PAGE 24.WTIITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAItOIT 15, 1989 St evens on opens constituency office Rss Stevenson, Durham NP, lias opened is new office in north Osbwa te serve residents of Durham constituency. The constituency office is located in Unit 14, 133 Taunton Rd. W., at Somerville. From the Oshawa telephoning area the number is 571-6430. Those in other sections of Durham constituency can cail tell-free by askding the operator for Zenith 9-6130. A FX machine will be installed shortly, the nuniber for whiich is (416) 571-5432. The office wilI be open weekdays fromi 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. At a]I other times an answering machine takes naines and phono numbers, and cails are returned as quickly as possible. Stevenson said his office provides help for Durham constituency residents with anv problems or questions concerning the federal government and its various prograzns, services or agencies. The federal Durham constituency takes in the part of Oshawa north of Rosland Rd., the part of Whitby north of Taunton Rd., as well as aIl of the Town of Newcastle, Scugog Township 'Township. and Uxbridge The Durhamn MP says tbose willing te, write te him require no postage when letters are addressed as follows: Ross Stevenson, MP House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6 Graphie designs at College "The Publish Gallery," a collection of computer-aided grapbic designs of international reputation, wil be on display in. the Durham College foyer until March 23. Assembled by Publish Magazine of Smn Prancisco, the THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY D7D7mD)F DURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE The Regional Municipality of Durham iln the Matter of: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-Iaws authorizing construction Pt%.rfAMin of the following Rln;;(] Mamt 4 Taunton Rd. 16 Ritson Rd. 23 Lake Ridge Rd. 26 Thicksofl Rd. 36 Hopkins St. 44 Harwood Ave. 52 Thornton Rd. Park Rd. Gibb St. Olive Ave. Ritson Rd. 59 Olive Ave. proj ects: Municipalitw FLocation Whitby Left turn lanes at Reg. Rd. 26 (Thickson Rd.) Intersection Scugog Realigment of Con.IX/X at Reg. Rd. 7(Scugog Island) Oshawa From Beatrice St. to Reg. Rd. 4 (Taunton Rd.) Scugog Parking Facility at Cheik Lake Spring Whitby From Crawforth St. to Reg. Rd. 28 (Rossland Rd.) Whitby Intersection lmprovemeflts at Burns St. Ajax Intersection Improvement at Reg. Rd. 22 (Bayly St.) Oshawa Intersection improvement at Hwy. No. 2 (King St.) Oshawa Park Rd. f rom Quebec St. to King St. and Gibb St. from Montrave Ave. to Nassau St. Scugog From Caesarea Rd. (Lot 12/13> to Williams Point Rd. in Caesarea Oshawa Olive Ave. from Oshawa Ritson Rd. to Verdun Rd. and Ritson Rd. from St. Eloi Ave .to South of Mitchell Ave. Oshawa Intersection Improvements at Reg. Rd. 33 (Harmony Rd.) Plans showing details of the projects and1 may- be seen at the office of the Chief E the Durham Works Department, 105C Whitby, Ont ario, Telephone 668-7721. the lands affected Design Engineer of Consumers Drive, Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shahl hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-Iaws and who applies on or before March 22, 1989, to the undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on March 28,1989. SDated at Whitby this 24th of February, 1989. J. Aker Works Committee Chairmian W.A. Twelvetrees, P.ENG. Commissioner of Works1 collèction was nmade available to the College by Cooper and Beatty Ltd. of Toronto, and the Society of Grapbic Designers of Canada (Ontario Chapter). The exhibition was imported te Canada as part of the Pu"ir Electronie Design Conference held recently in Toronto. John Freeman, Durhamn College teachig master who arranged for the display in Oshawa, was one of the organizers of the conference in bis capacity as chirman of the events committee of the Grapbics Designers of Canada. The public is invited te view the exhibition at Durhamn College weekdays from 8 a.în. te 10 p.m. Crime Stoppera and Durhqim Regional Police are asking for the public's hOlp in solving, an assault on a cab driver in Oshawa on Saturday, Feb. 4.' At about 3 a.m., a cab driver picked up two fares at the intersection of Simcoe and Kig St. S. They asked to go to the south end of Oshawa. When they arrived in the. rea of Wentworth and Oxford Sta., the two mon asked te get out. As they did o, they bit the driver on the head several times with what is thought to be a basebali bat. They thon ran awhay without paying. One of the bandits left a dark grey tweed cap in the cab. Police were called and the driver was taken te hospital and requried stitches te close the wound. Thie bandits are described as: (1) white male, mediumi build, about 17 year olcl, dark coller length, straight haïr, 140 ibs., wearig a white shirt, dark jacket and jeans. (2) white male, medium build, 5'6", 150 Ibs., stocky build, blondish hair, white track pants and greyish track tep with a hood which he wore up. Crime Stoppers wil pay up te, $1,000 in cash for information leading te the arrest of the two men responsible for this assault. Similar rewards will be paid for information leading te an arrest inany serious crime. Callers neyer have te give their naines or appear in court. The Crime Stoppers phone number is: 436-8477 (tbat's 436-TIPS). A citizen board adininisters the Crime Stoppera programs of which there are now more than 800 in North America. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent te Durham Regional Crime Stoppera, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario, L1F 7K8. 7THE REGIONAL MUNICPALITY 777W»0F DURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regionai Municipality of Durham is considering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN THE DURHAM The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes the deveilopment of a home Improvement centre within the Site indicated on the map beiow. ln order to assist in the evaluation of the amnendmnent application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information reîated to the amnendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LUN 6A3 or by calling Mr. Neil Henderson, Planning Department (416) 668-7731 (Whitby)/ 686-1651 (Toronto). Submissions concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to the Commissioner 0f Planning, at the above-noted address, and must be received no later than Friday, April 14, 1989. Please include your address anid telephone number in any submission made. FILE NO. 89-006/D Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.l.P. Commissioner of Planning Protection FROM PAGE 21 oversized helmet, or one with a worn-out lining or daniaged shell does not provide adequate protection. The cost of proper protection is low when you consider the alternative. Helmets cost between $32 and $55. A wire mask may put you back $20 whie a polycarbonate protecter costs in the area of $35. And remnember, children aren't the only ones Who can be injured. According te Pashby, the average age for oye injuries has gone from 14 to 26 years because older players are reluctant te wear masks. Once you've selected the equiprnent that is appropriate for your child or yourself, be sure te follow the mask's mouniting instructions closel, or ask your sporting goods dealer te, do the job for you. The time you take te select, size and instaîl equipment will ultimately pay off in more enjoyable, safer hockey. For more information about Pasbby's contribution to, hockey safety standards, be on the lookout for a Standards Council of Canada public service announcement being broadcast on television stations nation-wide. Information about the world of standards can be obtained by writing te the crown corporation responsible for promoting and coordinating standards activities in Canada. The Standards Council of Canada 350 Sparks Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N.7 Kate and McKew at Magie Car Katherine Guselle and Harry McKew, who performi as the duo Kate and McKew, will be appear- ing at the Magic Car Restaurant Dinner Theatre, 145 King St. W. Oshawa, March 17, 18, 24 and 25. Their show, Bustles and Beaus,' is a musical revue which takes a light-hearted look at the davs of horseless carrnag«,,es and nileodeons and features comic songs, romantic ballade and lots of sing-a-long. On March 17 and 18, song froni Irish Music Hall will be included - to give a nod to St. Patrick's Day. A buffet dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m- with show starting at 8:30 p.m. riuttu lyu. rivau -f ý4J;bT