOOD0STORES M I Opening GERAULD ENMMETP Cardinal Carter reoently spoe at the opening of St. Mary's Catholie Secondary Schoolinii Pickering. iFre Prem plioto Free trade creates jobs Rene SooteS' Report In spite of the dire predictions of the doom and gloomn soothsayers who surfaced during the election fro. trade débate, its implementation has flot caused a colla pse of the Canadian economy. The the contrary, we ncw lcnow that duning January, the first month of FIA, there were 89,000 new jobs created in Canada. That is the best single month's performance ini three years. Of course one month can't be called a trend but it is a great and auspicous way to start on.. During the past week I have received a number of calsa about our governxnets response concerning the pronouncements of Iran on the book "Satanic Verses" and its author. I find it absolutely unacceptable, even i our multicultural society, to tolerate threats of violence and murder. In response we have withdrawn our "Charge d'affaires" rm Iran. As long as the governinent of Iran insists on its present course I can se. no reason for Canadian diplomnats to return there. Rising interest rates have been another major cause cf inquiries lately. I said throughout the recent election caznpaign that I believed the principal issues facing Canadians are the national deficit and inflation. In our part of Canada inflation is again on the rise and one very clear way te stop it is through the current inteest rate policies of the Bank cf Canada. Uncontrolled inflation harins everyone but none more than those on fixed incomes such as seniors, pensioners and low income earners. Also, couples interested in buig a first home can't save the. down payment as fast as the coot of housing rises. I encourage you to reflect on your own circuinsanes during the. last period of high inflation. The average person just couln't keep up with inflation. So I believe that an ounce cf prevention may be a lot easier te take now, than a pound of cure fatr on. ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pasta or Bravo Spaghetti Sauce PASTA SM0g PKG- SAUCE 28 fi oz TIN .99 LIMI1M 4 EACH PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIAL ISUPER * SPECIAL 70 THICKSON RD. Se ,WHITBY J MIL.- A dedicattion FROM PAGE 18 continuing adv'enture cf life. And someday, we will meet again in that new land and it will be nice te know there is a friend waiting, eager to tell us cf bis latest adventures. To se. bis smile and hear Isa laugh. His courage, charra, love and sens. cf fun will always b. with him. Just as our love will be Wherever you go, Gordon, part cf us will go with you, just as part cf you will stay here te buoy us up in hard turnes and bring us joy ail the. time. You are toc full of life te ever h. parted frein it and toc surrounded by love te ever b. separated fr-or it. Scrry, old boy, we know it's a sticky wicket, but ycu cant get awav from us. Gordon, please remember thIs as you wage lils final battle. You will diKover that even strange and forbidden Sea has enough flotsam cf courage te, keep you afloat until rescue cornes again. 7- E'nuTHS G3M SAVE ZO ICOUPON REGULAR OR DIET I Pepsi-Cola I or 7UP CAS 2O X mL TINS Unit iot 10 L ILMTOncmupar coupon.I LOFFER VALID. Match 13th - March 101h. 191 (Fouture prico wr1hout coupon M2) S.C. 1 u EWITH THIS ~ SAVE~l m PM