PAGE 22, WHITBY FIREE PRÉSS,WEDNESDAY, MARR 15, 1989 BROOKLONU'WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING of BROOKLIN-WI-ITBY Minor Hlockey Association MondaX, March 27, 1989 VV itrioey H.all (Iroq uois Park) Ail prpsdammendments totecositution must be received in writing 15 days prior to the annual meeting On The Hottest Chain Saw Deal Going! The Stîhi 028, Wood Boss' To the. editor. Introducing ... "Fort Whitby." The Kangaroo Council does it again! It ia regretable that Whitby council ha. given their blesising to create ths fortress-like deveiopment at Port Whitby. The waikway, of course, shouid remain. The liability aspect is a cop-out on the part of those counciliors who use it as an =argumnt to have it removed frmthe proposai. With this as a criteria for its removal, we shouid now proceed to dismantie the boat launching facilities, the xnooring, diocking and, of course, ban anyone from waiking along the shores of Lake Ontarmo. Aside from the walkway, this developer (and any other developer for that matter) shouuld flot lie allowed to be involved 'in any development near our waterways. This company lias proven te be totally irresponsible in this regard. I draw your attention to the"Anderson Street Dump" this developer lias created, with debris, plastic, building materials and other garbage strewn throughout the length of Pringle Creek when they are presently constructing homes, an d on Sundays aiso. The deterioration and destruction of this area is a disgrace. F'ish no longer are able to spawn upstreamn, trees have been buildozed and promised to be replaced for over two years. i1-IOW 7huÀCaJiaTooIs available'at TOOL SHACK 1543 Bayy Street, Pickering 839-2364 Mon. -FrKi 8 - 6 Pm, Saturday 9 - 5 Pm couId any responsible council ailow a company with such a dismal public relations record proceed with further development mn Whitby before they are required to dean up the mess they have already created with conplete disregard for eisting residents? This developmnent will not be a jewei on the waterfront, it willibe a wart. James H. Priest Wbitby Lower buildings means less open space To the editor Re: Port Whitby development - private property "Thou Shalt Not Covet." Do flot expect to get access to private property. Do "you" let people walk across and around ý our yard? The land west of rock St. S. lias been private property mnost of my lifetime. By changing the zoning on private property the owner is asking 'Wl' at would y ou like to see built on my land?" Th ey do flot have to make any of their property open to the public if they do flot wish to. Their land on the east side (of Brock) does not have any lake water frontage as proposed. The government wharf and the so- cal]ed beach to Heydenshore is open to the public. Let's lie sure it stays that way. According to the wishes of oth- ers, Port Witby is becoming an asphalt jungle. Do not blame the developers. According to newspaper reports, the owners of the lan d in Port Whitby had five architects design a plan for isiand property which was "first class" - three nicely stacked up buildings of 22 'Provincial' attitude kilts dreani To the editoé. Re: Walkway on Whitby's waterfront As residents and taxpayers of Whitby since 1954, we have been interested and surprised about comments made to us about Whitby by people who don't live in WIhitby. lEarlier, people actually abser- ved what went on in littie, pro- vincial Whitby. Comments were made about how Whitbydevelo- ped - sometimes favorably, some- times not. Yet remarks were made that Whitby became more cosmopolitan as time went on. Former mayor Desmond New- man had long ago started the idea of opening up the waterfront with recreational fun sports for residents of Whitby.' Therefore, with geat pleasure, we heard about Whitby's new idea to develop a littie walkway for its residents once the water- front plan came into being. Not so anymore. We can tell y ou the commente about this idea to scrap the walkway (along Coscan property shoreline) and to ut in a side- walk onlyr along Brock St. for town residents, to keep them out, off and away from the new deve- lopment, namely: Whitby is still in its provincial state, bas not developed or changevl at all, in For a imited time only, the Stihi 028 Wood Boss s yours for a sizzling $8000 off' The Wood Boss s Ioaded with teatures that make it perfect for professional, farm or firewood cutting duties: 0 Litetime warranty on electronlo ignition le Quick stop inertia chain brake for greater operator protection *Anti-Vibration system increases user comfort and safety *16" bar and chain *4lccengine Heat up your own deal on the 028 Wood Boss. Available while quantities last! See us before May 12, 1989! VIS4~M~ spite of ail the big talk. One can feel ashamed about this. We, the residents, deserve more than this egoistic provincial state of mmnd from our elected and administrative representa- tives. They will state they don't care. They should. It's their image and therefore Whitby's which is at stake here. Frank and Suse Eggert stories. There was open space for green grass and tri-es. And walk- ways. But our planners and councillors and residents said "No. Spread themn out. Cover up the ground." Put the same num- ber of units ail over the green grass area and they will approve it. And they did. Now we have less open spaoe iess green grass, fewer trees and no walkway. Instead we have asphait, asphaît, asphiait. Rues Wilde Port Whitby Impudent plan To the. editor. After reading the article about the new residential area, I feel the plan is impudent. I don't know why the planning director put the idea of building a walk- way on the plan it it was not an eventual part of the (Coscan) development. A m ore prudent plan could have been submitted to planning and development committee members. Eicen Law Whitby Plan needs public input To the. editor: I read with interest your recent article about Wihitby's officiai, plan (Feli. 15, 'Officiai plan review is wanted'). Town council seems ready to go te great expense ($150,000) to hire consultants te, help get Whidtby inte shape. I was surprised the article didn't mention an y plans te, ask Whitby citizens what they want te see on the plan. Surely there wili lie many public hearings scheduled so these "outside" consultants (who presumably don't live in Witby) can hear what local people want te, see included in our future. And surely the planners will base their decisions on this input. During the last election, for exan'pie, it becamne clear that many citizens want open green space written into the plan. They want natural areas protected from development. They want real parkland inciuded in every new housing. division instead of "cash in lieu" that disappears into the grass mowing fund. I wouid like very mucli to have a say in a revised officiai town plan and I bet a lot of other people would, too. I presumne a forum will lie provided for us to do so? Sinoerely, Margaret Carney Whitby .............. ........... ............ à 1 Y. e 1 M. Port Whitby will become &Fort Whiotby' PROFESSIONAL CLEANING We wiII tailor a service to fit your needs & budget Each office independently owned and operated Al employees insured & Ionded Ail homes supervised & inspected Alil clients' confident iality maintained è Al materials & equipment provided .~Cail For Quotes 428-7786 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -. I I I I I LIGHTER AND MORE POWERFUL THAN THE COMPETITION, NOW THAT'S PERFORAMANCE